Why are soyim and bugboys so afraid to accept Jarjar was a sith before the fan backlash forced a production decision...

Why are soyim and bugboys so afraid to accept Jarjar was a sith before the fan backlash forced a production decision change?

It's literally a solid argument. youtube.com/watch?v=8yy3q9f84EA

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The idea is so good to me that I don't want to accept it because it would mean the chance of seeing it realised was thrown away.

jarjar's face is genuinely grotesque

George Lucas isn’t that smart of a writer and Star Wars has too much brand recognition for backlash against anything to effect its profits.

>George Lucas isn’t that smart of a writer

What is Yoda reveal
What is the Princess isn't the Princess reveal
What is the Vader is Lukes father reveal
What is the Uncle Ben is a jedi reveal

No young soyim, it's you who does not understand the dark side

You know I expected this to be another circumstantial bullshit video that takes a few reddit posts and trawls them for vague assertions and half though out arguments but that was really good. The one thing about it is that if it were the case I think we would know for certain by now. This is Star Wars not some classified government thing, I doubt that with hundreds of people working on the prequel films that something as big as this could have stayed a secret for this long.

jar died cause his toy failed to sale

I like the R2 and Chewie being high level republic spies the entire time fan theory

If nobody knew the script existed besides Lucas and a few producers then it'd make sense to keep it a secret for the entirety of the trilogy, as it might undermine the films.

And everyone who read the scripts probably had to sign some crazy NDA that would be very expensive to breach; it's star wars, giving away the story is literally burning money. Unless the NDA had a time limit on it.

My take on it is that the small things from TPM are just confirmation bias, but that the character was almost without a doubt heavily rewritten and it's far from impossible that it was something along these lines. Even as his final result Binks is a very strange being.

The trilogy ended 12 years ago, I highly doubt that nothing about this would have come out when even the original draft of the script has been brought to the light of day:

It's not as if they're making money off of the prequels in 2017

I agree user, there's enough to support that at some point during writing they might have considered making him a sith but not enough evidence for more than that. It should be obvious that the actual Jar Jar is obviously not a sith lord in canon.

>It's not as if they're making money off of the prequels in 2017

Goy have you ever heard of TV and streaming distribution contracts? They don't get to show Star Wars for free. And 12 years might seem long but if the NDA stipulated you could never reveal what you read, then that's that.

IF the NDA, this is all based around an NDA and contents which you don't know

>Those fucking shifty eyes after he's done speaking

Holy shit.

Because little kids were meant to identify with Jar Jar.

Maybe in America but here the children understood that Jar Jar was a retard

I know that it would have existed and that the circumstantial evidence of the video combine to make a better argument than Lucas wrote a retarded character who droids hated and had acrobatic abilities no other Gunjuns had, and then he became an invisible character in the 2nd movie and Count Dooku gets shoehorned in randomly, all very haphazardly.

Okay Vincent we get it you like your video, but you don't have any proof of this NDA. You thinking you know something doesn't make it real.

NDA in regards to reading a star wars script, or any hollywood big production script, is standard fare.

Reddit is that way>>>>>

>IF the NDA, this is all based around an NDA and contents which you don't know

Learn to read, you don't know the content of the NDA

literally reeddit soy posting

Because it's stupid.

this fucking theory is retarded and all who believe at are also retards
>how can he jump so high
He's a fucking alien species and also cartoon stupid character
>he is using ancient drunked master technique to defeat those droids!
no idiots, its a fucking stupid slapstick scene in the movie that is full of stupid slapstick scenes
>how he can land in the other spot from where he was hanging!
shitty editing
>but he uses hand gestures and shifty eyes in key story moments!
yes, because that's how he is animated, this doesn't prove anything
>but his actions helped rise of the empire!
everyone's fucking actions lead to the rise of the empire, because palpatine tricked everybody, because the movie's story was stupid

Why did Palpatine keep hanging around this cretin?

Jar Jar is an annoying cartoon rabbit that can't speak properly and steps in poodoo. Making him a sith lord would only be done to retroactively correct the mistake of ever having him be in the movies in the first place. Meaning, it would be an admittance that his character was shit. It would also be extremely controversial among the fans and a slap in the face to George. Although they've already dick slapped George and divided the fans, so what do I know.

Wow those arrows have really convinced me good job Vincent

>What is Yoda reveal
Something that happens in a movie written by Lawrence Kasdan and directed by Irvin Kershner.
>What is the Princess isn't the Princess reveal
In Phantom Menace? Fucking retarded.
>What is the Vader is Lukes father reveal
See Yoda reveal.
>What is the Uncle Ben is a jedi reveal
The reveal in the original cut of Star Wars was awkward and clumsy. It was completely overhauled in the edit before the film ever actually released. Luckily, Lucas was surrounded by talented actors who helped fix his awful dialogue, and talented editors to make a good movie out of his mess.

he was supposed to become grievous