Dumbing of Age

Tonight, we gloss over Roz struggling with the lesson plan she was unprepared to deal with, because of course we do.

And Joe elicits a smile from me, because of course he does.

Six panels of Roz and one panel of Joe.
You sure are pushing your artwork skills to their limits, Willis.

Hell, the most he did with Roz was have her put the papers down. Also, Willis still hates drawing suspender buckles.

Oh god why did you have to remind me about the suspenders

As usual, Joe is the only funny one.

>dont know who tomi lahren is
>google her, first word i notice is "conservative"
>one of the first links is her defending free speech
i know we're not supposed to get too political here, but seriously, willis, not everyone that disagrees with you is evil

>Copy and paste

Well nothing to see here folks. Except Joe, cause clearly he's the only one in this story to have his shit together.

maybe she's temping as a seamstress and that's her measuring tape

Plus she's actually attractive, just not by Willis-standards.

I fucking rate everyone I see. And if you pretend you don't you're a fucking liar.

This strip also appears to be saying that you can be as judgmental as you want toward someone with the wrong opinions. Remember how much people loved fat-shaming Trump?

of course you can
if they have the wrong opinion, they're not even human, so feel free to judge, harass, and/or inflict violence upon them to your heart's content

I love how Roz obviously cares about her ranking on Joe's 'to do' list, but hates that she does at the same time

>Tonight, we gloss over Roz struggling with the lesson plan she was unprepared to deal with, because of course we do.
Outside of the nervousness implied by the "um," the first panel makes it seem like she didn't struggle that much. Or maybe Leslie didn't have much content for her "burn Robin for being a know-it-all" lesson plan. She is literally shirking her responsibilities to put on a one woman performance of Star Wars for Joyce right now*, so her doing a half-assed job should be expected.

Maybe we'll find out how it went months from now if she ever talks to Leslie about it.

*Or whatever the fuck she's doing in the kitchen while Becky works her gay magic on Robin.

And to think that mods were worried these threads were becoming more about Willis' politics than his shitty comic. I still argue the two are almost intertwined to the point that you can't have one without the other.

Anyways, Willis is insulting a woman ten to fifteen years his junior (she's 24).

Pic related; she's a solid 8.7/10. Twilight Princess up in this bitch.

I don't know why she's worried; the two banged before, so Joe must not have very high standards if she was lower on his list before.

>the first panel makes it seem like she didn't struggle that much.
If Willis were a competent writer, he could use this as an example of Roz being a natural teacher outside of her soapboxing, which pushes Roz from primarily being an activist and going forward and pursuing a career in education.

>I don't know why she's worried; the two banged before, so Joe must not have very high standards if she was lower on his list before.
I think he goes for 7+.

>Anyways, Willis is insulting a woman ten to fifteen years his junior (she's 24).
Gross and creepy.

>If Willis were a competent writer, he could use this as an example of Roz being a natural teacher outside of her soapboxing, which pushes Roz from primarily being an activist and going forward and pursuing a career in education.
Character development?? Do you know who we're talking about here?

>temping as a seamstress
Wouldn't put it past her.

>I think he goes for 7+.
Regardless, if he banged Roz before and she was lower than a ten, then it's not as if moving her up on his list is going to do anything for either of them. I don't even understand how the To Do list works other than that time Ted Danson was in that VHS tapes about teenagers being in love.

>Character development?? Do you know who we're talking about here?
I'm aware, I'm aware. I'm just saying that it would be a good idea for all the jokes and asides that Willis makes to, you know, go somewhere. Ernest Hemingway (I think) once said (I think) that every line you write in a story should serve one of two purposes: It should either advance the story or it should develop a character. Anything else is essentially useless padding.

Not to mention that she is actually pretty damned attractive, even if I disagree with most of the things she says.

People can be pretty and disagree with you, Willis.

>Ernest Hemingway (I think) once said (I think) that every line you write in a story should serve one of two purposes: It should either advance the story or it should develop a character. Anything else is essentially useless padding.
Vonnegut, actually!

And the To Do list is what Joe does to list women he wants to have sex with. Apparently doing it once doesn't remove them from the list???

And I guess he thinks he's doing her a favor by rating her as more attractive, which is (to me, a girl) a bit more disgusting than the idea of the To Do list itself.

I think one of the comics Joe mentions that he shares the list
So the higher rating would be for whoever else reads it, I guess?

I guess we both have a curse of being able to remember obscure facts about this horrible comic.

>Vonnegut, actually!

>the To Do list is what Joe does to list women he wants to have sex with.
So Joe has a list that every heterosexual male has in their head? And yet he feels proud of this?

>Apparently doing it once doesn't remove them from the list???
I mean, I doubt I would with my list. But I'd at least mark them off like a checklist. Y'know, to keep track.

>I guess he thinks he's doing her a favor by rating her as more attractive
That was my thought as well. Like, they've already had sex at least once. Would putting Roz higher on his list mean that he'd be willing to bang her more than once?

>which is (to me, a girl)
>me, a girl)

That's not even how an RSS feed works, unless the posts that Joe makes to the feed are each bulk updates to the list itself. Then an RSS feed would work.

>Anything else is essentially useless padding.
I disagree but that's because I want to write comedy. What Willis is doing is shitty padding regardless, but there should be some caveats given to gag moments, provided they don't deflate necessary tension (see: Cucumber Quest) or drag on too long (see: Paranatural and CQ)


That one is also a good example of pacing and plot going completely off the rails.

There's a few of them

It's a shame Jacob lost his fingers sometime between panel 3 and panel 5.

He and Dorothy go to the same support group.

I know that neither are really prominent characters, but Willis needs to do more stuff with Jacob and Joe together.

Hmm honestly this seems quite in character for a Joe/Roz interaction... Given Roz political stances it's reasonable to imagine that she strongly dislikes Tomi Lahren, and that Joe picks her to dismantle Roz's "all women are wonderful" blanket statement.

That being said, it's ironic how the whole abortion/free speech thing came out between when this strip was written and its publication, which surely would make a dent in Roz's perception of her as a two-dimensional foe.

Jacob and Joe make good foils for each other. It would have been more interesting for them to be roommates than for Danny to be with Joe and Jacob to be with Ethan.

>That's not even how an RSS feed works, unless the posts that Joe makes to the feed are each bulk updates to the list itself. Then an RSS feed would work.
Based on Willis's representation of technology and how it's used, I'd wager that Willis has no idea about anything tech-related. Makes you wonder if he's ever even heard of browsers other than Internet Explorer.

>Tomi Lahren is attractive

I guess Sup Forums really likes fiveheads