What would happen if your head was exposed to the vacuum of space for 20 seconds?

What would happen if your head was exposed to the vacuum of space for 20 seconds?

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It would be extremely painful

If it doesn't kill you from your blood boiling in your veins, it would probably cause a lot of damage to your organs and require medical treatment ASAP.

To follow up, it would cause the moisture in your eyes and mouth to sublimate in such a way that it would appear to be boiling and would certainly cause frostbite. It would probably fuck up your lungs and unless you kept your eyes shit it might range them as well.. It just so happens that an astronaut WAS subjected to a partial vacuum for a minute or so and survived, but I'm too lazy to find it. He didn't speak kindly of the experience.

Pretty sure the lack of pressure is what would you get you first

You talking about this?


>“As I stumbled backwards, I could feel the saliva on my tongue starting to bubble just before I went unconscious and that’s the last thing I remember,” recalls LeBlanc.

>about 15 seconds
>At most, an astronaut without a suit would last about 15 seconds before losing conciousness from lack of oxygen. (That's how long it would take the body to use up the oxygen left in the blood.) Of course, on Earth, you could hold your breath for several minutes without passing out. ~ Slate Aug 1, 2007

Because of the lack of bacteria in space, your corpse would be preserved for millions or even billions of years.

I hope I can get shot into space when I die, hopefully i'll end up as some necrophiliac alien's plaything.


Yes! Good work user


Your brain would get the succ


>Because of the lack of bacteria in space, your corpse would be preserved for millions or even billions of years.

what about the bacteria in your body?

It would probably be cooked out of what's left of you by cosmic radiation

you're forgetting about space bacteria nigga

Event horizon did this right, scary shit.

>Because of the lack of bacteria in space, your corpse would be preserved for millions or even billions of years.
I guess when I die I'll dress up like Superman and be shot into Earth's orbit. My cape-laden corpse will circle the globe for eternity, forever becoming a symbol of hope.
