10 years later, I still don't get the joke of this. Help a nigga out, guys

10 years later, I still don't get the joke of this. Help a nigga out, guys.

watching a movie in a room filled with kids sucks, so they need to buy a video player they can keep at home.

She loved the movie so much she wants a video player now. It's funny because it's a kid movie and the kid didn't like it that much.

She wanted to sleep in? It was mind-numbingly dumb by her standards?

She had such a bad experience with the noisy kids in the theater that she's demanding they buy a video player so she'll never have to go through it again.

this is it.

The clue is "kiddy matinee." If the joke wasn't about how terrible the rest of the kids were, it just would've been "the matinee."

This is like reading a multiple choice question, and this is the one throw off answer that is OBVIOUSLY wrong.

If you see a customer in need of help do you...
A) Finish what you are doing and then assist them
B) Quickly approach and ask if they need assistance
C) Take a picture with your phone to show your friends.

calvin was in the theater with a bunch of other children, they screamed and fought with each other while completely ignoring the movie

calvinmom was forced to babysit 100+ kids until the movie was over

she doesn't want to go back

> not understanding Calvin&Hobbes

do you live in a religious commune or something

Is it b?

It's obviously C you dingus.

I was asking if b was the right thing to do

lol, actually yeah.

Thanks buddy

Kiddy matinees are specific screening for little kids. The idea is that potentially very loud audience members, ie kids, can be quarantined to special screenings where they can interact and scream and react to the movie and only bother other kids and their parents, and not ruin a film for people who actually came to watch it. It can be pretty hectic.

They also have baby matinee movie screenings, it's kind of like a kindergarten with a movie playing on one wall. The kids and babies move around, play, make a lot of noise.

Baby matinees are different, they're for the mom's not the baby's. Usually an adult movie (grown-up movie, not what your'e thinking you sicko's) is shown and mothers can bring their babies with them as they watch. Since it's all moms doing stuff like breastfeeding or dealing with a crying baby aren't that big of a deal.

Calvin&Hobbes is the worst comic ever

Even Heathcliff is better than this pretensious shit

Calvin did something bad at the matinee. That's why he barely remembers the movie, he was too busy getting in trouble.

How do so many people not get this?


Just, no. The joke has already been explained. The kiddie matinee was a thing up until the mind nineties, originally a Saturday morning/afternoon affair that sold discounted tickets to kids for a bevy of family movies. It packed the kids into theater seats and was presumably profitable if a tornado of chaos. By the eighties, it was more of a summer affair: go spend 5 bucks or less and you watch a kid movie in the early afternoon, probably something that had come out a year or two ago but was super popular. Trying to get a crapdillion kids in a dark theater with popcorn is going to be chaotic and frazzling at the expense of the parents. This practice, as mentioned by Calvin's mom, became outdated because of VHS and DVDs.

The joke is she's not putting up with this crazy shit any more; if Calvin had done something stupidly bad, even if the event was left to our imagination, Watterson would have made that clearer. I was barely 12 when I read this strip and I didn't get it either until it was explained to me, so the joke is more for older parents who remember having to try to weather the experience.

If Calvin had done something bad, his mom wouldn't be threatening her husband to buy a damned VHS player. It's either a reward (something Calvin's behavior never illicits) or it's to keep her from having to put up with something worse.

1987 was 30 years ago anonymous

>hey everyone look how contrarian I am!
>Aren't I such a special snowflake?

Calvin didn't really "see" the movie because he was making a ruckus with all the other kids. Calvin's mom experienced this ruckus and vowed never again to go to a kiddy matinee.

It's not rocket science.

Get triggered at how accurately the C&H Sup Forums banner portrayed your ilk, did you? Shit, if anything, the man was a decade or so ahead of his time.

10 years ago was when I first read it.

But video player can't play the newest movies

This comic has no sense and it's not funny

I've never heard of a kiddy matinee before bruh

Calvin doesn't care about the movies, you can see it in the comic

so what's the point of going to cinema then