So how will Sup Forums feel is pic related replaces Barry as the main Flash next season...

So how will Sup Forums feel is pic related replaces Barry as the main Flash next season? It looks like that is a real possibility at this point.

At this point I don't give a fuck. The show became dull and not worth watching.

Maybe it's just the right thing to spice things up.

Did Flash have a shitty bottle episode like Arrow did?

Fucker needs a better costume then.

i stopped watching when they announced a speedster villain for season 2 after thawne and then took the best two rogues to fuck flash out of them.
although i like them in legends, having them for S2 like we should have would have saved this steaming pile of shit. Surprised anyone still talks about it here. And isn't S3 another fucking speedster too? lmao fuck this gay fucking earth, all my comics and nothing on the tv show to get excited about.

I stopped watching Flash mid season 2. Reminder that this, along with ARROW, were shit from the start and we gave them so much slack because we thought things would get better as they progressed

I'm really considering dropping the show after this dumb Barry-Savitar thing. But Wally becoming the Flash would be cool. Maybe not right now though. Definitely not next season.

Changing the main hero isn't going to influense shitty writing and everything affected by it aka retarded characters, predictable plot turns etc. So no, still not worth it. Also it seems this show took the exact way Arrow did since S3 so you can only expect pointless drama, drama for sake of drama, unnecessary love stories, love triangles and all kind of cw shit down your throat.

He's joining Teen Titans.
They already have Geoff writing it

Does Black Wally replacing Barry mean that Barry in the comics will finally get a replacement? Barry is basically a cancer now and The Flash comics wont get good again until we get a new speedster.

Swapping a character over wont magically stop the writing being shit

Now I lost all hope for the Titans show. I was hoping we would get white Wally. Without a good Wally or Roy what is there to titans?

He needs to either grow a big ass afro to stick out of that hole in his mask, or switch to a head-covering one, because open top mask doesn't work without big enough hair to go with it.
Also, he's got nothing in common with muh Wally from JL cartoon.
And he's a nigger too.

I'd finally have an excuse to quit watching since he's the only thing shittier than the show.

I stopped watching Flash after he went to Earth-2 to stop Gorilla Grodd and the whole episode was just him sat in a fucking cage with a quick fight at the end

Not only that, but Barry (and by extension Jesse and Wally) losing to regular fucking gorillas in a fight. I can buy Grodd given his mental fuckery and intellect, but that arena fight? Fuck you CW. Your writers fucking suck and cant think of legit ways for The Flash to face a challenge. Same can be said about the secret identity thing considering its just easier to have 12 people in on it

>legit ways for The Flash to face a challenge
What is a legit challenge for a guy who runs faster than a bullet though? There's just no way to beat him in a physical confrontation.

So it's just easier to turn him into complete and incompetent moron who haven't learned a single thing even though he's been using speedforce for almost 3 years now.

the rogues do it all the time, but keep holding your breath for them while you're fed this childish bullshit

Half the Rogues are designed to be just that. Captain Cold's Cold Field? Nonexistent. Mirror Master? Cant bother to do anything interesting with his power set and instead make him a portal hoping meta. Its laughable how bad Barry jobs on this show, and further cements him as a fucking idiot given how he forgets most of his powers

>an excuse to quit watching

The problem is that they made him too fast too soon. He should've had a more steady, slower increase on his abilities as the seasons went.

he will get the normal flash costume...