How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

That you should go back to

like you dusted off something buried in your .gif folder just to shitpost and get (yous)

That steroids are a cheap cop-out for people who don't want to put in the time and effort needed to legitimately get swole?

>beating up a neo nazi triggers Sup Forums
you bunch of pussies

>skipping leg day

Like /poltv/ cannot stop shitposting and being contrarian. I mean that even if they wanted to they could not stop at this point. I also know they genuinely like the show and want to talk about it but are so fragile and can't handle any criticism so they spam multiple threads saying how much they hate the show and how reddit it is but deep down really want to just post "hey, I like this show, let's talk about the new season" but this is the age we live in and any earnest emotion will get laughed at. We've gone back to a time where trying hard is met with derision.

I don't have brain damage and as a result I can safely say neo-nazis are pricks regardless of whatever meme you fell for on Sup Forums

Strong. :)

It doesn't.
I choose to feel.

Even a neo nazi is probably a better person than Rick.

in some ways, you are probably right about that.

I still feel like this whole bit wasn't funny. Like, I can get the joke with beating up the Devil, but this whole sequence just felt really gratuitous and self congratulatory. Where's the joke? Like, okay, Summer and Rick work out and beat up a bunch of assholes? It just feels like this really weird, out of place attempt at revenge-fantasy catharsis that didn't work at all.

Beating up Nazis is cool though.

I do believe that every single person that was being punished in that segment was a better person than Rick, even the Nazi.

Still, I thought that it was a fun moment. Although I do not support the usage of Steroids.


using violence to silence nonviolent fascists is like burning down a house to ashes so it won't catch on fire.

What if fascists use nonviolent means to rise to power and nonviolently oppress others?

Imagine being reduced to white-kinghting an animated depiction of a neo-nazi on the Sup Forums board of Sup Forums.

if someone freely admits to being a Nazi, its ok to punch them.

that's... the joke?

I'm brown so I really don't give a shit. But I do wonder if we'll ever see a rabid commie get the shit beaten out of him at least in cartoon form.


I wish I was doing the punching.


>nonviolent fascists

No such thing. Only temporarily nonviolent, due to circumstances. given any power and influence they would all turn to violence, as fascism as an ideology can not be implemented without it

>nonviolent fascists

We don't have enough buff Summer art.

>How does this make you feel?
Patriotic. Fuck nazis, fuck commies too

Well, Sup Forums is infested with them.

You libs call everyone you don't like a Nazi. I'll have you know this tattoo represents my love for the classic rock song 88 Luftballons.

>a rabid commie get the shit beaten out of him at least in cartoon form.
There's no real solid commie archetype like there is skinhead for fascists.

Desensitized, because the level of Rick & Morty and "Punching Nazis" content on the internet means that anything involving either of the two is just boring than anything. Like what? Am I supposed to be surprised to hear that Nazis are bad?

I too hate people who wear suspenders...

they're way more comfy and effective than a belt though

>wearing a belt at all

This is why Sup Forums will never know true freedom.

>implying I wear a belt
>implying I wear pants
>implying I don't wear suspenders to secure my strap-on, the only clothing I'm wearing
fucking feds, the lot of ya

>beating up a guy for having a symbol of peace on his shirt

That however pitched that has a really small penis.

It's not okay to punch people you'd it like unless they are actively harming you or someone else.

I mean, I get that hating on Nazis is a tradition, but it also fueled this vile "Punch a Nazi" movement. Shit like this is what Antifa idiots will cheer for.

Just so we're clear, I don't think this sort of thing causes people to act violently.

>tfw you hate both Commies and Fascists
Ancaps can also get fucked. Anarcho-monarchism is the way to go. All three should be offed.

This is idiotic, how can one oppress a group they can't physically retaliate against. Like, if the worst thing some one can do to you is call you names for doinging something they don't approve of, they aren't oppressing you.


>get into power
>"hey, it's now illegal for certain minorities to do X"
>"hey, in the name of cultural preservation whites or Christians get special protections" that others don't"

Fine. Nazis murdered a shit ton of people, they sparked a war which killed another shit ton of people and turn Germany into a bunch of ruins, fucked up every political debate for decades, if not for centuries and completly ruined national pride and patriotism for everyone, which was pretty much the only thing which is actually able to keep the big supernational companies and banks at bay and unite people of several races and cultures under one set of moral standarts. The only people who actually praised the old nazis are teeny tiny bluepilled stormweenies who still not see that they caused so much damaged in the larger picture that you almost can't count it.

The joke is about how everybody wants more satisfying endings, they continued after the devil to drive home that it was a joke.

And that was when she realized that she fucked up.

She fucked up so bad.

Like oh my god......

First, no matter how horrible someone's opinionating may be, you never have the right to attack them. If they are making clear and present threats of violence, call the authorities and have them arrested.

Second, there is a far more effective method of fighting facism than lashing out like a child. Just call them out on their bullshit whenever they have a public speaking thing. Argue with them, make reasoned arguments and solid points. Of course you won't convince them, but then you're not trying to, you trying to convince the people in the audience.

But no matter what, always remember that they are heir to the American rights as you, including the right to speak their mind in public without fear of violent retribution.

>Except they won't get into power if you just ignore them or mock them.
>Once you start attacking them it lends credence to their claims of being oppressed

Fuck right the hell off Antifa, you guys are domestic terrorists LARPing as freedom fighters.


Yeah, Nazis suck. And yeah, some of them do deserve a fist to the face. But everyone I've met who's always so excited about punching Nazis was also an intolerable edgy NEET who would probably cower if they met an actual Nazi. It's just inspired a bunch of scrawny dweebs into thinking they're revolutionaries.

>over opinionated on social media
>antagonizing someone larger and stringer than yourself
Yeah, she had that coming

>now illegal for certain minorities to do X
law is enforced via violence, they have a monopoly on it
a statw with no police is no state at all, certainly not an opressive one


Why the fuck is this so funny to me? Thanks for pointing that out.

>except they won't get into power if you just ignore them or mock them
Yeah, that's totally worked. The only reason there's a sudden resurgence in far right ideology is because everyone beat them up. That happened.

I'm not even saying "you should beat up nazis," just that wannabe fascist governments like to abuse free speech to get what they want.


okay now go defend a brother getting killed by cops, since you're such a bleeding heart

That's what I get for being a dirty phone poster, ment to say "Stronger"
Because dreads belong on dirty hippies or black stereotypes, my hair is curly as fuck and tries to twist itself up into dreads all the time and I always stop that shit.

I gotta know the reason why he was shot. He could have been a legitimate threat, I don't like it when people get killed, but sometimes there is no choice.

>thinking Sup Forums are nazis

Honestly, once you hear them out, they're honestly not comparable. Nazis were socialists. The vast majority of Sup Forums are just libertarian racists that intentionally take on the nazi mantle as a form of satire, since left wing liberals call everything nazis anyway.

They're not even really traditional italo fascists since that requires actual violent insurrection and extreme corruption. The only thing, literally thE only thing, they have in common with any of those old political parties is anti globalism and anti semitism.

Tbh this all happened because feminists couldn't leave well enough alone and gamer gate happened, and they awakened the slumbering autism dragon.

why shod care? this episode cane out 2 years ago, why is it getting popular again all if a sudden? it was funny at first but now it's just meh after all the reposts

why the fuck are we talking about something that came out long ago and only took up 5 seconds of a twenty minute episode (taking away commercials)

thanks for giving me a reason to use this

op is just mad that his nazi butt buddies aren't liked by that show and expects us anons to defend the nazi

Gamergate literally happened cause an asshole couldn't deal with being dumped

Sorry you don't like what other people have to say user, but I feel it says far more about you than it does them.

Also, yes, ONE OF THE REASONS far right nationalism is on the rise is because far left loonies lashout violently and give some form of legitimacy to the righties.

I don't like either side, but I hate the ones who've shown themselves to be violent thugs a whole lot more.

However, more than far right nationalism, there's been a moving of general political sympathies to the eighth. The left has proven themselves incompetent and against the common man. This means that a lot of reasonable people who aren't far right are just moving generally right. These perfectly reasonable people are being called Nazis merely for expressing conservative sympathies.

Fascists only respect power, they don't give a fuck about civility or logic except where it serves their ends. If you approach them from a stance of wanting reasoned debate, you are already weak in their eyes and worthy of nothing but scorn and domination.

So hell yes, you make a fucking show of strength and beat them into the dirt, even if it feels like a betrayal of everything you believe in, because those are the only terms they will ever respect or even comprehend. Fighting for freedom isn't about defending your own rights, it's about throwing yourself into the fray to protect people who will absolutely suffer if you don't.

>nazis were socialists

dude night of the long knives happened because hitler wanted to purge the socialist faction of the nazi party he literally kept calling himself national socialist because that was the popular thing at the time

>Nazis were socialists.
this is where you gave your intentions away

>the ones who have shown themselves to be violent thugs a whole lot more

Is that the college students who pepper spray people in righteous retard frenzies or the adults who say the white genepool should be preserved and that an ethnostate should be established?

>Don't you see? He said something I disagree with, that's why I had to throw glass at old people, pepper spray toddlers, start riots, set fire to a limousine, beat up a homeless black woman, fire bomb an office building, kidnap a mentally handicapped man and then scalp him on a livestream!

if only youtube was around in the 30s then the rationals would've debunked fascism and they never would've come to power

Rationality doesn't beat having a good scapegoat for a decline, like the jews/muslims

They were the ones shilling for it.

why are they beating up that poor jainist?

Being anti facism is a good thing

>being against fascism makes you a member of 2017 antifa

stop being gay

but it didn't you shitiot

It doesn't make me feel anything. Roiland has Rick beating up Nazis or the "God hates fags" dude but also has him kill an alien race because they embarrassed him and has a slave race powering his car.

It's all just nonsense

>Some ways

Rick is pretty OK with genocide

That's why I agree with being hard on North Korea

Rick is worse than that person they are beating up. Possibly Summer too, who is also a shitty person like the rest of her family.

Summer was working with the fucking Devil knowingly cursing people in that very episode because of "like sweatshops or something"

Most of that was just regular democrats during election season.

Sup Forums is /tumblr/