Peter parker wasnt a hip nerd, he was autism tier nerd. Why is this fact getting buried?

Peter parker wasnt a hip nerd, he was autism tier nerd. Why is this fact getting buried?

What are you referencing? The Amazing Spider-man was 5 years ago man

>Some day I'll show them! Some day they'll be sorry!
Peter was so close to shooting up his school I swear


Peter's anger issues are the unsung foundation of his character


Pete's face was oddly... rectangular in his early days


>All these anons never being so mad at someone that they want to beat the shit out of them

Peter's human, and he's a fucking nerd who is mocked and shit on constantly. A huge number of his enemies reflect what most people would do if they were shat on and got powers (revenge, abuse of their abilities, etc). Peter was never a saint, but he was responsible. Of COURSE he wants to kick Flash's ass, and one time he even got a shot at him in a boxing ring, but he will never let that frustration and anger control him. It's not autistic to feel anger or hate, it's being a person who has been put down their whole life, and now when they finally have a means to turn it all around, they can't even use it.

That's why Spider-Man at his prime is one of the best superheroes. He isn't an ideal or a perfect person, he's just a guy trying to do the right thing even when he hates it.




You could say he was kinda of a square.


>that coloring

Who's the girl? And what is she made of?


I forget her name but she's a sentient swarm of bugs and a sort of lesser deity/greater spirit of the wild

Tangled Web of Spider-Man #1-3, AKA "That time Garth Ennis wrote Spider-Man".



>spiderman peeling off skin because sticky finger tips.

Holy shit.

>Those eyes just faintly visible in the dark
Always spooky


>Posting that version of the color.
Jesus Wept

It's a variant on one of Kaine's favored tricks, he called it "The Mark of Kaine".



No one likes your kind.




I was under the impression that it was the other way around; Kaine's mark burned because it was Peter's clinging power taken to unsafe levels. Which is why it actually melted flesh instead of just pulling it off.


Always loved this one. Logan had no idea what can of worms he opened.


I find it concerning how peter refers to spoderman in the third person. If only he knew he was actually SPIDER MAN

>Spider Jerusalem takes gonzo reporting too far

The way aunt may and uncle ben are treating him makes me uncomfortable. They're dressing him like a middle aged man but talking to him like a 5 year old


Peter most likely just throw a Molotov Cocktail in the school and watch it burn

I'm pretty sure 90% of his clothes are Uncle Ben's. That shirt is clearly too big for him, while vests can be tightened at the back and the pants held up with a belt


What the fuck is jamesons problem anyways?

Wheatcake times were different, user. For example, Peter is likely wearing a cumber-guard, a complex undergarment, involving an arangement of interlaced garters and woven elastic, popular diring the years between the second World War and Kennedy Administration.

I have such a weird fan theory on Spidey. That the bite also made him more Spider like mineset side. Him joking around is a good way to keep him focus. Once he stops the quips he gets more spider like and in doing so gets fucking freaky as fuck. Same happened in the early 90's when he became "The Spider"

Funny how he ended up cucking flash after high school

Google gives me nothing

He almost looks like poggy

is no one going to post his fight with DD during the Death of Jean DeWolff arc?

Arrow. At least, it's the name she gave to Flash.

another way to look at it is he's more of a spider-connected mini-hulk. His origin is exposure to exotic radiation, and while they um and arr about what his strength range is, its been shown that when push comes to shove he can just keep getting stronger until he's able to move whatever huge thing he's struggling with

This is a pretty awesome spiderman thread.

I need some more spider books in the collection recommendations?

what do you currently have?

You...I like you.

This is the worst coloring ever.

I want a What If? where Ben is killed in a way that isn't Peter's fault and he becomes a villain without the sense of responsibility.

there was kinda one in edge of spider-verse
but the uncle ben analogue was an abusive stepdad kinda guy and it was the peter analogue who killed and ate him

Fuck that digital recoloring.

Theres just something that doesn't look right when you take "old" comic book art and color it like it's a modern comic with all kinds of realistic shading and tones. It just makes it look to slick.

It's kind of interesting when you see some character with PG powers use them in an extremely violent way. Like when Kitty Pryde phased someones heart out, Kurt teleported someones head off in Age of Apocalypse, Flashpoint Plastic Man exploded someone from the inside out.

the lineart was done with the expected coloring in mind modernizing the coloring while just darkening the lineart undermines both. you gotta redraw the whole damn thing if you want it to not look like ass

>hip nerd



I prefer the astronaut angle

>Peter was always autistic guys!
>Peter could've been a school shooter, guys!

I seriously hope you people aren't actually working for Marvel because it would explain why writing and characterization are a problem there now.

not an opinion

>straight up asks a girl out

Peter was more confident than I was in high school.

congratulations, you are a level of pathetic even below that of a shy beta male

Sometimes that's for the better. Like if you're so out of touch you ask out the crowd of thots that tegularly torment you for being a nerd to a science exhibit

>asking out a whole crowd of thots

Question: Were Aunt May and Uncle Ben ever NOT old?

we don't speak of those troubled times

That's what he did. While they were hanging out with their boyfriends

That was a different story.

The spider woman eaten by birds is from PAD's Friendly Neighborhood, I think.


remember when spidey was kinda top dog? I often fought the fantastic four and beat them all.

Pretty sure there's something like that already, if I only I hadn't forgotten the exact title, anywwat Uncle Ben doesn't die and Peter becomes a very vain Spider-Man, he is still a hero but one who doesn't really care and just does stuff to impress people and score chicks, however his actions get someone else killed in the end, Daredevil, making this Peter more or less accept "with great power..." through Daredevil's death.

>that coloring job

I want to find the person who did that and punch them hard enough to destroy their entire reproductive system.

Seriously - if Marvel must digitally color stuff again, they should stick to the original coloring style instead of adding unnecessary shading and shit.

Like this.

Please don't ask for things like that.