Luke Skywalker

Did he remain a virgin for all of his life?

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Ask the sea sloths about it

Probably. And the poor dude couldn’t fap either looking at that hard metal hand of his. No wonder he got so messed up.

No, he married Mara Jade

Yeah but that is what Luke so powerful. His purity (or virginity) was the source of his Jedi strength.

If he didn't get laid at that party at the end of ROTJ he deserved to be one, his choice just saying coulda got any woman or man after that celebration?

Jedi have to remain celibate
it is the source of all their power
for you see, when the male's semen is retained in the body instead of wastefully expelled during masturbation or sex for pleasure, the semen then is re-absorbed by the body, it travels up through the spinal cord, where it is "anointed" by the "oil" in the spine, known as cerebrospinal fluid.
once the "anointed" semen has reached your brain, it activates the pineal gland, which then begins to excrete a "sweet like honey" substance which then, again, travels back down and through the spine and out into the blood, and therefore throughout the entire body. Thenceforth your entire biochemistry is catalyzed and transformed by this process.
save your seed

or ewok

u forgot to mention midiclorians

>was a paragon of virtue and goodness for 3 films
>had sex
>became the kind of nigga who shanks a sleeping kid
Johnson is a genius and TLJ is kino.

no he fucked princess leia at the end of new hope offscreen before george bastardized the story more.

He used porgs for fleshlights


>fap with normal hand
>finger boipucci with hard metal hand
Luke can fap better than you can.

According to Disney, our dear Luke's a pedophile.

Is it bad that I want to watch that mouse fuck Luke

This makes sense.


The expanded universe actually reveals that Obi Wan took Luke's virginity

Get out of here Rich Evans

I always knew that sleazy old fuck was up to no good.

no, he got fucked hard by Rian Johnson

Did he get raped by Obi Wan's force ghost?