This doesn't actually work you fucking hacks

This doesn't actually work you fucking hacks

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What is he doing, sucking venom out?

you do remember episode 3 right?

Yes which is next to impossible to do in real life and will just transfer the poison to your mouth

>sucking at the wound of a monkey

Isn't that how AIDS was invented

Reminder that realismfags aren't real Samurai Jack fans.

So, I see Jack's a leg man.

How do you know? It never happened to you.

I mean stuff like fighting aliens and cat warriors is just suspension of disbelief, it's a cartoon of course.

But an action like this which is supposed to be taken as face value as something that's plausible isn't ok.


Somebody just saw the facebook clickbait article about this and is getting salty over cartoons because of it

Works on my machine

I took an elective in ecology

What does studying about money have to do with that?

Fuck off, I've seen a man sucking venom out of his own dick, so, it has to be true.

Venom only works when it's in your bloodstream. Which yes, your heart pumps so fast that sucking the wound does nothing but also you can drink a gallon of snake venom and be fine even with open sores.

Ninja Jim was born before science.

Tell me, do you happen to like that ep where Jack climbs a huge ass mountain?..




Just let the sexy be sexy, damn!


I bet 10 million dollars she dies at the end

I take you on but my bet is that jack dies and Ashi lives on to tell his tale

That's the one thing about this show that you couldn't believe? This is a universe where people can dodge bullets and solo whole armies or taverns full of bounty hunters

She dies in the end and Samurai Jack find the portal but instead of going back to save his family he decides to save Ashi

Wilderness EMT here. Can confirm. Venom defuses into tissues, be it insect, snake, or anything else, there is no "blob" travelling to your heart like people imagine. Best thing you can do is airlift someone to the closest antivenom holding center.

>Wilderness EMT here
>Best thing you can do is airlift someone to the closest antivenom holding center.
I don't know man, sounds sketchy to me.


Yeah but its the best solution we have. Antivenom has to be refrigerated at very specific temperatures so unless you have a mobile miniature climate control device you can't take that shit with you into the field. When people actually try this "suck and spit" bullshit often you end up with two dying motherfuckers since it crosses through the very thin vascular membranes in your tongue and cheeks as well.

Sounds expensive and unnecessary, honestly. I'll just sleep it off and be good to go in the morning.

i wish I was an anime character too user

"Ashi" is "legs/feet" in Japanese.

Damn, you are stupid, OP.

A true patrician

Not unusual, not all EMTs have to be either Ambulance Riders or Emergency Techs.


Wanna see something cool you can do in fiction?:
>show where drinking blood scientifically makes you stronger
>Surprise, its alien blood, so all logic is thrown out the window.

Wasn't that amazing? I guess you CAN suck out ALIEN poison huh?

>x isn't ok.

This isn't tumblr, you fuck.

I know it dont work like that in real life, but its a cartoon where jack gets constantly smashed through rocks like its nothing. Magic poison sucking powers arent a stretch. Also we dont know if its poisonous, i might as well be something that induces paralysis or pain

You can just say "its alien poison, show me the rules for alien poison" and call it a day. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the green goo that soaked into their skin cause some kind of libido effect on them, and they surrendered to it.

>It wasnt poison
>It was aphrodisiac all along
>They were soaked in it.

I bet you Ashi is pregnant with his kid, Jack dies, and the son has to continue on to fight Aku

Wanna see something cool I did in fiction?:
>get into a fight
>cut my arm down the road style with my teeth and drink my own blood
>all of existence is moving four-times slower for me
>can no longer feel pain
>All the ladies begin to stare at me in amazement

Are you an alien? If so, then it needs no explanation. Do you get mad when magic happens and isn't explained?

it's just an excuse

>Do you get mad when magic happens and isn't explained?
Kind of.


>Venom only works when it's in your bloodstream

It gets into your bloodstream through your gums dummy


Your stomach acids dissolve it, dummy dum

so far I have heard of no protein or polypeptide chain found in animal's venom that will survive stomach acid

It doesn't actually look like she was envenomated. No fang marks, or signs of insertion of any appendage of kind.

Looks more like the pillbug thing just secreted some sort of acid on her, which actually makes it weirder. Yes, it is impossible to suck venom out, but if it really is a caustic substance, it makes you wonder why jack would have his mouth on it.

Regardless, my autism over scientific hullabloo cannot overcome my joy at this episode, and all the salt that came with it.

Why is he just letting his hand get fucked up by that monster? Is this how emos hurt themselves now?

It can't actually bite that hard, and what you're seeing is the secretion of a caustic fluid that's supposed to taste horrible to predators, hence why I included it in my post.

Most buggos I've interacted with are surprisingly docile

>this isn't tumblr


>alien venom is the same as earth venom

1. The hand belongs to a she.
2. The bites aren't that hard, it's like a hard pinch.
3. The fluid is for show.


Considering the device kills the slime Ashi and Jack are soaked in, I think the slug monster turns its victims into more slugs, and the slime is part of that.

>Antiquated man does antiquated things

Perhaps it targets any cells or secretions produced by any part of its exocrine system. Anything related to it will get Pence'd.

>Which yes, your heart pumps so fast
That's assuming asnake bite is injected in a major vein like a doctor injection, which is unlikely.

Gums are before the stomach you idiot.

Venom is not caustic. it will not immediately dissolve epithelial tissue unless it's a potent cytotoxin (Even then it's not dissolving, but causing cell death). Unless you have a cold sore or some other wound in your mouth, you will not be envenomated by swallering the stuff

>will just transfer the poison to your mouth

That's the point, you know.

Top kek

Oh, and I forgot, that is assuming your saliva does not already do a number on any cytotoxic proteins found in the venom. Given that people often drink Eastern Diamondback venom for a thrill, I'd say it does



So what to do in a wilderness far away from hospitals if your friend got bitten by a venomous creature?

>I know how fictional aliens work


is Zone going to have a field day with all those grunts, groans, heavy breathing, name shouting, "I can't hold it much longer"s, aphrodisiac leech poison, and leech squelching sounds?

"The alien bit Ashi. I must extract the venom before it spread through her veins, like in the movies"

That's a cute snook.

Neither does this. Nothing makes sense in SJ.

Now whats your point? Oh, right you don't have one. You're just bitching for the sake of it.

It's a cartoon you cockmongling retard

I always thought Jack was gay. I don't like this new direction at all.


cut off the leg


Jesus christ this shit is terrible. I'm supposed to be watching an action show not a cheap porno.


That does make sense. I actually did it. I can just a lot higher now than before thanks to it.

Not to mention weighted training has been proven time and again to work, just like training at higher altitudes.

Well yes that is me. An entire episode was wasted on unwanted heterosexual romance.

The first battle of Aku took three entire episodes to resolve.

I swear to god if he fights Aku 2 on 1 with Ashi I'm going to be very angry.

I literally just now realized that Zone can use the heavy breathing voice clips.


It's not even bigger than his hand. Stop lying.

This gets me about ashi, why couldn't genndy design her to not look retarded from the side

Because he's a hack slavshit.

I wanted it.


>Ashi is a strong female cha-

These tumblr freaks need to be fucking killed.

Well your wants aren't important like mine are.

quick someone comission high-on-fairydust

Why? Why does Jack need sex?

>implying Jack will fight Aku
>Implying s5 won't end the same way s1-4 ended
>Implying Genddy won't tease us with "It will resolve in s6 :^) let's get in greenlight"

A question worthy of a tumblr subhuman.

I thought he was always so disciplined and laser focused on staying alive in a apocalyptic hellscape that he didn't have time for romance.
he did have chemistry with female-aku though so he is probably straight

I just made the connection, the anti-Ashi fags are all from tumblr/the fujoshit thread.

I'm just gonna end it with this. Nobody is ever going to rewatch this season.

It's not about sex. It's about love. Everyone needs someone to love and Jack has been alone for nearly a 50+ years.

It's a leech with acidic blood that melts minor organics. I doubt it bit enough to get into a major bloodstream and it's unlikely the blood itself is a major toxin since it doesnt actively inject them to its victims