Oglaf - Savage Sleep of Sonja

>She cosplays herself
>She devils sea devils by the sea shore

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Previous story for those that missed it: desuarchive.org/co/thread/91976787/#91976787
>to see the hidden bear story view with no style in Firefox

>no style

And if you block all images...

Isn't mousing over the image all that's required?

No, it shows a different sentence. I'm trying to take a screenshot but it's a bit hard with the software I have.

You can also just do an "inspect element" on the comic.

Dude, just look at the source.

But I like screenshots so much ;_;

Why would she have to fuck him?

I know its a parody comic but I really quite like this Red Sonja design.

It keeps the iconic characteristics and makes her more individual, rather than just a costume.

She's delirious.

Shes tired and confused...or shed know shed lose

In her weakened state, maybe even she knows she'd lose.

It's just the stereotypical Red Sonja comic design with a different face. They've tried to give a bit of individual character to the face, I guess, because she's usually just "generic pretty"

>I will flay the man I send to flay you.
This is truly a divine tier insult.

>his agony will make your flaying slow and erratic

I know, right?

Sithrak x Mistress OTP

What if Sithrak is Ivan?

A friend has given me a bunch of Sithrak traits he got when he was on a business trip to the US.
He apologized for not getting actual Chick tracts, as those are much funnier

They know.


The problem with Oglaf isn't that it's hit-or-miss (I think it hits more than it misses, overall) but that every time I read a good Oglaf strip I'm reminded of Platinum Grit.


I think I'm in love...

You can't fall in love with anything you haven't defeated.

The hairy lifeboats metaphor might be too deep for me unless it's just more random innuendo