/who/ - Doctor Who General

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferring in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd.


Other urls found in this thread:


I'm back.

What's /who/ with you?

Who had the best introductory episodes?
>9: Rose / The End of the World / The Unquiet Dead
>10: The Christmas Invasion / New Earth / Tooth and Claw
>11: The Eleventh Hour / The Beast Below / Victory of the Daleks
>12: Deep Breath / Into the Dalek / Robot of Sherwood

Who had the best final episodes?
>9: Boom Town / Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
>10: The Waters of Mars / The End of Time pt 1 / The End of Time pt 2
>11: The Name of the Doctor / The Day of the Doctor / The Time of the Doctor
>12: World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls / Twice Upon a Time

t. tripfag

What is your opinion on dragon's beard candy.

Just finished watching TUaT about half an hour ago.

You know what they say about dragons ;)

Alright, plenty to chew over from Twice Upon a Time, here are some of thoughts of mine spilled out.

I think it was a great swansong...for Marigold.

Overall thoughts - messy, and not in the sense of "madly brilliant and era-defining" mess of Time of the Doctor, more in the "scattered ideas, some that work really well, but not quite the sum of its era's parts" mess of Death in Heaven. The importance of memories to identity, the Doctor's prevailing trait being kindness, finding inspiration to stay brave and keep persevering through life/lives, these are all fine themes, but I think the episode was haphazard in its handling of them, and never really had as powerful or definitive a statement as, say, The Doctor Falls was full of.

Looking at Testimony - capturing people at the moment of their deaths to extract knowledge from them (the Extraction Chamber from Hell Bent), capturing people at the moment of their deaths to fiddle around with their consciousnesses (Missy's plan in S8), kind of metaphysical idea of how important memories are to identity, the "to what extent a new Doctor constitutes a new character" question kind of flows on nicely from there...my mind was stirring around these ideas during the special.

I was pleasantly surprised by Moffat's restraint in not out-and-out making the "returned" Bill and Nardole (and Clara) properly unquestionably returned but memory constructs of arguable merit...sure you can take Bill's view on it, and I'd imagine Moff's own sync up closer to that, but he left the door open to consider it a bit more cynically, and don't mean left it open in the "someone could jam a 4 hour audio in here about Heather actually being a Cyberman" (now who'd do that?), but an actual explicit-in-the-text hole to consider it from another, less super everything's-happy perspective.

As for 1...sigh. I enjoyed Bradley's performance in a vacuum. I liked 1 and the Captain together a lot. 1 and 12 and 1 and Bill had some good moments together too. I felt like he was underutilised and as for the chauvinistic remarks...eughr. People have vocalised complaints around those better than I have, iirc N8 had a good link to a tumblr page that articulated the issues there really well. This reminds me of my issues with School Reunion; I dislike characters being brought back then coasting off fanservice brownie points for being brought back at all while their characterisation is clumsily manipulated to turn them into a complete prop for another character's story.

I actually thought the Clara cameo was handled as well as it could have been. It hurt to see Jenna and Peter clearly weren't on set the same day together, but they acted the hell out of it as best they could anyway.

The more I think on the special, the more that focus on memories swirls around as the main thing for me. It hinges off a portrayal of the First Doctor drawing from vague cultural memories around the character instead of the actual actor's or character's specific traits, the story goes through the memory/fanservice tour (Rusty, Brigadier family, New Earth, TARDIS lifted via claw like the 50th, returning companions, not to mention Marigold's musical victory lap), the antagonist is based around duplicating memories, 12's "reward" is a restoration of his memories (and his era has frequently ruminated on the importance of memories and built key scenes and relationships off rebuking the show's former treatment of such things, e.g. Donna's ending)...the slightly more implicit note is how memories don't just arguably constitute characters, but different iterations of the Doctor as well. Are 12 and 1 the same character to the same extent Bill and memory-Testimony-Bill are? I'd say much moreso, but it's a point I feel the episode swirls around.

How long until the Testimony turns into Roko's Basilisk?

12's final speech is like a reclamation and vocalisation of advice he holds dear, both to himself and to that future regeneration. Hell, 11's last speech was about never forgetting "when the Doctor was [me]", followed by 12 immediately forgetting how to fly the TARDIS. TUaT works well as a bookend in that sense. One of the things I loved most about Time of the Doctor was how it retroactively tightened up the thematics of 11's era by bringing them into greater and more explicit focus. TUaT couldn't really do that since 12's era consistently had that kind of thematic focus the whole way through, but it did leave a neat note on some of the key themes of the era. I can't deny that it felt airless after a finale that did so much better though. I don't mean that in the sense of plotless - the comfy lack of plot and villain was right down my alley, I really liked that, one of my favourite aspects of the special. I just mean that it felt kind of rudderless and like it putted around without developing its themes to as great of an extent as it could have. It's clearly taking the kindness speech from The Doctor Falls and ruminating over it over a special, while developing some other ideas along the way, but I never felt it made its point half as definitively as that episode.

There were a lot of grace notes I enjoyed (though the script could have done a neater job tying the Christmas Armistice in neater with some of the special's themes, then again I'm usually the first to praise Moff's implicit writing of themes) , but it all felt a bit inconsequential and for all I think 12's last adventure being with 1 is absolutely perfect for his character and era, I can't deny that perhaps the original conception of The Doctor Falls where 12 regenerates at the end might've been preferable to me. Who can really say though? We'll never see it, and it's easy to build up an unwritten ideal in your head.

Well, that was a surprise.

Hello, Neo! How are you?

Perhaps my biggest issue was I felt The Doctor Falls walked 12 to such a specific suicidal point that mostly implicit handling of it didn't quite work for me. Yes the special clearly revolved around resolving that but that was a serious, heady state of mind for 12 and I think it needed a bit more explicit dealing-with.

12's last speech, you could definitely feel Capaldi's hand there (his name being heard by children at special moments, that's a Capaldi idea not a Moff one). The specifics of the speech don't ring as powerful or true to me as, say, 9 or 11's, but the decision to more or less explictly address his future self worked really well for me, and felt like the earned move. "I let you go" transcended the rest of the speech imo.
Oh for what it's worth, I dearly loved Gatiss' performance.
Talalay did a fantastic job (as expected - I was particularly impressed with how she staged 13's scenes, as well as the general use of colour in the special, also I'm definitely gonna make some cinegrids cause there was loads of fantastic shots), I was pleased to hear Marigold trot out some old motifs (although I wish he'd developed more great new ones, the way he did with multiple tracks in the S10 finale for example), and the VFX on the new time vortex looked fantastic, like a mix of the watery tunnel on the back of that old promo pic for S5 with the vortex of Tom's intro.

I feel like what this story signifies works better for me than what it actually did. I'll need a rewatch or two to settle my thoughts a bit more. In any case - farewell Capaldi, farewell Moff, farewell my favourite era of the show. It was a fantastic run, it was what I always wanted the show to be, and now maybe S11 will be that for someone else - so, "I let you go".

Bravo Neo, and thank you.


A mite sick but happy I finally got time to watch the special, good to see the pasta is out in force!

People keep asking if Neo's back...yeah, I'm thinking he's back!

So now we have a woman doctor, the next doctor will obviously be a tyrone, but i hope we get a cute japanese loli doctor after that

>I can't deny that perhaps the original conception of The Doctor Falls where 12 regenerates at the end might've been preferable to me.

I like how this episode gives Twelve a chance to come to terms with his regeneration. From the reluctant denial of "I don't want to go", to the wistful acceptance of "I will always remember when the Doctor was me", to Twelve's "Doctor, I let you go." * As meta-growth, the Doctor's become ready to move on, and in each regen you can see the growth of the overall Doctor concerning himself.

Just "Time Enough" isn't enough time for the Twelfth Doctor to handle the themes of his life, and come to term with his death. TUAT gives him that.

*("I let you go" also functions as a callback to Bill's earlier "Hard to let the Doctor go.")

A Japanese loli with a furry as her companion.

Actually, I suspect we'll get another female Doctor, possibly of a non-white race. Then, we'll get a male Doctor.

I suspect an oirish doctor.

Sucks that you're sick. I hope you get better soon.

And happy you like the pasta. Any edits you wanna make?

Also, I need to talk to Cathartic. Can you tell him to say hello to me, please?

>my face when 13th doctor actually falls and just fucking dies again in the start of the next episode


They're going to have to let everyone have a go. No discrimination.

and then regenerates into another white male within the first 2 minutes of the show

Holy fucking shit, the sjw tears would cause erth shattering tsunamis

Awesome text.

>He dosent know how right he is

AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHaaaaaaHAHAHA, dont worry it's "Powerful" and really sends a message about self sacrifice...AHAHAHAH

Does your uncle work at the BBC?

this throws off my plan completely, I was expecting the BBC would play it safe and have a conventional white male for 13, then have a female for 14, black person for 15 and then after that it's random.

Now I suspect the next Doc will be female and then after that it's random.

Interesting to hear your opinions on this. The stuff about memories really does strike a chord with me; the episode is far more about subtext and changes than it is about wacky plots and funny jokes.

One thing I thought is that the story actually feels very small in scope, but when you think about it, it really isn't.

Weirdly enough, I think one of the best concepts was the Captain's fear of death, and how it seemed fine at the time but hurt more the more he thought about it. It was an excellent parallel to the Doctors' stories, and I think that's what Moffat is a master of.





>Thoughts on this episode?

>HELLOOOO Sup Forums!


Why so many tripfags here?

>I was pleasantly surprised by Moffat's restraint in not out-and-out making the "returned" Bill and Nardole (and Clara) properly unquestionably returned but memory constructs of arguable merit

Having taken a look at the Lesswrong community, and read some of /r/rational, I thought it was interesting how the episode took, to me, the tack that "they are the memories", or "it doesn't matter anyway", which is a very transhumanist take (which is that there's no difference between you and an uploaded clone with your memories. Which seems fine, until you get to the "you can kill me, if there's a uploaded memor-clone around, because we're the same"...or "I can kill my uploaded clone, and it isn't murder, because we're the same." That's not all transhumanist, but that is a thought process that one can be led to.)

I hadn't considered the connection to the Doctor's regen, though.

Hello, Lym! I hadn't considered the "fear of death" parallel. That's quite correct.

>Doomsday theme starts playing

/who/ usually has more than average, they're all coming back from spoiler quarantine

le got chills the first time that happened

Anyone else find it surreal to see Vale play into 1 regenerating?

It's the best thing to come out of China since paper and shrimp dumplings.

Has anyone listened to the First Doctor Adventures yet?

And would you be so kind as to upload them to the mega?

I'm curious to compare Bradley's performance as one here, esp by someone who's specifically trying to recreate the original era, instead of bringing the character into the modern era. I'm also curious as to which was recorded first, TUaT or the Adventures

Why the fuck did 1 have '60s era Earth values/opinions? It made no sense for a Timelord from another planet to get his values from Earth
>oh stfu retard it was because he was like that in the show
If we're going by this then why did he name the planet Gallifrey? 1 never did that, because that planet wasn't named until more than a decade after the show started, this was just retardation on Moffuck's part.

It doesn't make sense but that was exactly what he was, so just accept it.


Posting my story one more time in the thread. If no one else has any suggestions I'll add the spacing suggestion the other user suggested and submit as is.




Fuck her accent is so shit. Can't understand shit.


You'll get used to it. I couldn't understand Capaldi at first.

It's stuff like that that makes me think the ep will grow on me on a rewatch.

Hi Neo
I got chills when "All the Strange Strange Creatures" started playing in the beginning, but I thought a couple of scenes felt weird with old music on, specifically when Bill and 1st Doctor had a conversation.

What did you think of Jodie's scene?
What did you think of Rusty?
How was your Christmas?

I want an entire series with that first doctor.

I think Moffat was in two minds when writing this - stuff for the casual comfy Christmas viewers, and then the stuff for people more inclined to look for subtext. The episode is full of all these different parallels, so clearly there were more superficial and obvious ones made for jokes, such as the sunglasses/sonic jokes, and despite it being out of character, One's dated jokes. It's pretty clear to me that those were more played for laughs than being a legitimate deconstruction of character - Bill and the Doctor laughing at it at the end is really what hits that home, because it's like having a grandfather who makes moderately offensive jokes at the Christmas dinner table. It's not necessarily just saying "oh, look how far society has come since then!", it's about being able to laugh over past mistakes that make you cringe now.

Tbh I thought the "Murray farewell tour" song choices were jarring as fuck and detracted from the episode in virtually every instance.

It's based. 13 will make Yorkshire accents mainstream.

My Superman/10th crossover was included? Or do I have to write another?

Hey dude!
Me too! I loved hearing some old tracks although yeah sometimes it felt weird.

Really liked Jodie's scene, loved how it was filmed especially.
Really mad I got Rusty spoiled by that magazine page showing him already, I should have left /who/ earlier. Reminder Rusty surviving was a last minute change to Into the Dalek!
Christmas was alright, first Christmas away from home/family but I had a nice time with the other expats here.
Your thoughts?

Even the Doctor's Theme/9's theme? I would have preferred more new stuff myself yeah.

Has he finally gone too then?

Is he being sincere in saying that he's being insincere?

It doesn't make sense, because the First Doctor actually has a straight-up gay companion in the audios, and he tells that companion "Nothing's wrong with you. Society is the one with the problem." The fact that BF could have the First Doctor say that, without him seeming out of character, means that being of the '60s wasn't intrinsic to him.

Add the spacing, then post for review. People probably aren't reviewing due to the spacing (I'll look it over, though).

Still no official announcement, but it was circulating from multiple sources a while ago, and the sudden use of old RTD era themes in TUAT all but confirms it.

Sincerely, insincere!

Well, the doctor's theme wasn't too bad (although the music right at the start of 13's scene took away from the moment - there's an unscored edit of it that reveals how much impact that first minute, before she blows everything up, could have if left totally silent. youtube.com/watch?v=MRyxL53Oavo)

But stuff like Doomsday randomly playing was just bizarre.

Just the fact that all the most ridiculous SJW types are strangely enamored with Doctor Who keeps me twenty miles away from the franchise.

Without seeing a single episode I want to massacre the producers and actors and burn everything and scrub internet from any mention of this garbage. Day of reckoning is coming. Repent. Mere association let alone producing anything SJW types love is punishable by death and to be eradicated from history.

why are cletuses so fucking weird

Doomsday playing in that scene with 12 and 1, was very out of place, killed the vibe for me.


Not enough Clara's Song from mur@ygold. The memories are everything. Without the memories then the best of 12 is lost to him. Without the memories he is not the Doctor. Without being the Doctor he's just some slit falling to her death.

>keeps me twenty miles away from the franchise.
>posts in the franchise's general thread
what did he mean by this

Funny that Clala's memories thing was forgotten for all of S10 and the 2015-2016 specials

Intro episodes:
>9: Great opener and 2 mehs, overall okay start.
>10: 2 Solid episodes and one hot pile of garbage, Tooth and Claw is probably the best of the set.
>11: One great, one meh, one garbage, in that order
>12: All meh or trash


>9: Boom down is shit but the actual finale is an absolute banger
>10: Pic related
>11: All of these are kinda average or forgettable
>12: World enough was great but falls squandered it's potential.


Where the fuck did Ben and Polly go, did they just fuck off while they were snifting brandy?


Especially since Ben and Polly should be in the room while the First Doctor is regenerating.


time froze for them too
they were still at the base, the doctor left before them

Same claw, new Christmas lights on it

>grr, people who politicaly disagree with me like a show
>so that means i cant also enjoy something they enjoy without being one of them
>so both of those mean that the cast and crew should be killed, ignoring that they're just doing a job

It's clear from the episode that Moffat doesn't care about keeping 1's dignity intact.

Same user, I correct myself, they were behind the Doctor, out of the base, sice they find the TARDIS doors unlocked and the Doctor is already regenerating

Are people here still spamming boardie and cleatus at anyone they dislike?

Were there meant to be more recreated scenes with the first doctor?

The Doctor Falls is a better episode than World Enough and Time.
WEAT is literally just a long retake of every "I waited for you Doctor" story Moffat's ever done but with new technobabble, the plot consists of two twists which it labours on for the entire concluding 10 minutes. Nothing wrong with part 1 being all setup, but it was done in a much more sophisticated manner by Pandorica.
All of the thematic content of the two-parter is in TDF.

Are boardies and cleatuses still coming here?
Then yes.

This is a local general for local people, boaries have no place here

I can't wait for ratings and AI to plummet into the depths of hell so all the clickbait sites start writing about mysoginerds.

Better question, do you still think that sounds like an intelligent rebuttal to boardie and cletus accusations?

Poofter, eh? Little bummer boy. We've seen your sorts in the forces before, you won't catch me with my trousers down.

Oh don't worry, sir. I love being trained long and hard.

I added the spacing. Love to know what you and neo think(if hes feeling up to it)


Matt Lucas' career seems to have stalled, we'll probably get 12/Nardole Big Finish first.

So is Susan Rassilon's daughter? From when the cloister monks revealed the secrets of the multiverse and the Doctor went insane and stole the moon + Rassilon's daughter?

Never, Capaldi said he would never return to the role, and I quote "even for anniversaries or Big Finish".

It's from the show you referenced.

Who nose.

I wasn't referencing anything, user;)

>This is a local general for local people

>TUAT really is Capaldi's final appearance

What a waste.