Just move on guys lol

Just move on guys lol

Just turn off your brain bro lmao

>we told you to let go of your beloved franchise now DO WHAT WE TELL YOU!

>Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film about destroying the past and profiting off it's corpse, is being shredded by fans who actually enjoyed the original material

damage control

>Dude, just let go
Fine, if you insist, I won't watch any more Star Wars films.

>let go of the past, kill it if you have to

>a film about letting go of the past and embracing the future
>... but don't forget to go see the han solo origin movie in 5 months lol

These kikes really think they're in control.

The author


>A series propelled past its peers by a solid fandom
>The latest iteration tells the fandom to fuck off

>excessive geekiness

>film about letting go
>Disney can't just let starwars go


i'm all for letting go of the past clichés and bring new shit in... but the multiple send offs was kind of a slap in the face to the old stuff... like we should have seen an emotional luke about solo's death and rei should have trained with him for a while ... they didn't do this as if they wanted to take away the focus on males ..? reduce their importance in the franchise? idk i dont get it they made it all meaningless now lets move on gogogogogo..out with the old in with the new... fine but good luck with creating lightning in a bottle twice and make new characters that will become ingrained in pop culture... thats just not gonna happen for them imo

>Film is about letting go of the past
>uses plenty of characters from the past instead of doing a brand new Star Wars with new characters, settings and somewhere else in the other reach of the universe
>Ruins the character by making them cling to the past like whores

Yeah you nerds need to let go of everything that made you love the series in favor of the new vision for the franchise that is specifically designed to make money by homogenizing the future movies.

I've not bothered to actually watch it, but from all I've read about it, it may have this "let's cut our ties to the past" theme which is highly ironic in the grander context of this rebooted franchise, but also as far as I've read, no solid argument for why that needs to be done has been made by the film...? It seems like that's what's happening in the film arbitrarily, the reason Rian's pushing this idea is like a meta-theme but what is the reason for it within the world of the film? Doesn't the film end with little-to-no progress having been made by the resistance and everyone generally in a worse position? And Rey secretly has the sacred Jedi texts which surely goes against the message... so what use was any of it?

You can't prop up a franchise that was built on the dedication of the fans by shitting on it's legacy and then expect those same fans to want to continue to support the current work.

It also doesn't make any sense since the end of the Ot was supposed to be a new era in itself. The Old republic/Jedi order had gotten stale and corrupt over thousands of years, and now the new republic/Jedi order is corrupt again after only 30? Really?

>when you simultaneously try to profit off nostalgia and torch the franchise to make room for more soulless cashgrabs at the same time

If they didn't want to be compared to past Star Wars movies, they should've started a new franchise.

>sequel to a film that was basically a remake of the original
>a franchise that is literally built on nostalgia for a series that started in the late 70's

It's almost like you can't have your cake and eat it.

> The irony is delicious. I threw shit on these people, and now they're mad they have shit on them!
> Fucking no-life losers LOL

>You should judge a movie based on what it represents
>what Disney wants you to think about it
>Not the quality of the movie

Wow, and we're ridiculous. How dishonest of a person do you need to be to stick up for a trillion dollar company. Fuck that (((guy))).

Now imagine this same article, but about the prequels.

but even if the transition would have been less putsch like... there is just too many "cool characters" out there that were made since the original series. it'S like... what example should i take... lets say making up some new characters to succeed king arthur and it's gang... no 1 currrr. it can be serviceable but that's it and maybe it's that knowledge ...of no matter what they do or try they are doomed to fail compared to the original characters who are all classics, recognizable world wide, maybe more or less consciously that colored the cavalier way they treated what came before them. shat on it all out of resentment.

>They let it go by not going to cinema
This is beautiful, never thought a multibillion company would go into damage control this hard

>main villain spends the first film obsessed by his lineage and past
>spends the second film screaming about how we need to forget the past

TFA was 2 hours of OT product placement, and the second one told you that you're a faggot if you like the older movies at all.

Why can't they get their message straight? Why is it so hard for them to articulate "yeah ESB was good but there's more stuff to do"?

Who is running this shit? Indecisive women?

Yeah, the baffling thing is, while The Force Awakens hopes you don't notice how it undermines all the events and character development in the original trilogy because that's necessary for it to function, The Last Jedi seems to be making a big show of it, it wants you to notice... but then hopes for you to not question its motives or reasoning

It's like they put five minutes of thought into it, were like "oh, this is clever and subversive", set their plans into stone and blindly got to work without reflecting on what they were doing for the next two years of production

>Written and Directed by
>Rian Johnson
I mean why let him write it solo. It felt like an unfocused EU novel put to the screen.

>The Last Jedi seems to be making a big show of it
Should clarify, I meant to say it's not just making a big show of undermining the original trilogy, but even more overtly undermining The Force Awakens. It just makes no sense to do that.

>Indecisive women?

Yes actually

People won't move from the past because they'd rather listen to the people of the past who built civilization than the retards in the present destroying it.

As soon as the titles crawled I knew something was wrong. This film hit the same exact notes as ESB, except worse.
>THREE YEARS have passed and The Rebels are still playing cat and mouse
>>WHO FUCKING KNOWS but somehow despite their quadrigigorillion home base planet eater being destroyed the New Order has become even bigger-er and badder-er than the previous film
>Rebels escape Hoth while being attacked by The Empire
>>Resistance escape ??? while being attacked by The Second First Order
>Shoehorned characters go to neutral space city in search of Lando, who can help them do something or whatever
>>Shoehorned characters go to neutral space city in search of a random character that can help them break Snoke's code
>Lando betrays shoehorns
>>Disc Jockey betrays shoehorns
>Mon Mothma warp speeds into Imperial Star Des- oh wait
>>Salt Hoth

Plus a ton of shit from RotJ. Why don't you nigs let go and MAKE AN ORIGINAL MOVIE. I mean fuck TLJ could have been good despite the aforementioned, but the characters and storytelling was all over the place. It suffers from the same issues of TFA; Lack of focus. There's no time for anybody to do anything or develop, so we're just jumping around taking these shallow characters and storylines for what they are, banking on the idea that the imagery will distract from the rampant incompetence.

Rey is a shitty, uninteresting protagonist. She didn't have to be, but she is. The First Order is horribly implimented and a complete non-threat. Nobody gives a shit about the Resistance. Snoke was retarded. Kylo's development is finished and was largely unsatisfactory. THE MUSIC FUCKING SUCKS.
I mean goddamn, even watching Anakin's arc was better than this.

How are Han, Chewie, C3P0 and Leia shoehorned in characters?

>film about forgetting about the past
>only allowed to be made because there is a pre-existing franchise
>people don't get why fans don't want you to shit on that franchise
Seriously though, who cares. Star Wars died after TPM

>letting go of the past
>good writing, good pacing, a consistent tone and characters you want to root for are now things of the past

I want off Mr. Disney's Wild Ride.

This line is really annoying. The new movies have loads of pointless and confusing callbacks to the originals. The sides are basically rebels vs the empire again.

how is it about letting go of the past, how is it about anything really? That's the fucking problem the plot is complete shit and nobody has any kind of fucking past and what little there is trivialized into an autistic fan fiction that is not even half as good as a random pic on tumblr.

Has he hit puberty yet?


>shit on series legacy and the people who look up and are inspired by that legacy
>those same people hate the movie

This isn't irony. That's like sticking your dick in a blender and calling the result ironic.

>The irony is delicious.
You got that right.

>at the end of the film the status quo of OT is reestablished pretty much 1 to 1
>ummmmmm it's about letting go of the past goys

ass clench amirite?

The defense of this movie is far worse than fans crying about how bad it is. Fans actually want to like the movie but they honestly don't. These people are dedicated to defending this movie and most aren't even being paid.

>"A long time ago, in a galaxy far away..."
>Star wars the last jedi, a film about letting go of the past and embracing the future...

So its not just a fight between people who like the originals, and people who will like anything?

>I mean why let him write it solo
why would you think this is what they did? they're little panel of faggots and fat chicks take everything and run it through a meat-grinder of checklists.

>It's time to send millions of star wars fans to Breitbart, just like in gamergate

Why do they do this? Israel has enough support.

>a movie built on nostalgia is telling its fans to stop being nostalgic
This is the real irony here.

This times ten, I came here to verify that I am not losing my mind. Did these people watch the same movie? Never mind the Star Wars name for a second, this movie was full of waste. Waste of characters, waste of buildup, waste of ideas, waste of frames (read: that positively dogshit casino sequence). It went nowhere and said nothing. It was a bad film. And here we have the media looking at the audience review scores and saying, "muh Sup Forums alt right review bombs". Or maybe, just maybe, the general audience member recognized all these things and realized it was not that good of a film?

I went to see it with a dude who's a fairly moderate leftie, and he hated it. It's a poorly executed movie, plain and simple.

>the year of our lord almost 2018
>being this invested in kike mass media
I mean these writers at least get paid by their overlords, but common retards going "wah why won't these shitlords watch shitty hollywood movie" deserve to be shot.

>Hmm, salt

Thats the dumbest and passive agressive thing i ever read.

If we let past go, we will repeat past failures. We wont learn something.
Its the same shit as "the past was better", just a different color.

This, I despise TFA as well but TLJ was like looking me in the eye while desecrating something I love.

>an autistic fan fiction that is not even half as good as a random pic on tumblr
This is my main problem with the sequel trilogy. It all feels so lazy, unimaginative and haphazard. I've seen fanfilms made on a shoestring budget that were a thousand times more engaging and better developed than what Disney has come up with so far.


You are exactly right and you are wise to avoid this terrible movie

I fucking hate the whole "LET THE OLD MOVIES GO" theme, it's as bad as it was in Legend Of Korra. It's just an excuse for producers to try and say "YEAH WELL, WE WANT TO RIDE THE COATTAILS OF A PRE-EXISTING IP, BUT WE WANT TO DO OUR OWN THING" while being unable to live up to the standards of the old. The Last Airbender show is infinitely better than Legend Of Korra, and The OT is better than the ST.

Why would Disney want to get rid of the old movies if they make most of their money off of action figures and video games built around that era? It's because they know that with the large audience it has, they can't get Disney fun bucks from absolutely every normie like Marvel can.

>i will tell you what to like and dislike

how about fuck yourself