Star Wars: The Last Jedi box office numbers

Damn... that's tough...

Is it possible at all for Disney to redeem themselves with IX?

go back to your thread grace

When is Grace going to make her debut on the casting couch?

With what? They've fucked up the story.

they still made a profit, star wars is here to stay

christmas day for tlj was only around 27m

I doubt it, that would mean they actually know what needs to be fixed.

but how many black people went to see it?

>15 years of anticipation vs less than 1

thanks Gracie

What will they assume the issue is then? This will barely outgross Rogue One. I'm guessing 1.2-1.4 billion for its entire run.

Not many, black ppl don't care for SW unless Vader is in it

>tfw no thicc, autistic Grace gf


>they still made a profit
They need 800 mil just to break even.

Still gonna do a billion.

Still gonna be called a massive success.

>watching youtube videos about sales numbers

Didn't the Prequels do the same thing? Ep. 1 broke records and then Ep. 2 made less

This girl's voice has one of the most insufferable cadences I've ever heard. Stop marketting her here.

>damage control: the post

I was waiting for her video

Ep 1 was also poorly recieved, whereas normies loved 7.

They already think the issue is "review bots" just mass downvoting it online.
No seriously this is what every big online "news" article is saying right now.

>men's rights activists


What's wrong with men having rights?