Finish watching a flick

>finish watching a flick
>do a search on the actors

>finish watching sci-fi series/movie
>read about the lore after

>finish watching a film
>look up imdb trivia

>finish a kino
>look up some shit on tvtropes
>retard asking questions as if they didn't pay attention to anything

>finish watching a cinerama
>look up what cinerama means

>finish watching a flick
>open wikifeet

>finish watching a movie
>put down phone to stand and wipe ass

>really like movie
>watch interviews on youtube
>stop after a couple because they all ask the same questions

>finish watching a flick
>read other people’s reviews and analyse the trend of their ratings before logging it on letterboxd

>finish watching a porn
>look up, realize I missed my bus stop again

>finish watching movie/show
>do a search on the nudes of the female cast

I do that while watching it

>finish watching a moving image gallery
>watch it in reverse

>finish watching a movie
>look up the summary on Wikipedia because I didn’t understand or couldn’t follow along
Happens every time. Am I retarded?

yes, but some films are too difficult so I rewatch it

>finish watching movie
>go on japanese image board to see if other autistic virgins liked it

>Finish watching movie
>Read up the plot summary on wikipedia even though I followed the movie fine

>finish watching movie/show
>do a search on the nudes of the male cast


Fucking kek, I do the same

>get angry at flick
>kick my dog

>finish watching movie
>go to imdb forums to discuss it and see cool trivia and more recommendations from oldfags

>born in new York to Jewish parents
If I had a nickle for everytime I've read this i would have quite a lot of nickles