Operation Rotten Cheese

Industry insider here. If you guys really want to punish Disney for their intentional corruption of Star Wars, Lukes character and the originals endlessly posting about Mark Hamill will not do it.
Disney's bread and butter are mom n pop shit that appeals to moms and little kids. This is Disneys life force, getting normie families to buy G rated Disney movie tickets and then stupid little Elsa toys that cost 5 cents to produce and ship.
>What is your genius plan
The plan is very simple, corrupt and destroy Disneys public image as a happy friendly movie company that made awesome movies like Lion King and Cinderella.
>How do you do this?
Start linking Disney to child abuse, cp and pedo everywhere, online and irl.
>4chans shitposting
This is easy. Just start posting links about Disney executives arrested for pedo shit on Sup Forums and elsewhere
Be more subtle. Say stuff like: why are so many disney executives getting arrested for child abuse & pedo stuff
Rehash of the above. In convos with normies ask them if they heard the news about Disney higher ups getting arrested and investigated for cp, child abuse and the later. Use your imagination but be subtle about it, not overt. All that matters is that you start conditioning people to associate Disney with pedos.
>but wheres your evidence reeeeeee
Dudes, this stuff is all over the internet. The MSM just doesnt talk about it
>duckduckgo.com/?q=disney executive pedophilia&t=hg&ia=web

Darth Bane

Wouldn't the biggest punch you could throw Disney is fucking with Frozen 2? I'm sure the mouse is foaming at the mouth for that piece of shit to come out.

I assume this post is being slid hard. No matter, the fire has started. Powerful forces observing, fucking with Star Wars was a really bad idea, Disney.
>Wouldn't the biggest punch you could throw Disney is fucking with Frozen 2?
Yes. Disney is going to bank on F2 to rescue their balance sheets in 2018. Because of TLJ Disney now is afraid that Solo and next Star Wars movie will not generate expected sales so Frozen 2 is going to moved to Christmas 2018 to make up the lost revenue.

Memeing Disney association with cp n pedos is key. The sooner you guys start, the better.

We should team up, my dad works at Nintendo

Anonymous here, you have our support.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.



Darth Bane

This cringe....

He’s a big guy

If I take your face paint off, will you die?

This sounds like a big PsyOp...for you.

He was till his dumbass took of his indestructable leeches

They were killing him


Why does this even need to be linked. Its pretty obvious?

No they weren't. They were hurting him which caused him to get angry which caused him to get out of control. He had to keep composure 24/7 but they weren't killing him. He wouldn't have kept them on for so long if they were.

iirc they were sucking the force out of him



Hello there larperators. Pullin night shifts?
Theatricalities and deception are powerful agents against the uninitiated. But we are initiated aren't we Bruce
Information is a commodity. It can be traded, sold, and purchased. And in the end, credits are only as useful as the secrets they can buy.
>Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it.
Darth Bane

Use your feelings, let the Force flow through you

Sup Forums here, i've been board since pizzagate, draftourdaughters, spiritcooking, etc.

This seems pretty fun OP, im sure it won't be hard to find some scandals and scary misdoings.

Another thing we should do is continue to spread the word of Disney encouraging child gambling in Battlefront 2

>Disney encouraging child gambling in Battlefront 2
Ugh, what?!

>grrrr disney is evil becuz they made more childrens movies off of the family-appropriate movies from when I was a kid


If the expose of the dick subliminal images in their works didn't work, what else will?