Say it

Say it.

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We miss you.


I'm sorry.

I wish I had never watched any Star Wars film. Fuck you and fuck this gay franchise

I'm sorry George. We should have listened.

Fuck you for ruining Star Wars. Thank you for selling it to people who actually care about the franchise.

No, the Prequels were shit too.

I don't need to apologize. RLM and Disney should.

Robespierre did nothing wrong.

Sorry Georgie.

I've always loved George, will always love George. I want Kathleen to die in a fire.

>care about Star Wars
>not milking it until runs dry

GTFO user


Pretty subtle marketing OP.

>Say it.
Hitler was right!

You’re the greatest hack fraud of all time. God bless you, sir.

Star Wars (the movie) had a pretty good handle on mythology, but it's been downhill since then. Making Anakin be Vader was a mistake, and making the Emperor be a force-user was a mistake, much less turning it into a clusterfuck of power levels.

>making the Emperor be a force-user was a mistake

what the fuck are you on about? did you want the emperor to be a frail old grampa that bossed vader around even tho he has no force powers?

Yes. Remember back when it was only one movie that was actually good, and frail old no-Force Tarkin bossed him around?

Tarkin spoke with authority because the Emperor willed it so.

I'm sorry

That said, fuck off for your star wars museum on Chicago land without paying for it. Still pissed about Obama.

The Tarkin thing only worked because Sheev held Vader's leash. But Sheev without force powers could've worked too, even though I find it hard to picture. I think making him a lightsaber user was the only true mistake regarding his fighting abilities.

This. He and Yoda would be much better if, like Snoke, they never swung around swords and only effortlessly used the Force to dismantle opposition.

Making Sheev and Yoda lightsaber wielders was retarded
Both should have been above it

And you think Vader only respected the will of the Emperor because he could shoot lightning from his fingers? I mean, that's certainly true of Star Wars now, now that it's all about power levels and horseshit like the Rule of Two, but then---Sheev shooting lightning from his fingers is part of what set Star Wars down this depressing path.

>Disney caring

George knew his star wars

This was before they ruined Vader. He was smart, calculating, and had respect for the chain of command and for his other officers. He was unforgiving but he wasn't just some hateful fucking moron like Anakin

The prequels make me want to throw up

Remember: Jar Jar Binks

Gorge Lucas remains unforgiven.

Vader can't because mech but other darksiders could do so ( Dooku etc ).

He respected the will of the Emperor because he was a broken man with no hope, and no other purpose in life.
Up until the point that his son was defeated in front of him, and he again had a raison d'etre.

He also wasn't strong enough to kill and replace the Emperor. With some minor tweaks to Vader's character, I could see the first reason being enough on its own, though.

For what?

For this:

Again, in the new Star Wars that's about power levels and the Rule of Two and Balance and all this other stupid shit. In the movie Star Wars, back when Vader betrayed and murdered Anakin and the Emperor was a distant figure, he followed the will of the Emperor for the same sorts of reasons the tough sidekick follows the leader. Lack of ambition, appreciation for social structure, respect, recognition that he lacked the skills to manage a large organization, whatever. I mean, why don't henchmen usually take out the boss? It's not because of the ability to shoot lightning from his fingers.

Luke was not originally Vader's son, and that was a terrible, terrible retcon. We also don't get the sense that he's a broken man until---midway through Return of the Jedi, probably.

Jar Jar Binks was on his way to become one of the greatest characters in Star Wars but you made the elementary mistake of listening to low IQ morons and allowed their retarded whining get to you. Ditching Jar Jar and hamfisting Count Saruman was your greatest mistake and now you have the displeasure of seeing your beloved franchise getting raped by barbed mouse penis.

Based jacobin poster

if they actually made jar jar a sith lord he would have arguably been one of the greatest characters in literature.

George did nothing wrong

Sorry. I love the prequels so much now

I’m sorry.

I unironically prefer the prequels to the original trilogy.