"GL being blamed for TLJ"

Someone needs to execute order 66 on Disney and their shills

>George took his money and more or less ran after Disney didn't want to use any of his input
>has spoken out fairly positively about the film
>it's his fault it's bombing

Can these fucking kikes just drink everything under their kitchen sinks already? George has suffered enough I think.

So George Lucas is an alt-right Russian?

No dumbass: George Lucas, to get revenge on Star Wars, contacted the Russians to sabotage TLJ and they manipulated the alt-right to implement their plan. George is the mastermind.

he is the final sith lord

sounds about right

Could you say that he's the key to all this?

Punished George

A misunderstood genius

Leave george alone. Youre all human garbage.

Will George be the one to exacute order 1488

>go to find video
>see this
wew lad, the asolute state of Star Wars drones.

Well it is his fault, he sold the franchise to white slavers and put a feminist in charge of it right?

Bullshit. George is Count Dooku of this story.
The actual mastermind is Walt Disney's Force Ghost

So, the final goal is to purge jews from Hollywood?

>put all your creative energy into a prequel trilogy
>critics harshly pick them apart
>sell franchise to the kikes
he knew exactly what was going to happen

There seriously needs to be a law against Jews participating or owning anything repated to the film industry.

They are a dangerous subversive fifth column. Who do not act in the interest of the nation or its native sons, instead comport themselves like foreign nationals trying to destroy the foundations of this great country.

Jew ban now.

2bh it's the fans' fault for spending decades badgering him about ruining the original trilogy in rereleases and making the prequels at all, not that they're necessarily wrong there. He was made a joke of by his biggest fans, The Simpsons on multiple occasions, etc., a man can only take so much before he takes his ball and goes home. He salted the earth by selling it off so no one can ever offload any of the responsibility of this stale franchise on him ever again just like complainers wanted, but they're still blaming him because some of The Last Jedi's flaws are vaguely, tangentially similar to his sparknotes for a new trilogy (like Luke's exile, which Lucas had way better ideas for and wasn't predicated on trying to murder his nephew).

But they rejected all his previous ideas for Episode 7 and 8.

Wow...life really does imitate pottery.

Bold strategy, Mouse, I wonder what are they trying to accomplish with it.

Honestly, the amount of damage control, countermeassures and other stuff Disney is doing is kinda amusing.

But you also have to understand the cult will never ever present the truth to you. The vast majority of white men feel like you and I. The majority of white women do as well.

The example I always use is Donald trump. He wasn't endorsed by a single major publication. And yet the patriarchy is supposed to be this all powerful menace.

At the same time White men voted for Donald Trump by almost a super majority, and most white women, and yet not a single major MSM media gave him favorable coverage.

So all while we are told the white men rule everything and the patriarchy is this arch villain. We are getting an exclusively gynocentric minority viewpoint coming from all our media outlets.

And he won! Half the country is Unrepresented by our media and basically all white males.

You can't trust what you see or hear.

And this is why that is so dangerous.

Another really great example is all the slave movies.

They are literally just inversions of the 1917 KKK propaganda film birth of a nation targeting white men with the same Tropes used against blacks. Anamalistic leering, raping black women, subhuman empathy and violence, with justified lynching.

If you've ever seen the eternal Jew those are used as well against white men. Greedy, uncouth, evil to the core, the only race worthy of hatred.

In mighty ducks 2 they actually included one of Hitler's speeches given to the multicultural team delivered by Emilio estavez.

There are also government agencies that make studios put in PSA propaganda, like don't drink and drive, and real men don't beat women, or this is how you ask a girl out. Etc. etc.

The scary part is that this kind of mind control is extremely powerful and never should have been ceded to essentially foreigners who have radically different viewpoints than native sons.

And the Jews know how powerful and dangerous this kind of propaganda is, and knowing, have purposefully targeted white men.

We'd be better off with Chinese propaganda.

wtf i like tmz now

Cool down with the reddit spacing

More like re-execute order 600000.

They rejected most of his ideas. They kept Kira but renamed her as Rey and kept Punished Luke. Luke just got moved to the second movie so they could have Han die and to let the new characters breathe a bit.

Can't they just have Luke pull something like this and not kill him for Episode IX?

Reappears elsewhere naked

I would be very surprised if after all this backlash + JJ Luke doesn't play a decent role in the next movie.

Fans aren't blaming Lucas at all.

This is an attempted media deflection away from the awful job that Kennedy and Johnson did, and to protect their corporate paymaster, Disney.

Fans hate TLJā„¢ and rightfully blame and hate Iger, Kennedy, and Johnson.

it's from the 00R in the last episode

pretty much this

the entire thing reeks of a false flag

this shit is getting more pathetic than Hillary blaming everyone but herself

>The Alt-right
>Now George Lucas

Anyone but Disney, Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy, huh?


>"Execute order Sithy Sith!"
What did Sheeve mean by this?

You did that yourself

Anyone has the .webm of Mark being depressed during the interview?

Standard corporate media playbook. Blame everyone but yourself, and see if enough gullible idiots believe it.