Is it possible to be aligned with the dark side without being a complete piece of shit?

Is it possible to be aligned with the dark side without being a complete piece of shit?

user you need to play Kotor now

Dark side isn't evil.
Jedi order is a militant church with zero government oversight and mind blowing resources, that has the republic by the bollocks through intimidation and mind tricks, kidnaps children and trains them to be emotionally suppressed automatons who enforce their dominance over the core worlds from their ivory tower, while the outer rim was left to rot in slavery and anarchy for thousands of years, yet they are considered good. Fuck them.

No. Dark side means being a dick. Light side means not being a dick. It's literally this simple.
>But being a celibate monk...
Not a necessary part of being on the light side.

yes, even an explicit sith can be good. in Kotor canon a twilik sith becomes a sith because she was a slave who used the dark side to free herself and her friends, she then trained in the darkside so she could begin freeing more slaves in the galaxy

Duh. See pic related

unironically dark side and empire better, because when they rule there is order and peace

If you remember that, you also remember that she realizes that if she completes her training, she won't care about slaves anymore, and this directly leads to her becoming a jedi.

Darth Malgus only wanted shit to be done and become THE representation of a sith warrior. He still did retarded shit like kill his wife to become stronger but he was just a warrior not a cunt like Sheev or else

Kek is here.
>try to play KOTOR
>reach the Jedi temple
>go on some silly side missions around on some desserty mountains

Should I try again? Having played Mass Effect before KOTOR, the gameplay/quests were predictable as fuck.. I got so bored.

Should I jump to 2? I have been spoiled about 1 too so..

Yes, the greater good dark jedi is the most interesting type of dark side character.

>ruled by emotions
>order and peace
Sith are basically women.

Install the restauration patch and manage to not get a gamebreaking bug and you can go

No one needs to play with your toys.

>restaurant patch
>gamebreaking bug

I don't follow..

>ruled by emotions

Literally the first line of their code is "Peace is a lie, there is only passion".

No. That's literally the whole point of the dark side
>Hey is it possible to use this power that's derived from making everyone including myself miserable 24/7 without turning into a dick????

real question: is it possible to be a dark force user and not be a complete fuckup loser

Dooku is probably as close as you're gonna get.

What was Dooku's beef, anyway?

He wanted to give the Banking Union its due but the Jedi Council wasn't having none of that.

What do you mean? He was a great jedi that had grown disillusioned with the Jedi Order and the republic and eventually turned his back on them.
I don't know at which point he got Sheeved, but I think it was after he had left the order.

Well, I mean, there's a big gap between "The Jedi are lame" and "I'm going to become a Lord of Evil!" It's not like when Ahsoka left the Order she joined the Sith.

That feel when you claim order and peace but the Empire was literally at war every moment of every day from the time Sidious took over.

I've lways been curious about what it means to be expelled/leave the Jedi order. Besides leaving behind the only family and structure you have ever known what would stop someone from just fucking off.

He understood that Palpatine was a sith and was using the federation as a mean to eject him

The fact that if you do you will be hunted down like a dog.

The dark side fucks with your personality. If you want to become strong in it then you will inevitably change and become a piece of shit.

If he wanted to use the Federation as a means of deposing Sheev he could have just revealed to the Republic that Sheev was playing both sides of the war. Order 65 of the GAR was for the clone troopers to arrest and depose the Supreme Chancellor if it was ever revealed that he turned traitor.

It partially controls your actions too, just like Obi Wan said.

>>go on some silly side missions around on some desserty mountains

the point of KOTOR 1 is you're some nobody low-key Jedi exploring galaxy, doing everyday Jedi shit for 80% of the game, only last 20% is about you being someone important

but the core of the game is about fulfilling the fantasy of being a simple Jedi for Star Wars nerds, if you didnt like Dantooine dont play it

Dark side!Revan was a piece of shit too though, he wanted to conquer the galaxy and the evil ending shows how twisted he can be
And all the other dark side-users in KOTOR are assholes too

I literally can't think of anyone aligned with the dark side that isn't a dick

2 is much better, but you'll want to get the Restored Content patch and maybe a few mods that add high level force powers and feats so you don't run out of new things to get.

Delete this.

If I fuck the princess, does Krea get jelly?

I think Sup Forums more than refutes your suggestion, OP. You're just lucky this is the internet because in real life I would draw on my advanced Djem So skills to strike you down like this plastic bottle.

She actively warns a male character against fucking two of the female party members, because one is actually her daughter and the other would weaken you by fucking you.

>Jedi enforce martial law and try to depose a government
>Still somehow the good guys meanwhile one Sith tarnishes the reputation of all dark side users

It isn't fair. I want a movie where people use the dark side for good and the light side for evil shit.

I've never laughed harder in my life than when I first persuaded Zaalbar to maul Mission as a kid

You already got one, it's called Revenge of the Sith.

Is it possible to be a dark side user without something awful happening to your face?

Dark Side as Lucas saw it in the OT was basically a cancer of the universal life Force, so the answer back then was no.

Then came the EU and its need to "expand" with edgy moral relativism and golden mean fallacies, so you got shit like "good" darksiders and "grey" jedi.

>I literally can't think of anyone aligned with the dark side that isn't a dick
Because the defining characteristic of the dark side is tapping into this universal energy source for your personal gain.
Even if you have a red light saber, a black cloak, and shoot force lightning it doesn't automatically make you a dark sider. It's about how you use the power.

But what if I want to choke and electrocute bad guys to protect innocents?

My head canon was you can start out as a good person using the Dark Side, but it basically magnifies your emotions. And dark side use is best/most easily channeled through strong negative emotions like anger. Prolonged advanced dark side use thus results in you being angry all the time.

That's why Jedi are so zen. They know if they put their personalities into the force, even positive ones like love or joy, they'll start to get mentally warped and self absorbed. If you use your love of your wife as a force focus, eventually you'll start to become obsessive about your relationship and fuck everyone else up that "threatens" it.

This. Darkside best side.

No. The Dark Side is a corrupting force. It'll melt your face eventually.

That's because space liberals be causing a ruckus

The characters are better in 2. The twist better in 1

Yes. The Dark Side is the good side, anyway -- from my perspective.

>you will never live a life commandeering a fast 60-crew starship as a slippery depraved Sith Lord Booty Pirate, who has force dominated and corrupted an exotic and mixed crew of sexy female Twi'lek, Vahla, Chiss, Zeltron, Vultan, Farghul, Falleen, Devaronian, Dathomirian/Zabrak, Mirialan, Bpfasshi, Echani, Thyrsian, Epicanthix, Firrerreo, Keshiri, Kiffar, Morganian, Nagai, Omwati, Pantoran, Wroonian, Rattataki, Sarkhai, Tholothian, Umbaran, Vorzydiak, and Togruta sex-slaves to serve as your personal bodyguards and servants

Why even live?

Ayo better than being celibate perma-virgins that wear dresses and prey on children.

Remember when luke chokes the gammorean guards at Jabba's palace?

I hope we get a force-lightning-throwing, yellow-eyed, perpetually angry, still firmly resistance aligned Rey in IX.

I retract my previous statement. Grey Jedi best Jedi. JOLEE MOTHERFUCKING BINDO

>mfw the average video games has better writing than movies nowadays

In the beginning, sure. But the dark side literally corrupts the user until they stop caring about anything except gaining power. The acting was bad, but in the prequels you got to see vader go from doing anything to save padme to being so corrupted he was paranoid and tried killing her himself.

Is it wrong that that's why I like ST thus far? It seems like they're gearing up for that with humanizing Kylo and all the tall of balance. I like that shit. Dogmatic adherence to the Light and Darkside is what causes chaos in the galaxy.

What about Windu?

Windu? More like Dindu.

One of the prerequisites of the dark side is to be a massive cunt so i guess not

I'd prefer to be a lone hero of the little people who is also on an adventure of soiling his penis with alien booty and wasting his time researching relics to gain eternal youth as opposed to full-fledged immortality, and i like the yellow/golden lightsaber color, so Grey Jedi are my perfect affiliation. Also converting fallen booties from the Dark Side to the more presentable Grey Side is easier than converting them to the Light.

you guys do realize that there WILL be a star wars zero right ?

Kylo murdered his own dad because he was scared that he might because a decent human being again, so fuck that.

>Dogmatic adherence to the Light and Darkside is what causes chaos in the galaxy.

No, there was no "light side." There was the Force and the dark side. It wasn't about good vs evil.

Meanwhile now the Force itself is the reason we get genocidal Sith anytime there's too many good people, so fuck that once again.

> From my point of view the Jedi are evil

Up until TLJ, Star Wars films have portrayed a universe with a defined good and evil. Corresponding to the light and dark sides. The Jedi council did what they felt was right to protect the galaxy from the darkside. However, while they expanded their reach and power they became less and less resourceful in finding Sith. Then finally, Sheev took the whole thing over because the protectors of the galaxy had become lazy and arrogant in their position.

>Stop caring about slavery
>This makes her the "good guy"
Jedi fanboys are the bestest most delusional


>One is her daughter
Why you gotta lie like this?

>want a movie where people use the dark side for good
They tried and failed. His name was jacen solo and he was one of the best characters in all of star wars. He does increasingly bad things in his justification to try and save the galaxy. Then Disney had to change his name to kylo ren and completely fuck up his entire characterization

>he doesn't know

I'm playing SWTOR right now and every darkside choice is so fucking edgy just like KOTOR's was. The class is Emporer-lite though so it makes sense. Pretty dumb story. I'm eating ghosts to become more powerful then I become too powerful too fast from eating so many ghosts and nearly die.

If you care about Star Wars, no.
You can be dark side and not be a puppy kicking psychopath, but at the end of the day you'll still be a piece of shit, because that's the whole point of the dark side.

Irrelevant visas is best girl

Sith and Jedi are two very autistic groups that take the politics of the force WAY too seriously. They're like ANTIFA and Kekistanis. They are both insolated and self-important and look like retarded spergs to anybody who isn't involved in their feud. I'm sure that there are a ton of regular force users who use what people would call the "dark side" and experience the full range of human emotion without larping about it.

becoming balanced in the force

It's impossible to use the Dark Side effectively without going all-in and turning into a psycho. It demands commitment.

Nope, you're either a mindless psychopath, a whiny baby man who cannot into emotional maturity, or pants on head retarded like ol' Sheevsy.

Everything you just said was wrong.

>It's impossible to use the Dark Side effectively without going all-in and turning into a psycho

Get off ForceChan and go outside for once you Jedi sperg

>that moment where it's implied Kreia lost an intimate sparring match against Yusanis when she was younger

This. Grey Jedi and Bindu the only smart force users.

shitposting is not the Jedi way.

By the end it was the other way around, the jedi were enforcers for the republic and this was pre-sheev

Nothing. Jedi have left the order before, they even have a hallway for the 20 Jedi masters who bounced because they disagreed with the order.

>grey jedi
>"I have two personalities: nicest guy you'll ever meet, and twisted fucking psychopath"

Dooku is the only exception, but he was just in the dark side for the pussy and wasn't truly villainous at heart.

Checked. Though this comment only really applies to kotorII and even still is only for one character

This isn't how the force works though. In using it you're molded by it. If you go lightside you become a paragon of pompous bullshit, if you go darkside you become an animalistic rage demon or a short sighted, Machiavellian puppeteer who has no idea what he's doing.

>capable of casting force lightning
>not truly villainous at heart

Pretty much nothing.
One of the biggest issues with the prequels is that absolutely nothing was stopping Anakin from just fucking off at any time

Jacen isn't like Kylo at all.

Grey Jedi are shit. It's fine for basic force stuff, but to get any of the really cool powers you have to be fully into one side or the other. It's like trying to excel at 2 sports.

Grey Jedi aren't cannon anymore though. Thank Disney.

The force is black and white. You're either good, evil, or a potential victim of either.

>Grey Jedi aren't canon anymore
"Leave the canon addition of Grey Jedi to me!" -- JJ Abrams, while writing Episode IX Reylo romance scenes

Are you stupid or are incapable of reading the part where I said he's a complete bastardization of the character?

He just learned it to slay massive amounts of pussy at parties. He wasn't really about that sith life. Therefore, re remained freshfaced while guys like Snoke, Sheev, and Snoop got fucked up.

>Jolee Bindo
>Ashoka Tano
>Arguably Qui Gon Jin

Chaos is only caused by the dark side

>Qui Gon
this post has to be ironic