Did you like the prequels as a kid?

Did you like the prequels as a kid?

I personally have very nostalgic memories of watching every prequel film and enjoying them way more than the originals. Especially Attack of the Clones

I feel like I was the right age for each one when they came out. When TPM came out, I was just barely in the double digits. The action was good and I liked the pod race. Then AotC came out and I had hit puberty. I loved Jango Fett (still do) and of course Portman in that skin tight outfit gave me similar thoughts that Liea's bikini gave me when I first saw it. I was in high school when RotS came out and the angst and action appealed to my teenage mind. Then I got older and I started questioning the flaws and I haven't watched them in years.

I thought JarJar was annoying and didn't connect with them as much as the OT but I saw them all in theaters. I wasn't really that into them but they were good enough to pay money to see.. therein lies the difference with the sequel trilogy

me and my brothers watched them hundreds of times and made our own lightsaber fights and movies inspired by them

Darth Maul > other, shittier villains.

I thought they were ok, it was all more star wars to me. I never had any real desire to rewatch them, but I nearly wore out my OT vhs tapes from constant use

By the time I was in high school I had outgrown the prequels completely

As a kid I fucking loved them since I use to watch the clone wars tv show a load. I thought 3 was the best star wars film due to general grievous being in it, along with the duel between anakin and obi wan. I really liked it.

I liked the originals as a kid, because i am 43

Not really. I only watched the prequels when they were on cable and I thought they were boring, only leaving them on just to see when the space battles started. I was more interested in the shows, toys, and games than the movies. The only Star Wars movie I enjoyed watching as a kid was ANH in a hospital waiting room.

Even at the ripe old age of 12 I knew that TPM was shit. Didn't even bother seeing the others in the theater.

Yes I enjoyed them then.
I skipped ATOC though,

I thought that Darth Maul and some of the ships looked pretty cool, but even that has faded over time. Somehow me and my friends were already making fun of the horrible dialogue back then

I unironically enjoyed The phantom menace (i think i had the right age). Yeah, i thought anakin fucking the bad guys base accidentally was bullshit but aside from that and jar jar i liked everything else. But then attack of the clones was pretty fucking boring and i started to sense something was way off. I didn't bother watching revenge of the sith until some years ago. It was ok, a little bit boring but not as bad as i expected.

The Phantom Menace is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie right behind revenge of the sith. I won't deny that a huge reason for that is probably because of nostalgia. I can watch phantom menace 3 times in a row and never get bored, which I can't do with any other star wars movie

Even in sixth grade I knew they were a bullshit cash grab. Now I'm in my 30s and still haven't seen them. Feels good man.

I have a good memory of the first one.

Attack of the clones is one of the very few movies I watched in a cinema while traveling in Europe with my family (3rd worlder with no cinema). It's from a time where internet was 56kb and even leaving it on a week you'd get a disgusting divx at best. So it was a special occasion. I remember the film being one of the most disappointing borefest ever and my father actually fell asleep in the theater. Way to go, Georges

I was like 9 when I saw Episode I, of course I loved them. More lightsabers and more fights made everything better.
I saw them for what they were when I watched them again in high school and was disappointed in myself, but it was clearly Lucas' goal to sell toys and make it appeal to kids my age at the time.

The only prequel I saw was TPM, not in theaters though.
I remember the buzz around AotC and wanting to see it but I never did

For the most part, yes. I was already a huge Star Wars fan, so the hype and release of TPM was a pretty big event of my childhood. Being the same age as Jake Lloyd really helped that, too. I remember being a little disappointed by the movie, but I still enjoyed having new Star Wars. I was similarly hyped for AOTC (it was actually the first movie I followed the online pre-release information about, including an entire, accurate script that leaked, which seem amazing now); I didn't like it very much, but I was still enough of a fanboy to be happy about it and watch it a bunch of times. ROTS was another major event, because it was supposed to be the last Star Wars. It seemed amazing after AOTC, even though I remember making fun of a lot of some of the dialogue with friends.

Now, I realize why they all felt slightly disappointing, but I can still enjoy them for being dumb, fun movies.

I was 8 when TPM came out and I loved it. I had already seen the originals when they were re-released in theatres a few years before and didn't perceive a difference in quality between them and the new one. In fact I loved my Maul and droid toys as much as my Vader and stormtrooper toys. I don't recall seeing the other two prequels until years after they had already been released though so I guess I lost interest somewhere along the way

I liked TPM as a kid. I remember watching the Maul fight over and over again rewinding it on my VCR and I really enjoyed it. AOTC I never heard of coming out, and only watched it at 13 and thought it was boring.

I saw ROTS when it first came out with my friends 3 times. We loved it. Everyone clapped at all the showings. Back then I considered it to be my third favourite SW movie, above ROTJ.

I saw attack of the clones in the theater when I was 9 and revenge of the sith when I was 12, so of course I fucking loved them. I still love them, but for different reasons. I think they're fascinating works of art.

Same here, 91

I was in high school when The Phantom Menace came out. Mix bag of feelings. On the one hand, it was cool getting a Star Wars film. The whole experience was like this once-in-a-lifetime event. I'd say the movie itself was half good and half bad. The CGI was top-notch for the time, and stuff like the Maul fight was good, but Jar Jar and Kid Anakin were both pretty annoying. I feel like we all just kind of agreed to joke about and shrug off the bad aspects, though. It was Star Wars, you know? Who wants to hate Star Wars?

I feel like Attack of the Clones got better but still had some bad to it, mostly the love dialogue. It had a lot of fun stuff in it. Revenge of the Sith really finished on a high note and probably would have been perfect is Vader hadn't scream no at the end. Overall, I'd say I always felt like the prequels weren't as good as the originals, but were alright. I mean, I get that it's fun to shit on them, and I certainly do make a lot of jokes about them, but they far from the worst things ever, and they certainly didn't rape anyone's childhoods. For a lot of people (not me), these movies are their childhoods. For me, they're definitely a big part of what was going on in that whole early 2000s period. They're definitely a reflection of that era.

I also think it says a lot about the prequels that people are still talking about them to this day even though there are new Star Wars movies out. Yeah, there's a lot of hate for them, but there's also a lot of love and curiosity going around for them as well.

damn son 92' here and can confirm these feels

I still rewatch them though, I change the things I dont like in my head