This character in The Last Jedi was absolutely awful. There were some implausible things in TLJ that I could overlook...

This character in The Last Jedi was absolutely awful. There were some implausible things in TLJ that I could overlook, but this is the one thing that's bugging me.

Why - in a universe filled with disposable, replaceable droids, did was her sacrifice necessary? Why not have a lowly, throwaway solider to turn the ship and around and press a button? Why not command some useless droid to do it? Are these super-advance capital ships incapable of some basic autopilot that would simply the ship to turn around and engage hyperspace by itself? What the fuck were they thinking?

Dude just turn off your brain she's a brave hero now



Her stance says a lot about the character

I hated the character too but in her defense, she was the only one aboard the ship. Even if she got some droid to do it she wouldn't have had enough time to run to an escape pod and would have died anyway. Also she was astronk woman who didn't need no man.

you are absolutely awful. Go stick a nail in your navel Cletus

t. cletophobic bigot

you are probably a closet cletus yourself

she stayed on the ship by choice retard. Leia tried to get her on the evacuation ship and she said "someone has to stay to pilot the ship"

>getting blacked by a nigga with a purse

>Kill off TLJ's worst character rather than have her appear in episode 9
>Still complain

That's Sup Forums for ya

That's Baron Davis, ex-NBA star.

It's funny that admiral gender studies gets a heroic suicidal sen off, yet Finn is denied the same act. Can this stupid film be consistent? You either endorse sacrifice or not, you can't do both you piece of shit writer. Does soy affect brain functions?

Dude, like, she is so stronk and brave, that she can pilot a capital ship by herself, without all that pesky crew, like man, that briliant plan of hers where she will just speed towards nearby planet and then hope an entire fleet of the Empire won't notice the launching escape vessels, because nobody ever thought of such thing in the entire history of galaxy.
Remember when Thrawn stole Mining behemots, got a bunch asteroids, cloaked them with prototype device, used two Interdictor cruiser to create a gravity well as a pinpoint exit point from hyperspace and then used two dozen of the asteroids to bluff the Republic and utterly defanged the Corruscant? Drooling amateur in comparison to her.
Of course a bigot Poe had to go and fuck it up

Why is Sup Forums so full of Sup Forums 'redpill' retards?


I can't wait for the origin film where they explain her purple hair for 45 minutes

>Forest Whitaker just gives up and dies for no reason other than to seem like he's a hero
>Laura Dern just gives up and dies for no reason other than to seem like she's a hero
Two movies a year like this until we're all dead

it was to express herself in the wake of her super peaceful all controlling woman government of her homeworld

>disposable, replaceable droids
Lots of disposable men too - why didn't she just sacrifice one of them?

When Sanders was screeching about 'Freeeeeeee' I never thought he meant a free rent inside of your head. I guess that is start.

>peacefull woman government

Whoa there, I know it is a science FICTION, but my suspension of disbelief goes only so far. Starkiller base is still plausible, but let's not overdone it.