Stormin' Norman fucked his own shit up storytime

Stormin' Norman fucked his own shit up storytime

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This reminds me too much of the "Joker cuts off his face" thing.


Oh, hey ! Hi scene from Tim Burton's Batman ! Please, take a seat !

This seems like a really cool idea but it's Slott so I know it is going to end up be disappointing.

Peter talks as if he's going to finnally fucking kill norman, and we know he wont

Thanks, OP. I have to agree with . This will probably have a weak conclusion.

ASM has had pretty good art consistently for the past few years.
its a shame that its fucking wasted on Slott's writing.

Oh, hey ! Hi Barney ! Long time no see.


slott is so boring i actually don't give a shit about the quintessentially supervillain plot of "norman turns everybody into green goblins"

I think i really hate his norman. He fumbles villains like nobodies business

Slott, please leave, it only hurts more to see you like this

Better than the Clone Wars mess before it.
So far.

He doesn't actually give a shit about any Spidey villain except Ock and the ones he created. This will end with Norman completely fucked up, and either him, peter, or both, realizing that Doc Ock is in fact his true arch nemesis.

I'm da joker baby
or at the very least a less cut up jigsaw

No scenes of Otto scheming? Shame. Otto is just about the only thing I care about from Slott's run these days. At least he puts effort with Otto. I hate the way he writes Norman.

I just don't can believe that people buy this.

Norman in Superior was pretty great up until that "he just runs away off panel" scene.

is this the same osborn that ran away ON FOOT from two(2) spidermen?

thanks, doc

Too bored to go on.

>Norman will just run off-panel again

>only 17 pages. Not even a full 22.

Fucking Slott, you lazy piece of shit.

It was 20, there were 4 double page spreads.

Still not 22.

does slott have a a fetish for scarring spider-man character's faces? seriously?

books aren't 22 pages anymore bro

I don't think any Marvel comic has been 22 pages for a long time.

>Marvel cheaping out on page count and charging more.

>every spider villain gets scarred
>ock gets a peter clone body

The 90's are back

So why didn't Peter just tell SHIELD about what's going on?

How the fuck do you enslave the entire population of a European country without it making the news?

peter been burning his bridges and shield are stupid assholes who can't do anything right

All that pre-Superior SpOck drama about Peter being angst for Sable's "death" and their reunion isn't as touching as should be. That's low and lame, Slott.

I was waiting at least Spidey get unsure for see another "dead person" comming right after Clone Saga 2.0.

That joke wasn't funny...

>Alright! Here's the plan! We invade a former soviet republic with cheap chinese spiderman product knock-offs who are BIGGER, BETTER and have more VROOOM!

I am so fucking sick of Alex Ross covers.

Zdarsky's FCBD issue was better than this trash.

Alex Ross should make covers to good comics, not this.

This is just boring. Fuck Marvel for not taking Slott off Spidey for Legacy.

...Is he seriously STILL on spider-man after legacy? What the fuck?


Oh, for fuck's sake. When will retards at Marvel learn how slavic surnames work? She's a woman so she would be named Karkova.

Does Bobbi want the Spider-D?

I like how he knows he has a very large weapons industry going but isn't 100% sure if it's the biggest in the world. He sat down with wikipedia and compared his weapons industry to all the countries of Europe but stopped there.

Bit wouldn't the rhino still FEEL you since he had you gripped in his hands? I know people like to call the Rhino dumb but he can't be THAT stupid.

has any Superior been in this since 25? i'm debating reading it for Immonen

SHIELD. You are fucking incompetent.
You let a wanted war criminal enslave an entire european nation AND conduct human experimentation with psychotic supersoldier drugs.
What other stuff has shield done that's remotely as big of a failure as this?

Do Slavic surnames change based on gender? Ever other culture I've encountered keeps the last name regardless and the first name is the one that's gendered, like how Peter David has a "masculine" last name but his daughter would still be called David i.e. Ariel David.

There has been no superior as far as I recall, but that's because this storyline is so boring and bland that the issues literally kinda morph together. If he has appeared he's probably said no more than "THAT PETER RUINING MY COMPANY MY REPUTATION MY LEGACY YOU'LL RUE THE DAY YOU CROSSED ME" because he plays no plot significance whatsoever.

I don't recommend reading this even for Immonen. I love his art, but even he can't save Dan Slott's trainwreck.

Spock was the guy who tipped off that Peter was invading a foreign company.

He also showed up like two issues ago taking over a hydra cell.

who doesnt?

Mary Jane

>Amazing Spider-Man by Dan Slott (still). In another Word Balloon podcast recently, Slott talked a lot about his long term plans for the title and how Superior Octopus sets up future stories. Seems a pretty clear indication that Slott's time on the book is not close to ending.

you look fucking horrible, norman

Is this how that motorcycle is supposed to be working?

Thank God to that. She can have it in RYW. After be sure Annie's shenanigans won't cockblock her and Pete.

If the surnames end with "ov", they do. Also "ev", "in" and "sk".

Slott should stop using that word, I don't think he knows what it means. By all appearances, the people of Symkaria are at worst wage-slaves for Norman. They don't appear to be actually enslaved or oppressed.

Looks way too much like pic related

Norman has lost his powers, he's just an evil genius. He's become a super-arms manufacturer, operating out of a castle, and selling advanced weapons to any dictator, terrorist, criminal or madman who can pay. His girlfriend is evil Slavic nobility, and he has his own private army.

Where were you when Norman Osborn was a metal mask away from becoming Marvel's Destro?

>When it comes to goblins I'm the best you can get
>Has suffered the heaviest casualties at the hands of Goblins
>Literally cucked by a Goblin

For being a evil super genius, a master plan of just turning everyone into goblin soldiers is really stupid.

He's literally just making goblin nation 2.0

>Norman finally just perfected his goblin serum
>meanwhile Kingsley did it years ago
>kingsley also is currently not about to get assfucked my peter and his team yet again

Best goblin my ass

He didn't "perfect the serum", he just timed his exposure to it better than Norman did.

And he's also currently dead or in prison after getting one-shotted by Carl Manvers.

Your response will be "REEEEEEEEEEEEE that was just a brainwashed dupe", on the basis that he must always retain the plot-armor he had when his identity was a mystery.

>How did you get away?
>"Well, I broke free, and got away."
Bravo Slott, almost as good as Bendis.

Sable saves everyone is forced to work in the weapons factory, though I assume they do actually get paid for it. Mandatory conscription, kinda like those mandatory army service requirements some countries have.

Conscription may not be nice, but it's entirely legal in a number of countries that it, and conscription for factory-work is less likely to get you killed than military conscription.

It's not nice, but it's certainly not slavery, and it's a terrible comparison.

A funny thing is that Slott's favorite presidential candidate wanted to implement a National Service Reserve.

camancouli is trash.

i like him alot tbqh he's no 10/10 but he's a solid 7or 8

This arc is basically Peter's attempt to have a threesome

>read through the issue for at least one panel of Ock
>not a single Ock appearance
What a fucking waste of time.

Just hold out for one more issue and you'll get an entire arc.

You know these two pages really show how fast Spidey's harem is growing.

Time has not been kind to Tommy Lee Jones.

>What other stuff has shield done that's remotely as big of a failure as this?

Well, there was the time that SHIELD let Norman Osborn take them over and dissolve them without a fight.

Or the time that SHIELD let a Hydra infiltrator become their leader and then conquer the U.S.

Are we really getting an Ock arc after this? When is he giving Ock a rest?