>"Well, let’s take the tax bill. People say (Republicans) are doing it for the wealthy class. What they forget is if you get a clever, un-selfish business person — I don’t care if it’s a corner store or a big business — who’s suddenly saving 15 percent, they’ll put it back in this business. Then you’re going to get growth and therefore (people) will get employed."
>The reporter then seemed eager to challenge Scott’s belief that after you are given equal opportunity, it is all up to you. “I’m sure you benefited from some help early on in your career,” the reporter assumes. Scott is having none of it:
>"I’m a natural-born hunter because that’s who I am. No one taught me that. I started from scratch. I arrived in Hollywood with a wristwatch and stayed at the YMCA. You have to learn the curve. But don’t (expletive) moan about it. It’s about doing. There’s always a way in. I used to lay concrete on runways for an Irish company when I was a student. I packed drywall. My parents didn’t have the money to help me out. But they were very supportive of anything I wanted to do."

Our fucking guy.

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>believes in trickle-down economics

No wonder the new Alien movies sucked so hard

Based. Gonna buy a few copies of Prometheus to celebrate.

Based Rids. I can't wait to see liberals getting triggered and wishing he was dead lol

Ridley is still a shitty director

and people here on this shitty board tackle this guy just because he is a senile old man...

Sup Forums shit taste indeed

he has at least 6 classics under his belt. a couple of those are masterpieces. shitty directors dont have that


It's literally the best system we have.
Why do you think everyone wants to move to America?
How is the living standard?
How do Americas poor compare to the global definition of poor?

poor people do 0% of the innovation meanwhile the rich do all of it
you can choose to not be poor, it's called ambition

*dies because he is too racist to afford proper healthcare*

Trickle down economics worked back then. Doesn't work with mass immigration.

You got good money as a laborer in mainland Europe until they let everyone from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. IT or Laboring, the people hiring are making out like bandits paying fuck all, that's why the rich love open borders.

bonus: when you get raped you can sue the YMCA to finance your first feature

>Why do you think everyone wants to move to America?
Why do Americans think this?

>Why do you think everyone wants to move to America?

What masterpieces?

He still thinks Dekard is a replicant because he added one gay shot ignoring the rest of the movie.

>Has Kathleen Kennedy offered you a Star Wars movie?
>No, no. I’m too dangerous for that.
>Why is that?
>Because I know what I’m doing. [Laughs.]


>When you spend money, that money disappears into the aether

>Why do you think everyone wants to move to America?
Do Americans actually believe this? The only people who want to move there are brown third worlders who watched too many Hollywood movies.

liberals never explains why hollywood is mad at trump if he's making them all richer. they also never explain that if the republicans are for rich people, then why do the coast, hollywood and silicon valley hate them. simple observation with no explanation.

>You have to learn the curve. But don’t (expletive) moan about it.

lol taking anything a boomer says seriously

do't give me that. not with the amount of euros i've seen outright say they've attempted and failed to get over here


It goes to the walmart family. They have over half of US wealth. Middle class is shrinking by the day too. Taxes on the middle class should be the lowest tax rate. That would mostly fix a lot of issues. Taxes on the rich dont need to chsnge much, the IRS need to actually collect that shit though

>Why do you think everyone wants to move to America?
Do they? Net Mexican immigration was at a zero, dipping into the negatives for a while.
>How is the living standard?
Not that great. The US ranks number 16 on the Where to be Born index. In 1988, they ranked first.
>How do Americas poor compare to the global definition of poor?
What do you mean by the global definition of poor?
There are plenty of Americans that are financially destitute. African Americans, as a whole, have a median income of $36,000. Now consider how many are well below that.

>I started from scratch with only a wristwatch and stayed at the YMCA


>brown third worlders aren't people


>this is how niggers actually talk

The problem is that the super-rich don't spend money, but rather that goes into investment.

Because the consumer demands has been so flat for so long, investments into actual production has been generating lackluster return, and so the rich has been pumping their investments into financial instruments like bonds, speculative investments, and inherently scarce things like real estate.

What we now have is people who actually have needs and want to buy physical things don't have any the money to do so, so the industry producing actual things are starved of revenue and won't invest in production capital, but super-rich paying each other more and more money to trade one speculative investment for another.

Cutting social spending to pay for the tax cut for the rich accelerates this problem.

I know you're just going to dig in your heels and come back with some meme mantra that doesn't actually address what I've said, but I felt like typing all this out.

This. It's never once worked, but they keep trying.

>someone so assblasted they edited this image wasting valuable time of their life span they will never recover

based ridley isnt having any of that commie deterministic garbage

Lowest taxes for the lowest class, highest taxes for the highest class.

Upward mobility is an important driver for the poor to innovate and work hard. The high tax rate on the rich means they can't just sit and accrue money without working for it.

poor people receive more from the government than they pay in taxes

Seriously get out and fucking travel. You seriously drank the flavor-aid.


i gotta say this is good shilling

appealling to neo right wing sensibilities doesnt stand out as focused grouped and no one in the west caters to them entertainment wise.

Tax reform wond make the Alien Covenant sequel happen, Ridley

Cool, but I now think all celebs in 2018 should refrain from fucking talking about politics in public. I know he's more of a professional that celeb but you know what I mean. The whole lot of the spoilt cunts should fuck off back up their own snooty arses.

The bush tax cuts were also a hand out to the rich. The result was that unemployment sky rocketed and later we suffered through a recession. It's like these morons are immune to history and real world evidence.

It hurts me to see my country-men vote to have the elites suck them dry. "Free market" my ass.

And Walmart spends its money on products to sell and employees at their stores, and the construction of new stores that employ more people either directly, or indirectly through the buying of products and the transportation of those goods, or construction jobs, etc.
That's what "trickle down economics" is, more people buying shit = more people working for a living. Not this "everyone's going to be a millionaire" strawman.

Is this irony?

Ben franklin. Steve jobs. warren buffet. None were born rich yet all became innovators. Im sure you can name a few more

good post