New massive plot hole

So Reys main plot timeline has her on the island with Luke. Apologists for the shit plot claim we don't know how long she is on the island, she could of been on there for weeks and got some real training, but it is pretty much confirmed shes on there for a few days and it doesn't line up with the space chase.

The problem is she is having the force skype calls with Kylo. Why is this a problem? Well the fucking skype calls take place with Kylo over several different times during the space chase... but the chase is supposed to only be 11 hours or however much fuel they have. The Skype calls from the island each show Kylo at different times during the chase....This whole fucking movie doesn't make sense, the calls are over the period of a few days at least and the actual chase is only 11 hours tops.

Other urls found in this thread:

The total training time is less than 11 hours, no other interpretation is possible

She's there for 11 hours, the day/night cycles are incredibly short because of the two suns alternating, culminating in the finale where both synch up for a double set.

Pay attention brainlet.

She sleeps more then once lol. Literally has at least 2 night and day cycles.

Has anyone brought up how ridiculous it is that she knows how to swim perfectly after living on a desert planet her whole life? And she doesn’t use those Jedi underwater breather things either

Haha holy shit. Fuck this movie man.

Also, how the fuck does Yellow Shrek know all this stuff about Finn being a hero of the resistance etc etc if it's only been like 72 hours since the first film.
Also how does his jacket get repaired...

Why doesn't the first order wait for the fleet to jump, then jump ahead of them and circle back?

>could of

I agree with you, but seriously dude, learn English properly this time.

I assumed it was a while because her hair looks notably longer, even if you take her buns into account

She spends the first day folllowing Luke but he wont talk to her. Gets Chewie to break down the door and then he refuses her and it goes to night. She sleeps, wakes up and followes him around the island for a entire day, even mentioning I have seen your daily routine. He refuses her, it goes to night and R2 convinces him to train her. Luke them goes into her hut while she sleeps for the 2nd time and says 3 lessons tomorrow morning. In the morning they train for a short while, she scares him off and she goes to the cave. That night Luke walks in on her skyping Kylo, they fight and she leaves. Keep in mind between all these she has the calls to Kylo. There is zero chance even in a short day night cycle this would only be 11 hours and has been confirmed but the director its not the same time span as the main chase plot.

We don’t know the length of a day on there

That plot line doesn't necessarily have to take place at the same time as the others

Even if the days are 6 hours, like I said she fucking sleeps more then once. Besides all of this its been confirmed the timespan on the island is not 1:1 with the main chase plot.

I know and I'm ok with that and its my point. She is on the island longer then the chases timeline... but her calls with Kylo show him at several different times during the chase plot... aka it makes no sense.

>the day/night cycles are incredibly short because of the two suns alternating, culminating in the finale where both synch up for a double set
>two suns alternating
>both synch up for a double set
>Pay attention brainlet.

>when you want to sound clever but just reveal that you're completely fucking retarded about astronomy

If the suns aren't in close proximity to one another (meaning, the planet orbits both simultaneously, so they're always together) such a conjunction would take years to gradually occur.

t. /sci/

Wouldn't a planet with two sun's have a longer day? And the two sounds bullshit happened in episode 4

You're acting like the first call happened on the first day

You want to know how this movie makes sense?
1. Rian Johnson wrote the story without any regard for TFA. He may have written the story BEFORE TFA was made
2. Kathleen Kennedy and the feminists at Disney make sure the movie suits the narrative they want to tell, which boils down to "feminist critical analysis and trope deconstruction" or whatever.
3. Nobody is checking to see if there is any kind of consistency in "the canon" because of midichlorians, jar jar, and the chosen one story. Disney has effectively thrown out the canon of the OT at this point. They have used George's retcons and the audience reaction to the prequels as an excuse to ruin Star Wars in their own way.
4. Objective science doesn't matter because "Star Wars is fantasy". This means if you get into an argument with someone, they can always talk about how there is sound in space or how lightsabers even exist.
5. Normies and women are constantly trying to get into males spheres of interest, and Disney is run by such types whose names have many echoes. Now that they have gotten into power and the natural corruption of morals, values, and storytelling have been destroyed from within. All according to plan imo.

how could you make a good movie under those conditions?

Its just fucking star wars. Get over it, pol.

I can't believe how sexist this thread is. The Last Jedi is a progressive, modern, masterpiece and if you haven't seen it at least twice I will have no other choice than to tell you that you are offensive, sexist and you need to check your privilege!

>such a conjunction would take years to gradually occur

The planet could pass between the two suns. It would only take 6 months at best.

Oh I didn't realize that they showed him during the chase on the Skype calls. Carry on

Yea, its bizarre. People who defend Rey's Mary Sueness claim maybe she was on the island for weeks and got some good training in we didn't see... but if you want to accept that then you get this retarded side effect where the chase scene had to have lasted for weeks since the calls with Kylo carry on during the chase. This fucking movie man.

Did the first order have no smaller attack craft that could catch the rebels? Why is there such a limited range on laser weapons in space?

The movie was such a mess and it should have been focused more on the Kylo/Rey storyline. Everything else was a total waste of time.

The excuse for that was "muh fleet shields"

There was nothing to slow down or weaken the lasers. It’s the vacuum of space. It wouldn’t matter if they were ten miles or ten feet from the shields.

>pass between

That's not a conjunction.

The suns would be on opposite sides of the sky, leaving the planet temporarily without a night.


Why were turbo laser bolts arcing in space?
Why were they using slow ass bombers that need to be directly above their target to be effective?
Why are these bombers so fragile that a piece of tie fighter can go right through one and set off a chain reaction which blows up three?
Why didn't Kylo use the force to turn off the praetorian guards weapons and slaughter them all in 10 seconds?
Why didn't he do this with Rey in TFA?
Why was force Yoda acting like the funny and senile guy in ESB instead of the wise old man we saw him become in ROTJ?
Why did Luke die from projecting himself? He must have done this before, it's not like he learned it right there and didn't know how much it'd drain him
Why did Rose sacrifice herself to stop Finn from sacrificing himself?
Why did Rose say "We d
Shouldn't kill the ones we hate, but save the ones we love", when her stopping Finn just allowed the door to be breached and what's left of the resistance to be slaughtered?

Rey force compressed the time cycles to shorten her duration and return to her friends, who were in dire need of her help

I thought this as well, you're the first I've heard bring it up.

The suns don't need to move, only the planet. If it moves from between the suns to the opposite side of one of the suns, it will be as if both of them have lined up.

I know this may come as a surprise to many of you idiot fanboys who want to drill holes in this plot where they don't exist/explained in ways you simply don't LIKE, but time passes differently on planets who are a galaxy apart from one another. Did you even see Interstellar? It wasn't just the black hole in that movie that dilated time, but the sheer distance he traveled away from earth, through the wormhole. Do some fucking research before you poke holes in A MOVIE WITH LASER SWORDS IN IT

Her Mary Sue journey is now complete.

A few threads have mentioned it

Ignoring the fact that the suns would orbit one another, so they wouldn't be "static", it would still take months for this conjunction to occur, and there would be no abrupt shortening of the day, as the original post claimed.

Months as in what? You could be on a different planet in a different star system. This isn't all based upon everything being set at one sol and one AU.

So how long was Luke on Dagobah in Empire?

He didn't have any razors so we can only conclude that he was there for less time than it takes to grow a beard, as it's obvious he's able to grow a beard based upon what we've seen in the new movies.

>He didn’t have any razors
You don’t know that.

Rose says that she had been stopping people from leaving the ship for a few days prior to meeting Finn.

He could have force shaved

How many scenes did they feature luke shaving? 0
That's what I thought. He hardly had any supplies out there. Did he live on pond scum? Why did his hair style not change? Has luke always cut his own hair? It's obvious he didn't because it would be abnormal and they would mention it in the movies. He was there for a very short amount of time and he mastered the force.

Yeah I noticed that too. It's not just intercut with the chase, it has to happen at the same time because of the Kylo scenes. You can explain the day/night cycle with the fact that it's a different planet, but you'd still have to deal with the fact that the entire training arc is 1 earth day.

Worked for Luke in the trash compactor.

plucking isnt out of the question if miliking isnt either

They showed the milking. They didn't show a single bit of plucking. We might as well assume gravity doesn't work since they didn't prove it on screen. I think my case is much more solid.

Oh. You’re a shill trying to cover for the obvious plot holes in TLJ. Carry on.

I am not a shill, I'm just someone who is trying to make sense of the plot. If we ground our argument in facts we can hopefully arrive on the best conclusion about the events that occurred.

You're just taking the shit out of us right? You're not actually defending this trash?

I hate the new star wars but:
>planets in different solar systems have the same day length

Rey is with Luke for the days/weeks it takes the First Order to regroup and find the resistance HQ after Starkiller is blown up?

>I am a shill
I know.

>Why did Luke die from projecting himself? He must have done this before, it's not like he learned it right there and didn't know how much it'd drain him

He died because he was slashed and stabbed with a lightsaber.

>Why did Rose sacrifice herself to stop Finn from sacrificing himself?
She saved him from killing himself due to him hating himself. He likely wouldn't have stopped the laser, he would have likely killed himself.

Star Wars doesn't into relativism.

That's what I figured at first...until you realize the force skype calls she has with Kylo, are dying the chase timeline. Thats my point here.

I addressed this, the days can be shorter but she states she watches Luke entire daily routine and goes to bed more then once during this.

What made luke special if he wasn't able to master the force quickly? As shown in the prequels, most jedi have to be chosen and trained as youth and everyone was apprehensive about luke. Yoda gave him a quick rundown of things. The force isn't even limited to its user. If you want to argue that these things aren't true and could only come from a shill give me an argument. I think the force is more like yin yang and it just fills in wherever it is needed based upon some arbitrary decision of what is right and wrong (lucas's shitty writing). How could the force be anything else? Luke turned off his targeting computer. Why the fuck would the force care if the bomb went in the hole? It wouldn't. The force is literally deus ex machina that moves the plot along.

>this much text
Do they just give you shills a text file that you copy and paste from?

It's a little know force power called Force Swim

>every planet has a 24 hour day/night cycle

How fucking retarded are you. Not defending the movie but of all the issues it has this isn't one of them

No one even believes me it's cool. The force is wishy washy bullshit and lucas was a hack.

She talks to Kylo on the second day, right? Maybe she got to Luke before the space chase happened.

>attacking the original to deflect criticism from the absolute trash that Disney is shitting out
This is some insidious Jew scheming

Jesus, I don't think I've seen such a apologist for a legit bad movie. Go to a mirror and finally admit the movie was flawed man. Its ok.

I don't understand the timeline at all. How much time has taken place between the destruction of Starkiller Base and the final scene of The Force Awakens? How has The New Order not been affected at all by such a devastating loss? How is The Resistance at more of a disadvantage than ever? How long was Rey on that island with Luke? How long was Finn in a coma? What the fuck is up with this timeline?

Sidenote: why have Rey even go to Ach-too and dedicate over 90 minutes of The Last Jedi to her NOT being trained? That makes both the ending of the previous movie and most of this movie pointless, because she leaves after one lesson from Luke, and it turns out she never needed training to begin with.

I think it was that the lasers couldn't penatrate the shields from a certain range. Not like that makes more sense l, but I believe that's what they said.

>How much time has taken place between the destruction of Starkiller Base and the final scene of The Force Awakens?
Happens immediately afterwards. Rey has just met Luke and the Resistance is evacuating the planet as more First Order forces arrive, exactly where TFA ended.

It was already filled with plot holes as a movie from the 70s. The prequels just introduced more mess to it all. The jedi were sent to destabilize the trade federation and overthrow the senate just to lead to the reign of the sith. The original trilogy just showed us a snapshot of life under the sith where the light side rose to meet the dark side. We saw bits of both light in dark and dark in light and everything was essentially at the mercy of the force. The only way a force user really wields it is to give up control to it. Things swing both ways and the force literally forces the plot to move in the direction it wants. That's why we got a mary sue this time around against an angsty teen. Last time it was an angsty teen against someone who seemingly had all power.

Jesus Christ read the thread. Like the 4th person to say this. Even if the day/night cycle is different, its confirmed by the director she was there for awhile and its not on the same timespan as the chase. She goes to bed and gets up at least twice and the space chase is only 12 hours. So even if she was only training and walking around for like... what 3 hours then going to bed for a hour and getting back up?

The point is she was on the island for at least a couple 24 hour cycles (again the director confirms this) but the force calls she has with Kylo are during the fucking space chase as it progresses... fucking movie is a mess.

Why is it even a resistance? Where the fuck is the rest of the Republic? Why was Disney so desperate to have the good guys be the underdogs again?

Star Wars is Science-Fantasy and the Force is magic. It has a system, but it's not a rigid Brandon Sanderson style system, it's more like JKR and Harry Potter. Lucas wrote a hero's journey with fantasy elements set in a futuristic space soap opera.

That's it.

Until Ma-Rey Sue, the only thing it could really do without training was basically make you very lucky or embellish what you were already good at. Now apparently it's just a word, and then you know everything, but must still walk around and get told by everyone how awesome you are.

Pretty much all movies compress time, I don't really see why it matters how much time "actually" passed in the film. The movie lasted 2 and a half hours, that's all we can say.

Merchandise. If they make a smaller more intimate movie, that is full of character development, nuanced writing and gut wrenching won't sell AT-ST's or BB-8s

>it's more like JKR and Harry Potter
JKR and harry potter had the most rigid system. It was all about black and white and there were absolutes. Bad people are punished and good people live happy lives. Sirious was a big mess and she dropped that shit as soon as she introduced it.

Lucas shows us how even the best people can be corruptible and it's important to see the light in even the darkest individuals. His story was written poorly but at least he had good intentions through it and he gave us a fun adventure. The HP books were popular culture nonsense and they feature the biggest "mary sue" of all.

>Why was Disney so desperate to have the good guys be the underdogs again?

The good guy underdog trope makes this movie and The Force Awakens (retroactively) pointless. Who cares if the good guys succeed or not when nothing they do matters anyway? They blow up Starkiller Base? Not only does it not matter at all, but the good guys are somehow weaker than ever and reduced to fewer than 20 people by the end of The Last Jedi.

Literally the 2nd line of the opening crawl saying the resistance is on the run and the first order is taking over the galaxy... I knew I wasnt going to like the movie. They just dealt them a crippling blow, destroy a fucking base the size of a planet and god knows how many troops etc with it... why would the first order not be on the run... how are they even a fucking thing to start with.

Caste system? Maybe. Magic system? I think they are more similar than people want to admit. Both corrupt based on intent, both have dark and light sides, both are only truly limited by imagination and research. I do like the idea of gray Jedi etc, but imo as a consular Jedi and being a true archivist of the order, it should have been Luke to find it. Rey will always just be a one dimensional mary sue to me, at least until she has actual tension and struggle in her world.

Star Wars involved a government and how it worked and it at least gave us the frame for that. The system presented in HP was totalitarian nonsense which monitored all actions and drained people's souls and it was never fully explained. If you want to find plot holes, the force has far fewer than anything presented in the HP series. The force is simple. It is what drives existence and it wants balance. It might as well be the plot. Every SW movie ends on either a high or low point and they alternate as the force doesn't allow things to swing too far in one direction. HP is all about what the fuck ever.

>take her buns into account
I don't know about you, user, but I always have Rey's buns in mind.

He also isn't afraid of drowning in the swamps on Dagobah. Maybe there's an indoor pool at Toshi Station.


>i-in this movie it happened so it has to happen in another movie
fucking retard

Honestly what you are talking about here, makes what Finn, Rose, Casino World and all of that political nonsense just absolute bollocks.

If Hack Johnson just wants to say that FO has innumerable and seemingly unlimited resources, then nothing the Resistance can do will help the plebs of casino world. Whether they help the rebellion (buy more ships from casino) or hurt the FO (who would replace said ships Rebellion destroys with more ships from casino), in the end, they still contribute to what they want to stop. By being in the Resistance, she is literally giving that casino world money.

Without actual world building and limitations set in the 'rules' of the Universe and Galaxy, there really isn't much of a story. It's just an expensive toy commercial that happens to also be a Saturday afternoon special to teach you a moral lesson or two.

Oh I'm not saying the Force is a plot hole. I'm just talking about it. There are plenty of plot holes in the movie, but honestly I'm tired of bothering with talking about them.

I think the force can be used to explain everything. Where the hell did all of the jedi ghosts go after order 66? It wasn't a concern of the force. We just see things as the force gives a shit because the force might as well be the writer. It's the plot. It is the most contrived thing and lucas made some interesting movies about it but it's all just bullshit in the end whether lucas or disney is at the reigns.

Yes but what you are missing is... they have everything they need to build a new resistance user! Sure there is only like 2 dozen rag tag survives left aboard the Falcon, but they have hope! They are the spark that will engulf the flame that will infuse the coil that will heat the lamp that will light the hope to burn the first order down!

Rey and Kylo are very powerful with their use of the force and know many things due to both being the descendants of two generations of people adept with the force. Rey is the Star Wars equivalent of a third-stage Lensman. Kylo Ren is as well. This is why she already has amazing powers despite having little training. Rey is Luke's daughter. This is part of why Jedi were not supposed to have children.

Why does everything the Rebels do have to be inspired by a Rube Goldberg machine? Every plan, new star ship, etc seems to have 90 thousand working parts to butter toast.

There's so many stupid fucking things in this movie that really didn't need to be there. Like we see that Phasmas armor is blaster proof. WHY ISN'T THIS STANDARD ISSUE FOR ALL TROOPERS THEY'D BE UNSTOPPABLE

>she fucking sleeps more then once
You've never slept twice within a period of 6 hours before?
>its been confirmed the timespan on the island is not 1:1 with the main chase plot.
Great, then. That means there's more time for Finn to be resting in the bacta suit, so he doesn't make a miraculous instant recovery from getting hacked in the fucking spine.

Rey and Kylo are Marie Sue/Gary Stu charcters. Better than everybody at everything and completely boring because the only struggle they can have is internal. Obviously, that is just imo, but I don't find either of them appealing characters. I get bored when they are on screen. The whole 'LDR via internet' via the Force didn't do anything for me either, because it ended just like you think it would. Was stereotypical of a boy meeting a girl on the net or through a game, they met, she saw the special in him, had sex/killed surrogate parent, boy wanted more sex, girl said nah cause she wants more. Oh Im sorry, she reconciled her feminine identity according to the heroine's journey.

You've never slept twice within a period of 6 hours before?

Of course. My point is she would have to be walking around during the day light for a max of like 2 hours then going to fucking bed, rinse repeat twice just to twist this retarded logic to make it fit the apologists version of her only being there 11 hours... even though its canon she was there a few days. In those few days she has multiple calls to Kylo... and in Kylos end he is in and out of the chase plot. The movie is a fucking mess, its ok its not your fault.

What if he didn't kill himself and saved the resistance ? Rose didn't know Luke was coming so she basically killed herself to stop Finn from having a chance to save the resistance.

What about Chewie dropping Rey near the Supremacy and getting the fuck outta here in lightspeed, even tho the resistance is right there next to them.

He didn't hate himself. He found a cause and wanted to give the resistance a chance to survive. Not to mention, she was more likely to blow up with him on contact or die to all the empire than save him. It was really a stupid decision, and physically impossible since they were at full-speed, but whatever. Would have been better had they both died, which is what would have happened had she not been blessed by Hack Johnson.

the length of a day doesnt change your sleep frequency (significantly) it is dictated by the circadian rhythm of melatonin. ie if you stayed in pitch black constantly you would still sleep around 6-9 hours and awake 18-15

>Things swing both ways and the force literally forces the plot to move in the direction it wants.

>The force made the story shitty.

the jacket is a point of contention for you?
>implying thats not a standard issue resistance jacket anyone in his rank could get

ebbs and flows

user, they are just assblasted autists who think "good story" is having everything explicitly and constantly spoon fed to you, like in the prequels.

They are too stupid to understand that the prequels and EU and books and games and everything did NOT exist when the OT came out, making the OT full of TLJ-style "plot holes" (a phrase that they are using completely wrong).

Which is what Rian and Disney is going for btw: to bring back the mystery and wonder of the OT without having 500 pages of backstory to every single thing and character. so they can then release their own 'EU' and make people buy everything all over again

This is a message of the utmost importance from the First Order.

Rose is thicc and beautiful.

That is all, return to your stations