What does Sup Forums think of Rick and Morty?

What does Sup Forums think of Rick and Morty?

Status Quo.

It's good. It has a lot more emotional depth than I expected going in.

A meh Comedy show masquerading as deep and provocative using an edgy high schooler's understanding of Nihilism.

Like any other show.

>Sup Forums loves it.
>gets popular or something miniscule happens
>Sup Forums hates it.

Rinse and repeat

it's... interesting.

So basically we're hipsters

Good comedy cartoon, but not the best one: overrated but definitely still worth watching.

I love it. plus Justin Roiland liked a tweet I made


A real love/hate relationship. Either you're part of the crowd that licks it hairy asshole, or your part of the crowd that can't enjoy things ever.

Or you're part of that group that thinks it's okay but not super awesome special great. Those people are liars and they don't exist.

By the by, I think it's okay but not super awesome special great.

Alright, I REALLY want to read abradolf lincler in greentext or fanfic.

I really like what gonna happen when abradolf lincler teleport to WW 1 or 2.

Great show that continuously surprises me by how intelligent it is regarding how well it explains complex science fiction ideas to a general audience. A few episodes are hit and miss, but it's largely very strong.

>super awesome special great
>not super special awesome
one job

It's great background noise.

The only thing that bugs me about the show is when the normies started liking it.

i like it, it's pretty funny

What is a hipster+edgelord+contrarian?

I think it's great. I can see why some people hate it, even back in season one I thought Rick felt a bit too masturbatory of Dan's own ego, but at this point it feels that some people are going to extreme lengths to make it look worse then it really is and just following board trends.

Sup Forums.
We're the counter-counter culture.

Rick and Morty is edgy Reddit trash and there's nothing deep or complex about it, there's nothing original and there's nothing really that special about it, it basically just took elements from other shows in the adult animation genre, dumbed them down for a main audience and then shove in half assed "emotional" moments and edgy "deep" quotes and retards like you who were probably obsessed with Family Guy a year ago latched on to it and talk about it like its the second coming of animated Christ or something


Ok then.

It's okay I guess.
Some episodes are good, some are bad.

I saw the first season and some later episodes along with the new one, I thought it was good but I sometimes don't understand all the hype the show gets, nor the humor. Like the whole Szechuan sauce thing, I don't find that funny at all. What I'm not looking forward to is the massive flooding of R&M threads once the rest of season 3 is out.

I really like it for how utterly poorius people like this guy get about it Don't often watch it though.
