cOmiCs aND CaRToOnS

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Go back to twitter.


Sup Forums

gO BAcK tO twITteR

u mad?


MoRE liKe Sup Forums

>neo Spongebob gets memes
i fucking hate Nigtter.

shouldnt have posted that forgot im in comics and cartoons

I FucKinG HaTe NiGTteR

hItLeR dId NoThInG wRoNg

>neo SpongeBob gets memes
What was wrong with this?

Where's the funny?

>post loss and thread reaches max from posters circle jerking each other
>post any other meme that's posted on any other social media site and thread reaches max limit with people saying go back to (insert site here)

I'm going to turn loss into a normie meme so that it too can finally die here

Oh you poor, naive little man.

wHeRe'S tHe FuNnY?

u MaD bRo??

There is a rule about making posts like this guys. Remember the sniper banner?

>neo Spongebob gets memes

tHeRe Is RuLeS aBoUt MaKiNg PoStS lIkE tHiS gUyS

I don't hang out on normie websites, can someone give me a quick rundown on this shit?

Is spongebob supposed to look like a bird here? He looks like a fuckin bird


Artist? I remember seeing this before

he acts like a bird in the episode i think


you come from reddit, I don't see why you'd hate normalfag sites

There is absolutely no way that braille translates properly

he didn't say le in his post you fucking tryhard

oH BoY a TwItTeR mEmE

kIlL yOuRsELf

Pretty edgy for twitter, I thought most of it was all PC

Stop guys! This is a meme with the capacity to defend itself, don't attack it, you'll just make it stronger!

lol u tk him 2 da bar?

>a meme with the capacity to defend itself
Arrow to the knee did that half a decade ago and everyone hated it after two weeks.

Shut up Grant.

Try one week.

Twitter is like 50% teenage niggers and white kids who pretend to be niggers. Why would it be at all passive?

Garabot on tumblr, I can't find any of his old accounts so I'm assuming he's deleted them.

I unironically hope you do.
If we can get normies to laugh about miscarriages, then there might actually be hope for humanity.

Twitter is also full of sad middle aged women in horrible marriages who drink a lot of wine.

I'm pretty sure that's Pinterest.

So it's full of middle-aged women?

SJW/Liberal/"""Woke""" Twitter is the minority.

you have no idea how twitter works, do you?

No. I don't use that fucking shit. I'd rather use this shit site.

tRy oNe WEeK

So you just parrot whatever you hear on Sup Forums then?

I'm already tired of this normalfag meme, please go and stay go.

I used to be tired of this normalfag meme
but then I took an arrow to the knee

i'M aLReaDy TiRed oF ThIs nORmaLFaG MeMe, pLeaSe Go ANd StAY gO.

It's like Zalgo but with retardation.

That's the beauty of it.


iTs LiKe ZaLgO bUt WiTh ReTaRdAtIoN

>memes are reverting back to penguin of d00m quality
Damn, people are getting lazy as fuck for attention

DaMn, PeOpLe ArE GeTtInG lAzY aS fUcK fOr AtTeNtIoN

honestly people needs to stop replying to it

sHuT uP gRaNt

You forget (likely teenage) Brazilians who like bleh American pop stuff.

You forget (likely teenage) Brazilians who like "basic" American pop stuff.

Seems like a thread with no particular topic so I'll ask here. I always get compared to heroes like Spiderman, Deadpool, Cyclops and Iron Man. Now I'm not a comic reader so I don't know much about them, so what's it mean?

Reminds me of this gem.

DoN't AtTaCk It YoU'lL jUsT mAkE iT sTrOnGeR!

Why haven't mods banned this shit. Forced meme is forced

>Spongebob memes

Nah, yer all cunts

No, people on Twitter try way too hard to be "politically incorrect"

Please Respond.

You're a guilt ridden stick-in-his-ass alcoholic with cancer.

Why don't we just call the SCP foundation?


But I'm not an alcoholic

bUt Im NoT aN aLcHoLiC

ePiC mEmE mY fRiEnD


I'm so fucking tired of that fucking meme

Black twitter has consistently been churning out better memes than Sup Forums since the phoneposter invasion.

At this point I've been having more fun using Twitter bots and trolling on there than watching threads here constantly get derailed by politics.

>tfw it's only a matter of time until the owner of twitter fucks it up somehow and makes it impossible to spread memes
they already killed vine, so it's only a matter of time.

HaHa sO oRiGiNaL bRoThEr
WhOoP wHoOp



Why are normalfag memes so awful? Nothings fresh anymore


I don't understand the fucking meme. What is spongebob doing that leads to him talking like that?

Empires rise and fall, even meme empires. There's nothing that can be done about this.

He's not even mocking anyone, it's him acting like a chicken as an involuntary response to seeing anything in plaid.

So just like modern Sup Forums?

twitter is pretty damn ruthless. lots of suicide and depression memes for some reason too

black twitter pretty much saved twitter from obscurity. i'm not gonna lie, i have more fun on it than anywhere else.

This. I don't even remember this episode of spongebob which is weird because I've literally seen all of them a million times.

So which episode is this?

I don't get it.

haha so original brother whoop whoop

Don't tell me random capitalization is coming back en vogue. I thought this bullshit died with myspace and AIM.

I remember this one insult on Patton Oswalt's dead wife that was pretty good.

i DoN't UnDeRstANd tHE fUcKiNG mEMe. wHaT iS SpONgeBOb doINg tHaT lEAds tO hIM tAlKiNg LiKe tHAt?

This is the time when I am sad that I lost my Spengbab collection when my old computer died.

Nothing would make normies uncomfortable with this mean like classic Spengebab

I got fired for making fun of an asshole guest in the breakroom

Don't work at Wal-Mart guys. It fucking sucks, big time

You're gay

I gOt FiREd

*I gOt FiReD

>Memes will never be as fun as they were in the mid-late 2000s
>The internet will never be like it was in the mid-late 2000s again

Clucking like a chicken, which happens whenever a certain trigger happens. So yes, he's being triggered.