Why was this fucker hanging out in a prison cell he could have gotten out of at any time?

Why was this fucker hanging out in a prison cell he could have gotten out of at any time?

Good question. The answer? Because he was written in the script to hang out in a prison cell he could have gotten out of at any time

Buy the comic!

Because Hack Johnson is a hack of a writer

Dude the will of the Force lmao

He was sleeping off a hangover

Because plot convenience.
The story needed him to be there at the exact time Chuckleberry Finn and Hanoi Rose got imprisoned so that they could get out.
Once that was done, his purpose was ultimately fulfilled since what follows up to his betrayal makes him a wasted character.

he was a lazy space mexican


>Hack Johnson is a hack of a writer
what the fuck have you written?
oh thats right, nothing you stupid fuck

>what the fuck have you written?
Your eulogy.

Sleeping off a hangover, obviously. Why do you think he got pissed at all the noise?

>Figured this guy would be the codebreaker and had lost his lapel to the guy and got thrown into jail
>Would make sense they were on a casino planet
>Would also mean they get the guy they were after
>They don't
>It's just some random guy who happened to be in their cell who happened to be an equally awesome codebreaker
>They just go along with it because it'll do

It really is terrible writing. Just plain lazy.

It was the will of the force

>le attempt at witty millennial retort

le bump

I guess the most logical explanation would be the writer wanted to show what an absent-minded oddball this guy was. But it was just fucking stupid and shit and I highly doubt the writer thought that far

Even after the movie i thought he gambled away his lapel or something and the guy we see wearing it was a red herring. I only just found out that wasn't the case. I thought i just missed someone mentioning it in the movie. What a mess


because the script told him to wait for fynn and rose

That's a story for another time.

>ke weeb with le smug anime girl

>red herring
user, red herrings in movies are never a good thing because they are usually never executed properly. And even when they are it's just a cheap way for the movie to say, "made ya look". Even in the situation in this movie all it would have done is said, "You thought that was the guy but THIS is the guy." Wow, what a twist. Blown away. Now it's a five star scene. No. It still would have been pretty lame.

>It still would have been pretty lame.
It still would have been better than the shit they served up.

it was Allah's will (PBUH)

Why didn't he look like Benicio Del Toro until later?

Go to bed Mr. Johnson

I thought ol bugeyes was being all force mystic and telling them to look for the lapel knowing it would lead them on a path to the true codebreaker. But then I remembered she isn't a jedi or whatever and just likes to keep old lightsabers. So now I just don't know what the fuck.

>Billy D Williams wasn't the one wearing the lapel

Was a five second cameo too much to ask for?

Well it's a casino of high rollers, and who needs a lockpicker/slicer/codebreaker/whatever the fuck star wars calls it more than someone in a jail cell? Alternatively he just sleeps there

>Expecting them to give fans anything they would like in a movie with a central message of destroying everything that came before it without building a new foundation to embrace

He wrote that comment. So far he's a non-fiction god.



>they confront the guy with the broach who tells them he won it off a guy gambling
>they ask where he is and broachman says he got dragged off by guards
>they go out of their way to get caught to track down the guy in prison
>there they find him sleeping off a hangover
>he hacks the door open and they leave together now that he has a reason to do so

Voila, I fixed it you faggots

because hes a plot point and not a character, same as the rest

Perhaps I'm wondering why Johnson thought it was a good idea to have Finn and Rose completely fail their mission, then make it not matter because Holdo went kamikaze which was the plan all along, and none of this would have happened if Holdo just told Poe what the fuck was going on.

>only this one guy on this planet can hack this machine that you guys somehow have the plans to
ok let's go get him
>almost get him
>get thrown in jail
>cellmate says he can hack it too no prob
>ok fine let's get this guy i guess
Worst subplot in Star Wars history? And that's saying something...

First on screen computer spike user. Loved it.

I get what they were trying to go for but the execution was fucking terrible
He's still the best character though, the stutter is a nice characteristic and objectively has the best morals

Same reason I'm hanging out in my bedroom talking to people over the internet when I can go outside at any time.

I thought there was going to be more with the whole "Rich people sell weapons to both side of the war" shit. Like the conflict between the First Order and the resistance is just a proxy war to sell old shit repainted. Would've been a somewhat clever way to explain why X-wings and TIE fighters are still in use after all these years.

His “Maybe.” to being asked if what he was doing might be wrong was well done in my opinion. His politics were interesting, but ultimately it had no bearing on the plot and it went nowhere.

For speaking out against """""them"""""


I swear to god I thought Andy Serkis played him for the first few scenes.

It really didnt but i dont care because he was objectively right

How did he know that the rebellion, who he was not a part of, would be using stealth generators?

What did the plastic surgeon do to, mr.del toro?

Because Finn and Poe decided to blab about it before they got to the core.

If he could leave at his leisure, in what sense was he held prisoner?

This. He might have just been hanging out there to con some rich dupe into paying him for an escape, with a follow-up robbing.

I kept waiting for some awesome Casino Royale space poker with Justin Theroux. I was actually excited for Canto Blight.

Instead none of it matters. It's all to force the story that Poe should've trusted Holdo even though her plan was suicidal.

He was hangover. I thought it was obvious.

I like that I've seen this movie twice and still have no idea what the fuck his name is.

DJ. Yes, I'm serious.

> because Holdo went kamikaze which was the plan all along
I don't think it was because she waited until like half the transports were destroyed to do it.

The Force you dumb nigger

When is that ever stated in the movie?

I don't remember if it actually was.

That's the mark of fine storytelling. I'm willing to bet its literally just in the credits scene because I'm dead fucking serious when I state I don't remember a single introductory scene between the three of them.

You're right it would be better if he wasn't there and finn and rose stayed in jail and the movie wasn't made and george lucas wasn't born

Pretty sure dude was just homeless and needed a bed.

>could YOU do any better?!
No, but Disney didn't hire me to completely dictate the course of the next Star Wars movie.

>that you guys somehow have the plans to

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong, but don't Finn/Rose basically just theorize that the FO has this technology and from there theorize as to where it would be? I don't think the possibility of a spy or a tracking device is ever raised, much less eliminated as a possibility.

Also, did it bother anyone else that they had him take the medallion, then return it kindly, then betray them at the end? Why the double twist? Why not just have him keep the medallion rather than making him sympathetic for all of five seconds?

>Also, did it bother anyone else that they had him take the medallion, then return it kindly, then betray them at the end? Why the double twist? Why not just have him keep the medallion rather than making him sympathetic for all of five seconds?
Subverted expectations.

HAHA just slept off this henniken hangover
i th th th think i can help out you crazy kids

ch ch ch check this
*unsheathes cell door*

Hey Ryan, Looper was a shit movie.

He was like Otis from Andy Griffith.

The movie is long enough as it is.

The disney trilogy is completely backwards from what the OT was about.
The OT was a few simple ideas executed extremely well.
The DT is a lot of complex ideas butchered in unsatisfying ways, just so that its easier to consume.

>the casino planet could have been interesting
>but then it focuses on the fucking space horses
>the codebreaker could have had a purpose
>but then he just disappears for no reason
>the conflict between Poe and Holdo could have been interesting
>but then it says Holdo as 100% in the right without question
>finn could have some interesting internal conflicts about his defection from the first order
>but then all that happens is he has epic fights with Stormtroopers

Cut the entire salt planet

Returning the medal illustrates his moral ambiguity.

I think the point was him saying "I like you guys, but I'm gonna save my own ass first"

>ultimately it had no bearing on the plot and it went nowhere.
I think he was meant to drive home the point that trying to stay neutral makes you complicit in the consequences of a conflict. He's likeable, and doesn't seem like a "bad guy," but by trying to save his own skin he's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. This is also part of Luke's story -- where we find him, he's unwilling to participate in conflicts (both the war and trying to help Ben turn back from the dark side) in which he can actually make a huge difference.

But seriously though, does anyone remember how Finn and Rose figure out the tracking device when everyone seems to think this is impossible and Finn himself can't directly say something like "Oh yeah, we figured that out ages ago"?

They figure it out very quickly in the bowels of the ship. "Active tracking yada yada lets talk very fast so the audience doesn't catch on that this seems contrived"

fuck off ryan