What did you think of Bill?

What did you think of Bill?

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Entertaining in canon
Horrendous in fanon

He appears in well over half of all art/fics despite only appearing in like 5 episodes

Wasted potential. Like pretty much everything in the final few episodes.

wasted potential. should have been far stranger and demented.

And he's always getting shipped with Dipper. Because the first thing Dipper is going to say when he sees Bill is "I'm going to fuck that triangle in its 2D, demonic, interdimentional boipussy!" Because that's cool and all, not weird or massively faggoty or anything.

I agree


Well how far do they need to go for Disney?

I was psyched for the character when he was introduced, but then he turned to shit. He inspired a couple of villains for an rpg I am running, though.

I see

Everybody knows BillxPyronica is the superior ship

The Bill ships made the very worst parts of tumblr mad as fuck so they were okay by me just for that.

Wasted potential OP. The only truly memorable thing wound up being the sheer amount of porn a talking triangle generated. I think it was some kind of social experiment.

Normally Dipper is the bottom.

Not a very interesting or entertaining villain.

/gfg/ is dead, drop it

Inferior meme triangle


triangle man triangle man triangle man hates person man they have a fight person wins person man

wait wtf

The only reason I cared about Gravity Falls.

Not that it was a bad show otherwise, I just didn't really care about any of the main characters.

I don't understand why he wasn't voiced by Chapman or Cicierega, either one of them would would have fit the character better and Cicierega even had a song for the character.

I know why girls can't draw guns, they always end up looking like phallic symbols and are far more in focus than they should be.

Gets less and less interesting the more the show goes on. His motivation is just, take over the world and make it go crazy or something, I mean, it isn't really that inspired.

>phallic symbol

Are you implying something?

I'm saying the gun is a dick and she likes it

Literally "SCREW YOU DAD I DONT HAVE TO DO MY HOMEWORK OR CLEAN MY ROOM!!" the character. Hirsch has some really bad issues.

Shitty obnoxious villain, ruined the show for me.
His fanbase insisting that he is "creepy and scary" is worse, though


The best potential the series had.

The Biggest Jobber In Cartoon History.

Now now, we still have Amon.

Might have been better as a semi-recurring Q type character from Star Trek. Pops in now and again for mischief and mayhem.

His biggest problem was as the main antagonist to beat, he was way too overpowered, and had to be dumbed down substantially to beat. That said, his death was really clever, I just wish he didn't have to go full retard to achieve it.

Really? When was that?

Invincible villain.

He wasn't invincible

If anything he was a joke.
>thoroughly BTFO by a little girl in his second appearance

Pretty much all of his defeats were kind of humiliating, to be honest.

I preferred him as a neutral trickster instead of the villain.

>singlehandedly killed by a pair of old men


Why didn't he kill Mabel right as Weirdmageddon started when he had an easy opportunity to?

Yaoi aside the reason people reacted so well to Sock Opera and the reddit AMA here is was because they were kind of envelope-pushing for a Disney cartoon and genuinely edgy (again for that particular market) in a way that made them funny while Bill in the finale just...he said a few things like turning children into corpses that were not safe but there was no "holy shit" quotient like I remember from the earlier two things anymore and it felt very by the numbers. I feel like this was an example of the creator wishing he could do Rick & Morty but he couldn't so after a fit and start here's the typical kiddie shit Disney wants him to crank out.

In-universe, I honestly don't know

Is this supposed to be a crossdressing Bill or a girl Bill?

How does one bottom to a triangle.

He's a treasure
and acute-ie


Very unusual villain for a children's cartoon. I bet he scared the pants off of most kids watching this.

Girls usually imagine his human form as some cute dapper bishie boy.

Only if most kids are ridiculously, extremely impressionable pussies.


He's really a fucking joke.
>gets summoned, then defeated because the Pines figured out they were in the Matrix and could do whatever they want
>possess Dipper, get outwitted by Mabel
>pointlessly haunt Ford and the rest of the Pines for no reason and alert them to his plans
>finally manage to possess a dude with access to fucking time travel but do nothing with it except trick Mabel
>pointlessly kill off Time Baby for some reason, I dunno it really had no impact on the show or reason to happen I think it was just Alex being all like "Look how edgy I am I just killed a giant talking infant GUESS CARTOONS AREN'T JUST FOR KIDS ANYMORE HUH"
>hold a stupid frat party for several days until some kids and geezers show up and outwit you
>Looks like Bills blasting off aagggaiiiinnn
Shitty villain and arc that brought down the mystery of the show.

I don't get this, Bill got killed for it it's not like those traits were shown in a positive light.

So was the Bill statue real or not?

lol your life must be a meme if you see things like that.

He should have been kept as a neutral force working for a bigger threat and who was as likely to betray the heroes as the villains. Keeping him mysterious and interesting, instead of

He's cute, I'd do him.

Was it ever found?

Of course it wasn't fucking found. It's probably in Hirsch's garage.

If I remember correctly it was, but part of it had to be scrapped because the hat was infested with biting ants.

The hat had an ant nest in it which was discovered after the police found the statue and put it in the lost and found. Between then and Alex finding out and explaining the statue to the police so that they'd put it back, apparently a random fan claimed the Bill statue hat (and ONLY the hat), causing the Gravity Falls subreddit to collectively shit themselves in futile anger when they found the statue without the hat and learned what happened to the hat.

>Gravity Falls subreddit to collectively shit themselves in futile anger when they found the statue without the hat and learned what happened to the hat.

Pure Autism. Like seriously, the hat isn't important.

Entertaining villain that felt more like a villain of the weak then the central antagonist since he barely showed up and barely ever did anything right.

Gideon felt more like a serious threat for most of the show.

>no cheeky fucker went and replaced the hat with a MAGA hat


How come he never revealed that it was Mabel who helped him start the apocalypse?

That would require Little Miss Perfect having accountability levied on her and make her at worst have to apologize which apparently is too much for Alex.

A one shot villain that's easy to defeat. I mean, what the fuck. He was able to one shot time baby and his squad. But he can't one shot humans is he wanted too?

>Gideon felt more like a serious threat for most of the show.
I feel like Bill's involvement in the finale should have utilized Gideon more prominently. Like, Gideon should still have been the final boss for the show, and Bill's role would have been more along the lines of the trickster god who is the source of Gideon's final boss powers.

That way, when he's defeated, Bill is allowed to look have his overarching mystique and power while still losing to the Pines family, because he didn't technically LOSE so much as his mortal puppet lost. As a bonus, this keeps the mysterious air over Gravity Falls intact, as it establishes that while Bill may have lost the battle, he's still watching over Gravity Falls.

But this is all shitty fanfiction, and at the end of the day what we got was passable. Not good, not terrible, just passable.

The secret to cracking the Japanese market.

What Bill did or did not do on the show is of no importance because his true power would be in selling Japanese merchandise.


Because Weirdmageddon was kind of a shitty finale

You guys are retarded.
We had daily threads about this thing being found by some kids on tumblr.
After it was discovered, it was removed off the property.

oh god those threads were so bad

Actually the cops took Bill away because of a property dispute or something.

thats literally what i just said

annoying unfunny cunt who was written so poorly that even after he made a throne out of petrified humans he still didnt seem like an actual threat.
Gravity falls had shit villains

he could have been interesting if he had a backstory.
the books imply after he destroyed his entire universe, he realized how disturbing that was and was horrified, but he couldnt go back. Its also implied that what he really wants is to regain the life he used to have. Inside all the screaming and cruelty hes just a selfish brat filled with despair who wants things to go back to the way they used to be,without dealing with responsibility.

He fucked up but I can't bring myself to dislike him I thought he was entertaining.

You shove that dorito up your ass

>is a trillion years old and has probably seen every trick physically possible
>falls for the old twin switcheroo pulled by two 60-year old humans

If Bill has to have permission to enter someone's mind, how was he able to enter Stan's Mind while under Gideon's Orders?

Needed way more backstory in the actual show.

He was alright, wish he did more villainy shit

youtube.com/watch?v=de1L1iRIcqU yeah.

I think it's more he needed permission from Ford specifically.

Yeah the non-show Bill stuff was good. They should have had more of that plus more earlier Bill stuff. The ending of DaMvtF was super hype but it went downhill maybe halfway through the following episode because Bill barely did anything.

I still don't get why there were sounds of helicopters and shit in the credits to that episode when it later showed that Weirdmageddon was confined to Gravity Falls.

Speaking of, confining the apocalypse to one town robbed it of most of its tension. There didn't seem to be any reason for it, and it didn't really feel like an apocalypse anymore afterwards.

The most attractive shape I've encountered.

>Speaking of, confining the apocalypse to one town robbed it of most of its tension. There didn't seem to be any reason for it,

I don't know why they felt the need to scale down the stakes like that, muh status quo I guess. Complaints aside Bill was pretty impressive for a kids' show villain in that ep where it looked like everything had gone to shit and also in some of the earlier episodes. After that he seemed confined and a lot less threatening when you realized just the town would be affected.

The fact that people want to fuck a triangle is the biggest mystery of them all.

He shouldn't have been the main villain.

At first it seemed like they were building up to a scene where the barrier is broken and Weirdmageddon spreads worldwide to show just how fucked shit is, but that never happened.

I think most of the people above are edgy fuckers who expected too much. Bill wasn't any worse than your typical Disney villain.

I thought he was bound by her deal. She gave him the rift so he put her in the endless summer bubble.

That's only for hand shaking deals

>the statue is a foot tall

name a good villain

They make Bill a big black man.