Did he actually forget?

Did he actually forget?

our purpose in life is to find love


No, he just remembered that his purpose wasn't supposed to be a bitter rage filled Samurai with no hope and that being one was counter intuitive to his mission.

His purpose isn't to go back and destroy Aku, it's merely to destroy Aku, which he intends to do.

He literally swears that he'll go back in time to kill Aku.

At least, that's what he said when he still gave a shit.

You know what? This show will end with a shitty aesop about adulthood being about getting laid, that it's ok to be a failure, and that it's more important to stop giving a shit about your responsibilities and moving on rather than actually achieving them.

>His purpose isn't to go back and destroy Aku, it's merely to destroy Aku, which he intends to do.
>I got to get back, back to the past, samurai Jack

>And now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku

It's more like Genndy forgot, I'm not memeing the blame onto him. People began to suspect that since he forgot Jack may have fatally injured the Bounty Hunters it's likely Genndy doesn't remember a lot about the show, especially given how long it's been since he made it, other than stuff he was involved in or took to. You have to remember a fan likely can and will sit through all four seasons and absorb all the minutia, but someone in production likely gets worn out with the stuff unless it appeals to them.During the Q&A when asked about the specifics of Aku's release from the Ultimate Evil form he recalls there was a reason behind the whole poison arrow and sun fire thing, but he couldn't remember what it was exactly. If that sort of thing related to a main character is gone from memory I doubt he remembers smaller details.

Whatever the case it's too late now. It's not like he could re-write the last few episodes of Season 5 to accommodate for it, if Jack woke up and it was all a dream or some cheap shit like that it'd still be a rush job. What's done is done.

the elephant in the room since the start of the series has always been the problem of the Paradox of going back.

there are 2 ways its bad.

1, everything is "set in stone" in which this mean he could never go back, because he always would have gone back, meaning none of this could even happen.

2, you CAN go back and change things, but not things that would erase you going to the future and eventually coming back, meaning he cannot undo anything.

or somehow they simply ignore the massive paradox of erasing your own personal past and all causation that comes from it and let him go back and change things and still exist despite him needing to go into the future and stop AKu to go back


The whole 'going back' thing was Jack's idea, not his father's. Jack just blames himself for being tricked by Aku and wants to CTRL+Z it so he can return home.

It's unknown how timetravel works in their universe but rewriting history could mean erasing all the good people he met and saved. Which might be the case since one of the big themes in this season is all the good and hope he brought into an Aku ridden world. Especially Ashi.

No, he hasn't forgotten, but as far as he presently knows, it's IMPOSSIBLE to go back to the past. It's a big part of why he felt worthless and ashamed.

series will more than likely end with Jack sealing Aku, staying in the future as going back to the past would erase Ashi and all the others.

then years and years later, Aku comes out and Jack goes running for the sword right in front of his young son.....

If Jack's immortality is tied to time travel rather than Aku's magic (and life), then it may be that Jack decides to remain in the future specifically so that whenever Aku comes back (as he seems wont to do), Jack can put him down. He'll never grow old like his father, never grow weak, never have to commit his son to his life...but he'll lose everyone he loved, in the past and now.

>1, everything is "set in stone" in which this mean he could never go back, because he always would have gone back, meaning none of this could even happen.

>2, you CAN go back and change things, but not things that would erase you going to the future and eventually coming back, meaning he cannot undo anything.

Nothing assumes either is the case. There are countless time portals in the SJ universe, some are guarded by monks who know very well they're portals to the past, and it will be the shittiest asspull to claim that he could never go to the past in the first place.

Of course, time travel always brings the paradox problems, but the most probable time of return would have been the moment he was about to give the final blow to Aku. In that case, many still could be saved, and his kingdom reconstructed, and all the atrocities that happened during the thousand year reign of Aku prevented.

It's really retarded to think he won't go back just because he saved a few peasants. It's going to be a huge dick if he forgets about all those who suffered under Aku.

except he'd immediately be erased from existence as Jack in the Past can't become Jack going Back to the Past.

its too simple a paradox for them not to address.

Theres no more portals.

Its what tomorrows episode confirms.
Its what made the whole hallucination arc brilliant because he was fucking haunted from being unable to go home for decades.

>goes back and warns past self, and then the future he's from and himself, and the love of his life are all erased from existence.

>Past Jack will never know.

somehow this is worse than staying in the future to me.

>Good people he met
>a bunch of villagers

>People Aku tortured

People really can't grasp the concept of the suffering Aku caused. You think a few hundreds on the future are worth more than undoing all the damage that was done? Or rather, should those billions of tortured and dead be a fitting price for a few hundreds that Jack helped?

>You think a few hundreds on the future are worth more than undoing all the damage that was done?

What measure a life? Jack does not do this sort of thing. Time and again it has been shown that if he could accomplish his goal but for the death and suffering of others, he postpones his ultimate goal. Jack is just like that.

I don't think you understand the power of pussy.

KINGDOMS have been lost over the power of pussy.

I mean, they could just not give a fuck about whatever paradoxes logically exist in time travel and do what they want with the finale if he does go to the past

Except portals reform. Who knows when, but all he has to do is wait. And maybe dig a bit.

But whatever, i guess Genndy did forget as said. This show should have been left buried in our memories.

He better get back to the past, I've waited five seasons and more than an entire decade which included a comic with a open ending that was kinda disappointing

that's worse than never going back.

while this is a magical show, the question of how its possible to erase your own past and causality while still existing has to be at least pointed out.

Jack isn't a fucking Speed Force user.

As a Samurai, he defends his honor by helping others even if his own mission will be compromised, this doesn't mean that, whenever someone is NOT in danger, he will not jump into a portal.

We've seen him jumping into portals without giving a single shit about the current suffering, so that kind of "the future needs me!" kind of thought is nothing but headcanon bullshit.

But who really knows what will happen, Jack is not a samurai anymore.

well technically he was never a Samurai at ail, the moment he went into the future and his father was dead, he was/is the Shogun/Emperor.

A vast majority of those that suffered would cease to exist if Jack changes history. They wouldn't be better off or even in an afterlife but simply 'gone'.

Plus again (listen this time), people saw through Aku's hell and still did good even before Jack intervened. Wiping it all out just so Jack can live in the 'right' timeline sounds very out of character for him.

Either he goes back in time the second following when he's sent into the future, or he'll possess the body he had at whatever time he goes back. If it's the day Aku attacked, he won't be a kid anymore and everyone will be surprised.

This is a show where a guy draws a sword from the pocket in his jacket for fucks sake.

There's a small hiccup with going for that attempt at "logic" in a supernatural setting though.
Jack has met with the gods before, they and his ancestors have granted him a divine wish even so they're not entirely reluctant just reserved.

If Jack is worthy as they say there's no real set in stone rule stopping him from making a wish for all he wants to be kept alive or brought back and all he's achieved to still happen. Nothing outside the story just saying that viewers would find that unsatisfying, which is a reaction not a rule. Actually it's a storytelling rule, which takes this back to that one image of cartoon Genndy pointing out the portal is just a story prop to introduce a moral dilemma. There is no rational rules at work beyond that.

While we can speculate our own reasons that simple explanation is likely the same for why the gods don't just solve all this themselves or send waves of champions instead of the one Japanese guy who's struggled to get the job done for thousands of years. There's no real rational way to justify any of these sort of things once you introduce sci-fi and magic to begin with.

>but simply 'gone'.
Better off to never have been. Or do you claim a worthy life is one in which someone starves to death and is given the happiness of one meal just before his final breath?

He's out of character already. We started this season with him being out of character. As I said, he's not a Samurai anymore, and even if he's the shogun/emperor he wiped his ass with the bushido code.