Why are Chads so unfairly represented in movies? The stereotypical chad in movies is an asshole and a bully...

Why are Chads so unfairly represented in movies? The stereotypical chad in movies is an asshole and a bully. But is actually the opposite in real life. There's gotta be a hidden agenda for this.

because they don't watch movies.

they want to keep you from becoming chad
it's all in the jewish plans

directors and writers are betas with decade old chips on their shoulders trying to live their revenge fantasies through the media they produce, which always involves a shy sensitive nerd getting the girl and/or cucking Chad.

Basically this. Chads vote Republican, soy boys that watch movies created by (((them))) need someone to emulate with so the good guy is always a beta nu male, sad!

you can't "become" Chad you stupid fuck. you have to be born with a certain face and height. no amount of screeching about soyboys will give you a bigger jaw.


films are made by scrawny jews who were bullied by WASP jocks at school

It's more probable a Chad will end up saving your life one day, whether you are trapped in a burning car or drowning. If you think a fat bitch or stick armed fagman are going to help of even be physically capable of it you are fucked.

What about a Thad?

Chads don't vote.

>idolizing chad

when did this board become overrun with high school girls?

Most Chads are huge assholes. Look at most professional sports. They yell at coaches and the refs.

Assholes on professional sports teams are not common Chads, they have spent their entire youth going through an arduous and demanding trial to get where they are, so for every pro sports ball player there are a thousand other guys they played against that didn't make the cut. The average Chad is the remnant of a pre-consumer drone world and they should break away into barbarian tribes, but unfortunately most Chads are not creative enough to think like that and will die a slow suffocating death in this lame ass modern world.

As an intelligent cyborg I think I could organize them into my own mafia or caesar's legion.

It happened when Sup Forumsacks thought they could become alpha by sympathizing with alphas. Hasn't really worked out yet, true alpha doesn't give a shit about politics. Its for faggots who can't really live and instead spend their time in their imagination.

this. it's a conspiracy to help destroy the white race

>People confusing Chads with Brads

back to your soy thread, cuckface

The fact that you have a preconcieved notion of manliness and aspire to be "chad" tells me YOU are the soyboy and probably also never had a father figure in his life.

Jews hate Chads always have always will

>t. too lazy to get swole in hs
Buy some of my special whey goy!

Nailed it. I found this really annoying throughout high-school and college - the nerdy nu-male types are often the nastiest, most judgmental & mean people you'll meet, but they all have this underdog complex that makes them think they're "fighting back against the bullies" (who don't actually bully them) and this means they can be as cruel as they want without feeling bad about it. I blame every fucking "coming of age" movie that demonizes everyone that plays sports and works out

Because a lot of screenwriters were probably the not too good looking nerdy kids who have personal gripes with that kind of person.

It's not that all chads are doucebags
It's just that most douchebags are chads

Chad isn't white, he's Italian you dumbfucks

Also every hollywood action movie has tall strong chad tier guys wtf are you alt right soyboys bitchin about

Most movies are written and made by jewish insecure nerds that were intimidated by Chads in High School

The jew boys that write the movies got bullied by the chads in school. They also stole all the hot girls. That's why the usual plot is about the nerdy guy getting the hot girl.

JIDF go.

>being this dense and retarded

>what is every action film from the 80's?

It took me years to realise but basically it’s because traditional masculine figures are something lefties subconsciously or consciously want to weaken and subvert