Spongebob became a meme, how did this happen?

Spongebob became a meme, how did this happen?

hOw DiD tHiS hAnah, you know what? I'm not gonna do it, it's too much.

Spongebobs been a meme for years now, this instance is just especially shitty.

i don't get this

It's a forced meme. It has no lasting power. It's no Baneposting or Loss. It's basically just repeating what someone says which has no creativity or future

i dON't gET tHis

The most normie meme possible. You just repeat what someone said but in camel case like a kid making fun of someone by saying what they said but like a retard

You're acting like this is the first time SpongeBob became a meme

to think the original creator is back ... fucking doomed

Spongebob's been a meme in many different forms for a while now.

this meme is twitter bullshit

Stop trying to force a forced meme faglord

StoP tRyInG tO FoRce a fOrEeD mEMe fAgLorD

What, that? I never heard of it.

I don't understand how nearly 4 years later this episode has a meme. I mean, why the fuck so late?

Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite of gum-gum.

I remember doing that to my friends and family when i was 5

Every meme now is twitter bullshit. The internet is dead and normies killed it.

What episode is it from?

The one where Squidward reads SpongeBob's diary to everyone.

the episode is pretty old, and he doesn't have anything to do with the meme

tHe MoSt NoRmIe MeMe PoSsIbLe. YoU jUsT rEpEaT wHaT sOmEoNe SaId BuT iN cAmEl CaSe LiKe A kId MaKiNg FuN oF mAkInG sOmEoNe By SaYiNg WhAt ThEy sAiD bUt LiKe A rEtArD


>muh secret club
fuck off dude, just admit that Sup Forums aint the only one in the meme market anymore


>emoji filenames
How? When?!

This meme is "funny" when used ironically like has been done in this thread, does that make it a post-post-post ironic meme?

We're in too deep.

>this instance is just especially shitty.
Haven't watch SB in literal years. What is this?
I would ask what did I miss, but I'm sure not too much.


Spengebab. Quoting earlier Spongebob seasons and posting something else for relevancy, etc.

that episode was fucking nuSpongebob shit, it doesn't deserve a meme

cavebob was at least a good episode

So did someone start a meme on another website and trying to kick start it here?

>how did this happen?