Wake up

>wake up
>look in your backyard
>see this
What do???



Succ their Yabba-Dabba-Dong.

Is that a JoJo reference?

>Implying Jojo invented muscular designs

Please kill yourself.

Thank my best friend


Check if I have four balls

Oh shit, i'm sorry.

>Implying the hipsters were wrong.
>Implying you don't have to care about people around you because it's your property.

My nigga!


Sigh and keep it there because it was a gift from Barney and god knows how much effort he put into making it for me.

But you literally don't as long as you don't harm them.

A old couple just bought a house in my subdivision, right at the entrance. The subdivision sign is on their property. They didn't say they had a problem with it, but about a month or two into living there the first thing they did was tell everyone they were going to tear the sign up. That would harm the aesthetic of the subdivision and they were told this. They were adement. And this was the first thing they decided to do upon moving in. It was very stupid on their part because they obviously weren't going to make friends doing this.

Ultimately it went to court and they lost. The sign is still there.

Point is, don't be an autistic ancap fag walking into a police station with an assault rifle or trying to rip up a subdivision sign as soon as you move in somewhere. Your neighbors matter.

I hope you have neighbors that play loud awful music all the time for the rest of your life.

Hey! Thanks, Mr Gazoo!

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

>I'm the boss of this rock


Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

Will this help the comic get renewed for another run?

Unlikely, but not impossible.
An annual wouldn't be too much to hope for, though.

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

I just want one more run to flush out the characters more. They dropped some interesting bombs on us like Bam-Bam's origin, but that never meant anything in the long run. I'm not complaining, I just want more of this gold.

Gazoo is a great green genital gobbler and I want the planet to burn

Hey! Thanks, Mr.Gazoo!

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

thank mr skeltal

..But I don't have a backyard.

You do now.

Ask them about their leg routine holy shit

Realize I have the best friend in the world and need to be more grateful and not let fucking hipsters take down wonderful art

Celebrate that I have a backyard now.

Did you ever in your life think that you would say this about The Flintstones?

Hide the fruity pebbles

Absolutely not. And I fucking loved Flintstones meet the Jetsons growing up.

i dont really get it, whats the appeal of this thing? whats its target demographic? if it had the original artstyle along mass genocide jokes it would be better.

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo

Maybe they wanted friends who could spell properly.

Hey! Thanks, Mr. Gazoo!

ahoy! thank you mr gazongles!


Hey! Thanks, Mr Gazoo!

Part 9 looks great

Hey! Thanks, Mr.Gazoo!


...Hey, yeah, this. It's quite an accomplishment seeing as how I live on a third floor of a building.

...Thanks Gazoo?


Name it Jake Steel and other guy

Hey thanks mr gazoo!

Well the artist did confirm they had read Jojo so maybe.

Your HOA are a joke, burger. First of all your house should not be an investment you buy raise the price and then sell. You house should be your home. Then of course there is all that autistic screeching done by them as soon as something like a self sustaining garden or sometimes even a single fruit tree appears instead of a fucking grass desert.
In fact HOA are so much of a joke that the X-files made fun of them with on of them making tulpas to kill everyone who violated them.

sorry for what?

that's an awesome lawn

Me find stick then throw at them and ask why they no hunt

I kind of wanted to fuck fred in this. he was a fucking HUNK goddamn.

I should not want to fuck Fred Flintstone.

Remember that i was an accomplice in genocide.