Can he defeat The Empty Hand?

Can he defeat The Empty Hand?

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He can defeat anyone and anything if the narrative puts him as good versus an evil. The hero wins.

No because the Empty Hand controls his destiny. Without rabid fans the comics get cancelled and there is no narrative.

Only if he has a pair of scissors.

The only way to defeat the Empty Hand is to fill it. And the only one who can do that is Captain Greenbucks.

Technically, he should as described by Morrison. He can beat anything, that's literally his power; to overcome conflict.

But considering that the Empty Hand is editorial or the very nature of making or preventing stories from happening, then he would probably lose?

No. Maybe if someone wants to have him "defeat" Empty Hand as a character he can, but the concept that Empty Hand represents in the story cannot be defeated, you can't kill an idea.

He's the inherent endless nature of these stories. He's the fact that good can never truly triumph over evil. He's the dark side of creation, that without conflict there can be no story, without evil there can be no good.

He's the hand of the editor touching what the hand of the creator makes. There's always another event, another, bigger threat looming over the horizon. There's always going to be another reboot, or another shitty story, or another character death.

it doesn't matter because Morrison will never finish the next Multiverstity thing

he cant

Empty Hand is fans not editorial.

Empty Hand and Thought Robot are stupid meta-characters and fans of them need to drink bleach.


after you

>you can't kill an idea.

Ideas are bulletproof user

But he doesn't kill the idea, he just has a better idea. That's Morrison 101.

Bad ideas, or ideas that are worse than others, wither and die.

What is this

He is the avatar for the concept of a hero rising up against impossible odds and winning because others are counting on him. He literally(and I am actually using the word correctly) can't lose because the whole point of his premise and existence is that he doesn't lose.

The Empty Hand is the premise of the final villain, the big bad guy that has reached unlimited power because of power creep in the narrative he is part of. He will always be more powerful than the characters he goes against, but the Superman-robot is a premise on the same level of Empty Hand but designed to counter it.

Mandakk was a form of The Empty Hand for DC comics but again it was the form vs. premise. In this case it would be premise vs. premise.

nah, Empty Hand is beyond fate, beyond editorial control

Can Superman beat Batman?

Checkmate, batheists.

Whichever one it is, it ceased to exist as a purely metaphysical concept as soon as it showed up in it's physical form as a villain no less in the pages of Multiversity, and since it's a comic book villain, Superman Thought Robot can defeat it, at least in a "who would win" comics sense of defeat

Superman is cancer

What if you just cancel the series before it's over? Then there's no conclusion so that's how you defeat him.