What was Brian's absolute lowest moment? Just the shittiest thing he's ever done?

What was Brian's absolute lowest moment? Just the shittiest thing he's ever done?

Telling Meg that God can't exist because why would a God let someone like her exist.

Intentionally infecting Stewie with herpes obviously

I haven't followed family guy in years, so forgive me for asking this, but

It's been a while since I saw that episode, but looking back that is pretty unbelievably insulting

t. muslim

Brian only said that because there was no other way to get her to stop acting like an insufferable god botherer.
She wouldnt listen otherwise.
And he was right. What kind of just god would allow her to be born into a family that treats her like shit.

Stewie wants to become blood brothers with Brian.
Brian was like "Gee I don't know" but Stewie kept insisting so he went with it.
And that's how he gives Stewie Herpes.
I love family guy in the background.

>this episode keeps pushing that Brian is likable and attractive with this smile
>makes him look like a retard with an overbite
>human characters with the same smile look ok

Can herpes even be transferred like that?

Thank God I don't watch family guy anymore

What do you think I am a fucking doctor, go google it asshole.

Yeah, but it just came off as the douchiest way to prove atheism to somebody.

Besides, I hated that episode because I thought it would be like that Futurama episode about Star Trek, but with the TNG cast this time. Then it turned out they were sidelined in favor of a "Religion is bad" episode. Like fuck, Seth. I don't give a shit about atheism. Just show me the TNG cast goofing around and making jokes.

Herpes is not present in blood and so would not be contracted in the episode.
its like the AIDS scare episode of Captain Planet was real

He was right tho.

No good god would allow such an abusing family to exist.

Okay here's what gets me. This episode ends with Brian "losing"

But. . . He sold Quagmire a crap property, and ran out the clock before he could get a refund. I don't understand how he lost.

so like I still dont get WHY he did that, like what was the intention?

I swear to god I've seen this exact same posting style and vitriol towards women on this board before. Mysog-user?

That time he tried to commit statutory rape.

Coming back from the dead

Why is Family Guy still on? Its ratings are in the toilet, and it doesn't have any recent merchandise to sell.

> countries are going to be brought down by family guy

you Sup Forumsbros really need to go outside for once.

Bonnie cheated on Joe before, too. Remember when she went to France? She fucked a couple of France people before she almost stayed with that other crippled guy.

The AA episode where he and Peter give this idiotic, smug rant about how AA is just as bad as being an alcoholic because it is an "addiction" and bring booze into the meeting.

His lowest moment began when Seth McFarlane started using him as his self insert.

>Why is Family Guy still on?
No idea.

Here's a question though, is there anything that can top what happened in this episode?

It's sad. Pre-cancellation Brian was one of my favorite cartoon characters, but everything after is seemingly devoted to make him as loathsome as possible.

Oh no

what eps is that?

the brian/stewie episodes are the only ones worth watching

This is the worst thing I remember back when I still watched it. I hope Family Guy hasn't tried to top it since.

And Chris. And also every other woman he has ever had sex with.

He had herpes since the beginning.

How about tricking that blind girl into fucking him? I don't quite remember much about that episode though I could be wrong.

I'd say brian's worst moment was either giving stewie hepatitis or when his son(whom he abandoned with an abusive, neglectful mom) came back and he took advantage of his child stardom.

it's in the filename.

You can't post this kind of stuff. Brian goes lower and lower as times goes by.

Syndication money.

Offhand probably when he purposely left Stewie and a bunch of other children in the care of super neglectful / abusive babysitter / nanny just so he could hook up with her

He only decided to help Stewie and the other kids the second he found out she had a boyfriend

Brian moment? I dunno.

Family Guy Moment? Pic related.

After reading all of this, I have to wonder why people were sad when he 'died'.

They already have 280 episodes made. You could cancel it, and syndication audiences wouldn't notice for years.

Sup Forums wasn't.

Most of the people who were sad were idiots who like every episode of the show regardless, or people who stopped watching before it really went to shit and found out about it in passing. Everyone else knew it for what it was: A shallow attempt to grab ratings.


Quagmire destroyed his dental work after the clock ran out. So he ended up back at square one, especially since the only reason he had his realtor job was his post-dental work smile.

Also, we don't know how he got his mouth fixed again between episodes (Lois and Peter were upfront jerks telling Brian they didn't give a shit about his teeth damage, even though it was all Peter's fault to begin with)

They actually retconned Bonnie whoring around in France to Lois spreading gossip....

When did they retcon that?

The episode where Peter manipulates Joe into fucking a new female cop that just joined the force.

Peter keeps pestering Joe to fuck his coworker, siting the fact that Lois told Peter that Bonnie fucked a bunch of guys in France when she went on her trip with Lois.

Bonnie finds out and Joe justifies his adultery by pointing out that Bonnie did it first. At which point Bonnie reveals that she didn't cheat on Joe in Paris and that Lois was a liar, trying to break up their marriage for the evilulz

Oh come on how was that bad? Herpes is just a name. If it was called bapo you wouldn't call it a bad moment.

When did Brian bone Bonnie?

S14E16, they run off together but it falls apart when neither of them have a character or a backbone.

So is Bians's and Joe's relationship is stained forever, just like with Quigmire or is the whole thing ignored in later episodes?

This logic gets really baffling considering that God and Jesus exist in Family Guy's universe.

I'm reminded of that shitty gag where Brian and Stewie visit the alternate reality where religion never existed, even though the Sistine Chapel is there for some reason. There isn't a lot of thought put into making the jokes coherent.

To be fair, Family Guy's always been shit when trying to tell a message. Like the abuse episode with Quagmire's sister. What the fuck does FG think it was doing by making an "abuse is bad" episode when you have the characters fuck up Meg every week?

>a classic atheistic fallacy where one supposes that the moral system of the potentially existing higher being would for some reason be the same as their own
We don't have the same moral system as goldfish now, do we?

At the end of Seahorse Seashell Party or whatever, helps convince Meg to let herself be abused so the family will stick together.

But that whole episode was terrible, anyway.

Why is Meg abuse even a running gag? It was kind of funny the first few times, but after that, it's like "Okay..." Like when Simpsons did a running gag about things getting in Lenny's eye. It wasn't amusing or anything. It was just weird.

They made Meg dorky and unlucky and then escalated it into an insane abuse victim in their pursuit of edgy exagerration.

But Family Guy has no consistency. Depending on a gag, people might treat Meg decently, or act as she's some kind of abomination. Or throw some random joke about her being sexually harassed by a teacher in contradiction to premise she's heinous.

Goldfish aren't omniscient.

Way to miss the point huh user?
I'll explain just in case more retarded people come in here:
>we are smarter than goldfish
>this results in out worldview being much more vast and complex
>the higher being should be smarter than us
>but for some people shills think its worldview wouldn't be much more vast and complex that ours as a result

They don't know how to write teenage girls, so they just make her a punching bag.

Which is weird, because they were doing a fine job writing her as a teenage girl in the early episodes.

And neither are you

I don't expect goldfish to worship me for shitting in its bowl.

Why do you always insist on being God in these scenarios?

A Goldfish might be upset or confused if you remove it from its tank to clean it, but cleaning the tank is still good for the fish.

I didn't create the rules that requires me to disturb the goldfish. God, who is omniscience and omnipotent, willingly created world full of suffering and hate. Either he's not omniscient/potent, or not benevolent.

You're lending to an unfalsifiable world view then, where you can excuse anything under "it probably plays into God's complex world understanding".

>believing in a human perspective of a god
Whatever god might really be, it's nothing like anyone on earth have ever imagined

You're only basing that on your limited, selfish idea of benevolence. Either way the Problem of Evil is well explored and if you ever find yourself seriously interested there are many ways to reconcile it.

Well, that's kinda the point. It doesn't make sense for us to argue whether there's a higher being or not at the time when we are still not developed enough to know for sure.

I'm really not that interested into figuring out how many plot holes your fantasy book actually has, to be honest.

>alternate reality where religion never existed
>everything is somehow better
Really liked it when I was an edgy teen but that episode just pisses me off today.

fuck, forgot about this one.

It's entirely internally consistent actually, and the book isn't as painfully literal as you like to insist.

Just say you don't want to be Christian or religious, because you seriously don't have to be. No need to make an uneducated strawman of the thing, because all you're doing is making bad arguments from ignorance.

Was about to post this. That was honestly disgusting, not even remotely funny.

>God, who is omniscience and omnipotent, willingly created world full of suffering and hate.
He gave humans the power to decide on their own. Not surprisingly, the world's shittiest places have a twisted understanding of God (ie most of Africa and the Middle East) while countries that are founded on Judeo-Christian values thrive (America)

i thought it was more about how she's ugly while lois is hot rather than how she has a shitty family?

the shitty family comes later during the hurricane crossover (kinda).

it was both iirc

And the people who are doing poorly (the middle east and Africa) are actually those who hold more fundamentalist and mortally physical understandings of God and religion. Western religion is highly metaphysical and mostly focused on internal growth of the individual nowadays, whereas the religions who are violent today are the ones which are underdeveloped when it comes to writing and philosophy.

So when did Sup Forums become an unironic episode of Moral Orel, exactly?

Humans invented polio, smallpox, genetic disorders, flies that lay eggs in your eyes, the need to kill just to survive? News to me.

Kind of a dead end in terms of discussion here. I suppose I agree with you that taking religious language literally is fairly meaningless. Personally I'm not convinced by the existence of a God but it wouldn't shatter my reality.
Actually it probably would but that's true for anybody.

ah! the comparison reasoning was the only one i could remember from the brian's speech.

Christianity is practiced in both the Middle East and Africa, dummy.

>when an atheist takes unprovoked shots at religion but his gang isn't around to back him up

the sad fact is that's how BRIAN got post-prison Meg to revert back to her old self (she was robing mort's pharmacy iirc) an actual sincere article he wrote about Meg.

the contradiction to that episode and the hurricane one is baffling.

You do know that Sup Forums didn't always used to be a bastion for right-wing conservative christians, right? In this scenario, you are the newfag.

Certaintly, there are definitely regressive and violent forms of Christianity. I wasn't trying to say that Christianty was so good that it can't be violent. Religious violence tends to come from fundamentalists regardless of which religion they belong to.

>Humans invented polio, smallpox, genetic disorders, flies that lay eggs in your eyes, the need to kill just to survive? News to me.
The problem here is you assume God plays a direct role in every little thing that happens in the world. He is the Creator, not the puppet master


I've been here plenty long, grown with the site, in fact. I guess you're upset that you thought this was 'your turf', but you still got called out for your uneducated bitching, yeah?

>there are definitely regressive and violent forms of Christianity

It literally originated in the region. And as for Africa, it was brought in by colonials and missions during the 19th century. What you see there is virtually the exact same thing we have here.

>The problem here is you assume God plays a direct role in every little thing that happens in the world.

That is literally what omnipresence is, by definition.

>the need to kill just to survive
Funny how atheists miss the fact that in a society that doesn't believe in something higher than themselves, they would have absolutely no reason to live except to fuck and die.

I'm saying for a guy who takes the bible word-for-word, this site isn't the right place for you. Just a few boards over and you can find lesbian horse porn; not exactly the spitting image of a christian.

Stop using words you don't understand. Being present everywhere does not mean you are CONTROLLING everything.

No, but that's what omnipotence is.

>What you see there is virtually the exact same thing we have here.
Spoken like someone who hasn't been to Africa. They're idea of God is someone who rains down gifts whenever he feels like it, that your success is entirely dependent on God and God alone. Try signing up to a mission there once, you'll see how it is different

Doesn't sound too different to me.

>the state of being widespread or constantly encountered.
You really need to look up the definition


>Doesn't sound too different to me.
Your loss. Once you start living outside of your parent's house you'll understand the difference.

Whoops, though you meant omnipresence. Anyway
>able to do anything
>that must mean He controls everything
Didn't really prove your point now did it?

Uh oh, he looked up the definition, and even though it disagreed with his own weird definition of omnipotence as playing "a direct role in every little thing that happens in the world", he posted it anyway!