I suspect the newest Max Landis episode of the RLM show is already fully in the bag...

I suspect the newest Max Landis episode of the RLM show is already fully in the bag, but they're holding off on releasing it to see how the implied rape allegations against Max play out. Based on Twitter evidence and other sources, they shot the video(s) months ago.

I wonder why people keep implying Max Landis is a rapist, but no one ever comes right out and says it and provides evidence.

People have been implying Max is a rapist for months now, but so far have produced nothing.

Just what is going on with Max Landis, and when is the new RLM video w/ Max coming out?

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There are no rape allegations though, just "toxic" allegations, which can mean literally anything.

>Based on Twitter evidence and other sources, they shot the video(s) months ago.
Examples? All I remember is him mentioning wanting to go to Milwaukee with no confirmation that he actually did.

The reason things might be going slowly with this one is that he might be prepared to fight it because there doesn't seem to be any kind of good evidence or real accusations. Other men accused to harassment/rape/whatever immediately folded because their situations had been open secrets for a while and, if there were to be a lawsuit, there would be enough evidence and/or witnesses to make it not worth fighting. That doesn't seem to be the case with Landis here so everyone is treading carefully, and he might be lawyering up and as such keeping quiet.

Basically, it either has to come to a head or quietly blow over for RLM to release the video, until then it'll just be shelved.

source: my ass

Since Mike's a bully I don't see him having a problem being friend's with a rapist.

His father's actions led to the murder of three innocent people, two of which were children.

And yet I can't help but hate Max more.

They allegations are that he was a dick to his ex and was generally rude to a few people and then they threw in "rape" as a buzzword so that people conflated the two and suddenly he's a rapist.

Fuck off Rian, he's not a bully. And for all his many faults Max didn't seem to rape anyone either.

that guy is gay, you can tell from 100 miles away. why would he sexually harass women?

He's never going to return to the show. He was just being nice because he's a fan and was sissy pissed that they gave his movie a bad review. Hell, he was probably given a couple of plane tickets to go there and do damage control by the studio.

Can somebody do a Max Landis episode with Max Landis cut out of it? Cheers

I don't think so, being effeminate could also be the result of being raised exclusively like a woman.

Look at his hair, and he dresses in rainbows.

Seems like he was accused of being insensitive more than anything.


Mike and Jay had no problem interviewing convicted armed robber Matt Hannon of Samurai Cop fame and taking pictures with him, so I don't see why they'd care about rapist Max.

Mike and Jay have no scruples.

Go back to your LA Party Scene you fucking queer
This is a Max Landis Board now

>convicted armed robber Matt Hannon
Oh boy, here we go.



Matt Hannon is a literally who whose only claim to fame was one film nobody saw twenty years ago, Max Landis is relatively well known and still working in Hollywood.

I truly doubt that Max Landis actually raped someone.

However there is so much shit on everyone in Hollywood atm, who knows. Maybe a girl he got drunk with and banged will throw out the true rape accusation. But right now it just looks like he's a bad bf and that's not illegal yet.

>and still working in Hollywood.
Yes but why? When was the last time any of his movies made any money?

>I truly doubt that Max Landis actually raped someone.
I mean, the person accusing her was Zoe Quinn. If you don't know her, go ask Sup Forums about her. Her "proof" were mean tweets.

He was a co-writer for Power Rangers 2017.

>he hasnt seen the new LITTY raunchy action flick Bright

Do the sins of the father commit the son? I say nay. I also say that the past IS THE FUCKING PAST.

Well it's ambiguous how much money individual movies make, but Bright was considered enough of a success to get a sequel
If she actually accused him of rape there would be something to disprove. It's much more vague than that though it's treating it as if they were rape allegations

No, he wasn't.

>individual movies make
Meant to say on netflix

Some people just don't like him and use the deaths as something against him. It's illogical but people are fucking dumb.

He wrote an unused script though, so its technically correct.

Uncredited, though.

What are you basing this on? He hasn't been in one of their videos in years.

>Based on Twitter evidence and other sources, they shot the video(s) months ago.
If they shot an episode with him months ago, it would have been out by now.

>People have been implying Max is a rapist for months now
No this literally didn't start until the day before Christmas Eve.


Quinn worked with anita sarkeesian and deposed at the UN. I think she has a bit more credibility than some lowe rent hollywood schlock deliverer

>it to see how the implied rape allegations against Max play out
if they had a video with max, you will NEVER see it

even if the allegations are not true (they're probably are not true) max is done. he's forever tainted. people will always remember him as the "rape guy" from now on. women have ruined his life forever

How did max end up looking so fucked up these days when he used to look normal?

It was the movies, wasn't it?

john landis did nothing wrong
great filmmaker, unlike the hacks at rlm

I'm really glad the UN shit down their fucking throats.

>convicted armed robber
nobody fucking cares if you killed someone, let alone stealing something

now, if you sexually harassed a woman, you're literally the devil

Who knows, but he also looks like he could have been Mike's uglier younger brother.

kek I never noticed what a manlet Jay is

>If they shot an episode with him months ago, it would have been out by now.
t. brainlet

it's been confirmed that some botw episodes have been released at a later date.

No, it has been confirmed that they shot a couple of episodes that they never released because they were shit.

The funny thing is that Matt Hannon isn't even 6'0

What actually came of all that anyway?

episodes are not released chronologically

also if you think they never released some of the episodes because they were shit, what makes you think they will release the max video? max video, is never happening. it's banned forever

There is no Max video, they would have made a fuzz out of it the moment it was in the can. Look at the views they got from his videos.

they're already connected to the one of the rapist from screen junkies. they're not gonna risk being affiliated with max, another alleged rapist.

max video, they will never release that. it's time to accept that.

Protip: ALL his movies have made money, look it up.

It's okay Max, I support you.

He lives in LA and is constantly surrounded by Sjews.

Literally nothing. Quinn and Sarkesian get to put it on the resumes, tho.

A lot of people patting each other on the back.

Hannon is 6'3.

t. white guy

that's still not that tall for him to be towering over the rest of them like that.

Max has great chemistry with Mike/Jay so I hope he's back soon.

>they're already connected to the one of the rapist from screen junkies
No, they're certainly not.

his best work
It may be wrong in a few places and I don't agree with everything but it was damn entertaining

>t. Welfare state nigger

RLM Patreon has said nothing about Max being there.

Max made hints he was going to Milwaukee but nothing came of it.

>t. Other white guy

somebody got that "he knew" picture?
it makes me smile whenever I see it

never forgetti

Andy Signore. they even joke about it on nerd crew you fucking retard

Was this really five fucking years ago?

Jesus it's crazy I can measure my life in Sup Forums board happenings.

Mike "Meryl Streep" Stoklasa

Andy signore has nothing to do with rlm tho.

rlm made a video for screen junkies in the past
jay bauman was in screen junkies video
they're connected. whether you like it or not.

thanks dude

>Twitter evidence
the best kind

they make a joke about it in the most recent len kabasinski episode

Pretty tenuous connection, nobody strongly associates them.

But there's nothing to point to Landis going to RLM again

I wish he would though, that Double Down episode was one of the best BotWs, especially since back then they bothered to have proper skits at the end where they somehow got a hold of Macaulay Culkin

Max Landis is a childhood friend of Culkin.

They should delete their old video with him.


I'm a real hipster and liked Max Landis before he was cool because of his brilliant "Wrestling Isn't Wrestling" video on YouTube. That video demonstrates he can produce great "films" when he has total control. A screenwriter has 0 control over how the final product turns out.

Link to "Wrestling Isn't Wrestling":youtube.com/watch?v=VYvMOf3hsGA

Appease some jackass

Why do you say things when you don't know WTF you're talking about? Is this a habit of yours? Do you chronically make statements without knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

He also had total control over Me Him Her and that movie is fucking terrible.

That just sounds like banter desu

They are connected with Screen Junkies yes. But you specifically said they were connected with Andy Signore

So he made a suggestion via twitter and there is literally no indication from him, her, or RLM that it actually happened.

>So he made a suggestion via twitter and there is literally no indication from him, her, or RLM that it actually happened.

Right. He just wanted to go to Milwaukee with a popular YouTuber and take in the September sights like watching all the niggers shoot each other.

It's totally normal that someone who lives in Hollywood would want to go to Milwaukee with a famous YouTuber in tow.

Why don't you lick my fucking balls and admit that you're wrong?

>gets BTFO
>still can't admit he was wrong
Ask me how I know you're autistic.

trip is right

The point is that there’s no indication that they actually went.

I don't understand.
What's so weird for a filmmaker to wanna go to the film capitol of the world?

>The point is that there’s no indication that they actually went.

Shut the fuck up you autistic fuck.

What is posting an unrelated image you found on Google supposes to prove?

>What is posting an unrelated image you found on Google supposes to prove?

Nothing. I guess I can't post security cam footage of Max and Jenny arriving at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee as proof that they went there, so you're totally right, Corky.

Do you faggots even know what "murder" means? An accident by definition cannot be a murder

I dunno how close Landis and Jenny are but if I were to guess I'd say it was just a wink and a nod that 'hey I love these guys too and I actually met them'

>proper skits
they can't afford to do these anymore

max landis has surprisingly stubby thumbs

Me, personally, I like Max Landis. I liked him before he was ever on RLM. I was very happy when he suddenly appeared on the RLM show one day.

Here is the video that made me a Max Landis fan: youtube.com/watch?v=VYvMOf3hsGA

"Wrestling Isn't Wrestling" is brilliant and funny.

its murder by negligence you dope

He makes good youtube videos.
Writes shitty movies.
And writes even worse comics.

Maybe he should get the hint.

Tripfag isnt a fag. Dark days.