Please don't let Clayface go back to being a villain. Please please please please

Please don't let Clayface go back to being a villain. Please please please please.

Huh, always took him for a dumb brute.

I get that Clayface is more versatile for Batman's needs, but I still feel like Killer Croc should have gotten this position on the team instead of being wasted in Suicide Squad.

He's going to go back to being a villain.

When you say "Clayface" to people, the few who know him at all will know him as "that mud guy that Batman fights".

Even if the sheer ontological pressure from the years of media appearances weren't enough to force him back to villainy, the fact that he's way too OP to ever be a permanent addition to the Bat-family is. Having a 10' tall immortal shapeshifting monster in your back pocket solves way too many dramatic situations.

Stopping your villainy isn't the same thing as becoming a hero. He could just eventually fuck off somewhere.

I would've liked for Croc to join the Outlaws before that book went completely down the tubes. He played off of Roy really well.

So he just walks off into the sunset to live happily ever after somewhere?

I suppose that could happen, there've been like a half-a-dozen Clayfaces, it'd be fitting for a new one to be created to fill the villainous role.

But my other problem with Clayface's heel-face turn really is that he's stepping on Metamorpho's niche. Respect the Element Man.

Hasn't he murdered a lot of people?

Funny thing is that this is Basil Karlo as B:TAS's Matt Hagen. Pre-New 52 Basil was a thoroughly evil person who murdered people while wearing a mask made of clay and then intentionally acquired clay powers.

So has Killer Frost, but she's working on rehabilitating herself. Same with Harley.

Only named characters count as murder.

They had Batman retcon-reveal that Clayface's mutation dissolvd his part of his brain that knows right from wrong, so he's technically been insane all this time and not responsible for his actions, but Batman puts a device inside him that simulates this conscience

Yeah, it's kind of dumb.

I hope they reveal that device was a placebo effect.

Riddler. Two Face. The future doesn't look too promising.

Different Killer Frost. This one hasn't done anything really unforgivable I think.

Nope, same Killer Frost but since the continuity got Manhattan'd it's pretty fuzzy how things were. It's already been established she killed a lot but it'll probably be something like she was out of her mind.

Best way this can go
>Clayface is reformed, Batman takes away his powers and fixes him somehow
>Some other guy becomes Clayface in some other method that Batman can't fix
There. Easy legacy villain.

>batman actually reforming the insane

oh man we need an elseworlds or something where batman actually cures all his nemesis

well, iirc, The Batman did this with Ethan Bennet. he became clayface, became a villain for a while, then he was put in arkham with scientific help from bruce, and we got Basil Karlo clayface to replace him, with bennet returning to the clayface role as a "hero" to help stop him.

it worked out pretty well there. No reason we cant do the same for karlo, that is replace him with a new clayface for a while

>Batman even wanting to cure them rather than have his rogue's be his weekend punching bags that feel pain

That would be the best way to carry this. Sunset Basil Karlo, Give him a happy ending.

He's using Matt Hagen as an alias in this run.

But he was in the suicide squad movie, he HAS to be in the comic, that's the same reason Katana and Enchantress joined up, and why Harley Quinn got a brand new look

I just want him to be able to switch back and forth like Catwoman

Last time I read was that arc that basically existed to advertise the new Batwoman book. Has it improved any since? Clayface has been my favorite character but he felt kind of under used compared to everyone else (especially Batwoman) that I just kind of dropped off when they turned Steph into a raging cunt.

Clayface doesn't have the personality, the intellect or the skillset to be an ambiguous character like Selina. He's the sort that's either one thing or another.

She might get redemption in the current Justice League of America book