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You forgot to put Secret Empire in the OP.
Ah whatever, I'm just glad that images are back.

My only problem with this book is the aimless narration box that doesn't connect to anything. Nick Spencer did that shit in Avengers World too, and it got to the point where I just started skipping narration boxes completely.

Also, there were some pretty slick panels/pages in this issue. I liked it.


Oh no, you'll have to actually look for a storytime, the horrors


>Hydra knows exactly where the "good guys" are
>Doesn't do anything to arrest/kill them because Muh Hope
Truly Captain Hydra is a tactical genius


They ARE his friends still. He probably wants to turn them instead of murder.




This coloring is shit. Looks like a Zack Snyder movie.

is that nightwing up there in the first panel

The spiritual forces of the internet don't want you to read Secret Empire.
Think about that for a second.

It's not his fault if the book is so bad that it crashes the site.


hail hydra


>Claire Temple

Wonder Man's back, Deadpool's healing factor released him from Rogue's mind in Uncanny Avengers.

Why does Luke Cage look like a 90s black sitcom dad who just rolled up his sleeves and went "Put 'em up! Put 'em up!"?

>a Sup Forums casual reading comics
What a weird day at Sup Forums.



The solicits mentioned Baron Mordo, where is he?
And where are Doctor Strange and Daredevil?


The solicits were a lie.


wow what a cliffhanger

My favorite part about this book is how Nick Spencer doesn't give a fuck about Tony being dead or an AI or whatever, and just basically wrote him normally.

Fucking Bendis





I was bored by this issue, but this page was neat.





Dagger's powers come from the Lightforce Dimension, the counterpart of Darkforce, right?

Is Spencer ripping off Hickman?


oh surprise, Cap didn't order the attack himself, yet another cop-out to continue to absolve Cap from being an actual bad guy





So I guess this confirms that Wanda is being mind-controlled/possessed yet again.


This just further compounds the theory that the last two pages were a PANIC MODE addition


wow how lucky the one thing that could save them was there to be trapped with them in the first place

anyone who says "that was Cap's plan"
is looking for a slap

>brings back all the hydra characters from secret warriors

So yes.

Ironically the only good book I think Spencer has ever written was Cloak/Dagger.

Yeah, Nat, he actually would.

Goddamn, could this be the one "hero versus hero" event where both sides actually have lucid, reasonable arguments?

He probably doesn't order the inhuman holocaust camps too. Good thing he has member to do bad things so he doesn't look too evil.

Did they forget about how unreliable Ulysses' visions were? Plus, Captain Hydra has seen the vision too and would be prepared.


HOLY SHIT THIS WAS THE WORST STORYTIME EVER. It took me an hour to get from the first page to the final page

FalCap back
And actually, a really cool way to weld stories together. The crossover in Astonishing Ant-man #3 payed off.

>AI HOLOGRAM Tony in a hoodie
Man, Spencer really did just write regular Tony while ignoring Bendis as much as possible.



Who is this chick?
Also, funny how this issue came out on the same day as X-Men: Gold, where the writer went out of his way to treat the Serpent Society like D-List losers.


>Black guy hiding out in a divebar while the country's being taking over by Nazis...


>different artist from the rest of the issue
definitely an 11th hour addition

How much longer is this artist Marvel exclusive

It helps that the exposition dump helped me understand what the fuck was going on, because I didn't read the Pleasant Hill story.

This event could benefit from more exposition dumps, actually.

So who are these? Namor, Black Panther and... Taskmaster?

This really does have a "thrown together at the last minute" kinda feel.


>"To protect you, I'm going to cut you into pieces and hide them."

This guy is the worst dad.

if only everyone would ignore Bendis as much as possible

So why did they switch artists with the last two pages from Sorrentino to Reis? Because that's seriously looking like "hasty rewrite" territory.

Eh. I don't give a shit about this one. Let's be honest, there probably should be more than on night nurse in the super hero world.

are you disappointed?


Why do you hate Nick Spencer's twists, Sup Forums?

What the fuck is wrong with Cho's head and body?!

Rod Reis was announced as being part of the series months ago.

One was life... One was death

This page is pretty baller!

Met Rod Reis at C2E2, and he let slip that he was doing more work in #3.

That sly devil...

Yeah, he was on issue 0 too...
I guess it feels like a last minute addition because it's so cliché, have some random girl chased down by villains for no reason only to have Cap swoop in to save the day.

It's annoying an AI is programed to be drunk

On the other hand, fuck Bendis.

If Nick Spencer directed The Sixth Sense, he'd do the "Bruce Willis is dead the whole time" reveal at the beginning of the movie.

>Spencer said he planned everything out well in advance

either it was another lie, or the guy who writes the solicits fucked up

And thus, the entire event and story was made pointless

I think the Baron Mordo stuff is happening in Doctor Strange's tie-in issues

why the fuck would hydra let a known hacker use a computer?

It's obvious that despite Spencer's claims, the event has been altered/changed. Spencer just doesn't want to admit it.

I wouldn't be surprised if hes on more of the book than what was announced at that point.
Spencer clearly likes working with him and having him involved in this story (he did the Civil War 2/Secret Empire book too, right?)

Crossbones, most likely.

>So who are these? Namor, Black Panther and... Taskmaster?
Xorn, not Taskmaster. That means one of the fragments is at New Tian and it's probably what will create the conflict between Hydra and Emma's X-Men.

It's a phone or something that he took off one of his guards. It's why he was executed.

Why is the trained agent deliberately damaging her hand before an intense operation?

Bravo Spencer....bravo...

My guess, because all I can do is guess, is that this is how it was supposed to end but they got the new artist in to reveal the "good" Steve Rogers earlier.

There may be TWISTS to come but the last page is a way of saying "don't worry, it will all be OK somehow," which reassures LCS owners they need to buy their next shitty relaunch.

Miles, you little creep.