Based on the recent leaks.

>Thanos destroys Xandar to reclaim the Power Stone in order to rebalance the Universe.

>On Earth, the Avengers are fractured, with Captain America leading a rogue faction formed by Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon and Scarlet Witch. Iron Man is determine to prepare the world for another alien invasion.

>Thanos attacks the Asgardians’ ship and beats Thor, who is cast out into space. Loki uses the Space Stone to teleport Hulk to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum in New York City before surrendering it to Thanos in exchange for the Asgardians’ lives and a position as Thanos’ advisor. Thanos sends his minions to Earth.

>Doctor Strange finds Bruce Banner, who is unable to transform into the Hulk. Banner meets Iron Man and alerts him that Thanos is coming for the Infinity Stones. Iron Man begrudgingly contacts Captain America for help.

>Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian attack the Sanctum, confront Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, and steal the Time Stone.

>Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight attack Scarlet Witch and Vision in Scotland to steal the Mind Stone, but are foiled by Captain America and his team. Captain America sends Vision to Wakanda so Black Panther can protect him. The Winter Soldier is awakened to help in the battle.

>The Guardians of the Galaxy find Thor adrift in space while following Thanos’ trail of destruction, and split into teams, with Rocket and Groot accompanying Thor to visit the dwarf king Eitri, who forged the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos has cut off Eitri’s hands to prevent him from interfering with his plans, but Thor manages to operate Eitri’s star forge and create a new weapon, the axe Jarnbjorn.

>Meanwhile, Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax and Mantis go to Knowhere and find Thanos torturing the Collector for the location of the Reality Stone, which is hidden on a faraway planet.

>Iron Man, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange meet with Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy and confront Thanos on the faraway planet, while Captain America, Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Black Panther and Banner in the Hulkbuster armor battle Thanos’ forces in Wakanda.

>The Hulkbuster is destroyed, and Banner “dies” by permanently becoming the Hulk.

>Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian are defeated.

>Thanos defeats the heroes in space and reclaims the Reality Stone, then teleports to Earth, defeats the heroes in Wakanda, destroys Vision and reclaims the Mind Stone.

>Thanos ventures into a parallel dimension to reclaim the Soul Stone. The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to stop him, but Thanos ultimately defeats them and sacrifices Gamora for control of the Soul Stone.

>Thanos uses the completed Infinity Gauntlet to unleash a wave of destruction upon the cosmos. Loki betrays him to save the heroes and is killed.

>The survivors regroup and prepare for their final battle against Thanos, now the supreme master of the Universe.

>sacrifices Gamora
I'm out. Wasn't seeing it anyway.

>Loki betrays him to save the heroes and is killed.
He's the best character. So Captain America dies in the next one. Then we start getting the Feminist super heroes. Iron Man black gurl. Captain marvel. Thorinna. Yeah.

>Then we start getting the Feminist super heroes.
they have now the Xmen Spider-Man GotG and the Fantastic Four, but in the Avengers sure

The Avengers learn to work as a team

Seems to line up pretty well to footage, set photos, & past leaks = THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A RIDE

needs more quips

>Banner “dies” by permanently becoming the Hulk.
Didn't this already happen with Ragnarok? But I've heard that Thanos is apparently such a pimp that he kicks the shit out of Hulk so badly that he has to revert back into Banner.

Higher bodycount than I was expecting.

Its gonna be shit you manchild

Really, it's about family

>gamora dies
good riddance, Nebula is far more interesting than that green alien bitch

Fake. Thanos' henchmen are still around when they capture Vision.

Vision is never captured.

>villain gets whole new doomsday device(10% deadlier!)
>kills one important character in part I and part II
>but there's this even deadlier thingy!

post credit is the fantastic 4 screen cap this niggers

>inb4 Chris Evans Cap meets Chris Evans Human Torch

Shit taste.




>post credit is the fantastic 4
Postcredit is the Illuminati

>"banner" dies
>permanent hulk
oh fuck you are right

Post credit scene:

Nick Fury comes out of the shadows and talks to the Avengers about how there's always a new threat that's even more powerful than anything they've faced before. Its so powerful that they're going to need some serious help.

Nick Fury says, "it's time you met my friends," and out steps Rey, Kylo Ren and several X-Men (Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto). Wolverine says something like, "well it's about time." Cut to black.

>Gamora dead

don't tease me user

All we need is Batman and Supes and we could have Dissidia DuoDCim


If the Fantastic 4 come in out of no where Ill be pissed. They need to use them as the opening dialogue for dimension travelling, like Reed and group comes from a different Earth. Doom somehow follows them

>movie ends

Needs more quips. Its not a Marvel movie without quips


should end with this


>>The Hulkbuster is destroyed, and Banner “dies” by permanently becoming the Hulk.
But this happened in Ragnarok.

Now that Star Wars is dead I hope this shit is next. If ONE hero dies then I'll care but I'm sick of a 10-movie plot armor. There's no risks, there's no stakes. WHERE IS KILL?


Nick Fury welcomes them at earth and thanks and congratulates them in saving the Earth. He also gives a moment of silence for their fallen brethren in fighting Thanos. A memorial was given to the fallen heroes commemorating their deeds. Fury then gathers the team as a new threat now faces the Avengers.

>Dr. Strange waves his hands
>thanos and the stones are trapped in a pocket dimension forever

>sacrifices Gamora

fuck she-hulk wanna be

If the second film doesn't involve the idea that thousands of humans have been given mutant abilities and are the last hope for our world, they're missing a trick.

It actually didn't.

This is how they write Mark Ruffalo out of the movies now that his contract is up.

Somebody will blast Hulk with a magic ray gun at the end of Avengers 4 and Bruce Banner will come back as a different actor.

Dumbass, what are the space and reality gems? He can't be trapped in a pocket dimension if he can be anywhere in the universe in an instant.

>Thanos uses the completed Infinity Gauntlet
>He can still lose


Thor isn't dead. Thorrina/Valkyrie is Thor's heroing partner/potential romantic partner.

If you are referring to Riri and Jane as Thor, those were comic books that were inspired by ideas come up for the movie. The similar character to Riri in the movies is Shuri.

All they have to do to make the Infinity Gauntless worthless is use magic to keep Thanos from moving his body or speaking or possibly making him fall asleep with Mantis. They've already shown that in the MCU all people need to do to make people with magic powers ineffective is keep them from moving their arms or speaking.

Captain Marvel could still work if they make her an incompetent violent drunk. Plus she's still a hot blonde. Jane Foster Thor and Iron Black Womyn were massive commercial failures so that will never happen.

that's probably an electric necklace & suit, and she is being recorded the whole time. They will just taze her if she tries something.

>Pocket dimension

not him but you don't get it do you? with the reality gem he controls reality, you can't keep him in a pocket dimension if he wishes to be in your universe.

and with the space one he can teleport literally anywhere he wants in any dimension and universe he desires to


This. Literally the only reason to watch these non guardians MCU flicks

Sounds like it'll subvert expectations as well

Thanos with gauntlet is LITERAL god. He can everything. You can't "use something" to defeat him.

If they make him loose by some fucking trick it wil be so fucking stupid.

>Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian attack the Sanctum, confront Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, and steal the Time Stone.

I don't think this works based on the continuity of the trailer. We see Thanos confronting Iron Man off world with only the Space Stone and the Power Stone.

There is LITERALLY no hard counter for the Time stone time loop

>thanos uses the space stone to telephoto out far away
>boom he is back in the loop

>thanos warps reality
>after a set time, boom he is back in the loop

It's really silly if in the first 15 minutes, the exact second strange notices shit is going down and he doesn't activate the shit seeing a giant purple mega Titan coming for his dick. If strange is smart he can solve this film in 10 minutes

But if the Ebony Maw plays mind tricks on him and sneaks up on him like it's rumored, that's the only thing I'm fine with. Nobody should be able to take it from him in a fight

Just because Ebony Maw steals the stone doesn't mean he teleports to Thanos(who is in another planet) instantly dude.

It's not fake it's just theorycrafting.

These aren't actual spoilers.

The deal won't go through for another 12-18 moths retard. They couldn't do that even if they wanted to.
Disney DO NOT have the rights to Fantastic Four and the X-Men... yet.

>anti magic technology

Are you fucking retarded? That's literally a fucking shock collar and wanda got her powers from then stone. She isn't doing magic no matter how much ppl say. Its more along the lines of the power cosmic in all honesty

You are the one who clearly doesn't get it seeing as how no matter what you do, if you are stuck in loop mode, you should always bounce back to the start. No matter how far you teleport or what shenanigans you try to pull after it starts. Youll just get blinked back to the beginning

Feige explicitly stated that her powers are magic, just an unrefined form unlike Doctor Strange's.

Plus they'll probably retcon her as a mutant the moment they can.

Needs a battle with cosmic beings.

The reality stone can change reality. It can make it so there's no such thing as a time loop, or even no such thing as time.

Too late for that now. They won't have the rights in time.

>if you're stuck in a loop
You can just tear reality apart and break the loop you idiot.
>No matter how far you teleport or what shenanigans you try to pull after it starts
Yes, that's the Space stone, not the reality one.

You can wish for Time to disappear with reality.

>Her powers, she’s never had any training, I’m talking about Scarlet Witch. She never had any training; she’s figuring it out. Arguably, you could say that that’s why her powers are much more chaotic and much more loose in the way that we showcased those light effects. In [Doctor Strange], some of what you might see today, even the cover of Entertainment Weekly, it’s much tighter. It’s all about focus. It’s all about pulling energies from other dimensions in an organized and purposeful fashion, which is why they can do a lot more than she can in, at least, a much more precise way.”

Do you know what the word explicit means? Because he never once stated "wanda uses magic too". The whole point the wizards made were that the accurately drew power to craft specific spells. Thats magic. Wanda doesn't work in that. Again, if it came from the stone it's much more like she is using the power cosmic(that draws energy anyway). Again not too different from magic but also not the same

kek That's why cap has to die.

>The reality stone can change reality. It can make it so there's no such thing as a time loop, or even no such thing as time.

>time loop resets

>You can wish for Time to disappear with reality.

There were instances where dormammu literally vaporizes strange. Stone included (since you don't see a glowing green rock afterwards). And guess what?...the time loop resets anyway. "Idiot". Not to mention we have never seen the Aether work that way yet. Based of pure showings, neither can counter the time stone as of yet.

Strange literally went to a reality where time didn't exist. Didn't stop the stone from working. So making time "not a thing" won't work. It's an Infinity stone too retards. Saying the reality stone can make time dissappear would be like saying well...the time stone can just make it reappear. You can't suddenly just act like one is extremely powerful and the other isnt

So how is Thanos defeated in the comics?

Strange is fated to also relive the loop. Thanos is even more autist than Strange. Also, reality and time stones nullify eachother

He ascends to a higher plane of existence and sheds his body. Nebula takes the gauntlet and undoes all his fuckery. It's possibly implied that he subconsciously wanted to be defeated, since going through all this trouble ultimately did nothing to win the love of his waifu who is the personification of death.

time stone isn't time itself, nor is the spell bound to it after it was cast

He's dumb

Its because Strange created time. If you undo time, time stone can remake, but then again it can be undone once again. They can't do shit against each other

so all they had to do was wait for thanos to win?

Doesn't have to be time itself seeing as how it has absolute power over it

>Gamora and Loki dying

lmao doubt it. if it happens then wow, finally Didney got balls.

yeah i'm sure disney would do such thing

He gets bored winning and decides to be a farmer

>incompetent violent drunk
is this how captain marvel really is?

>Banner comes back as Edward Norton


>another farming arc
So just a rip off of Vinland and Vagabond then

Ending with this would be kino, but starting Avengers 4 like that would be pretty kino too.

Yes but the user was arguing it being destroyed didn't stop the loop. It's like saying because he destroys my my computer with pics of his mum lovehole I won't or have never filled it with peanut pasta

>There were instances where dormammu literally vaporizes strange
Dormammu doesn't have power over reality.
> And guess what?...the time loop resets anyway.
The time loop can't reset if there is no time. Dr. Strange literally says to Dormammu "I bring you Time", you can't do that against someone that can use the reality stone.

Yes, theoretically you would be right. Except Thanos has the power stone, making his Reality stone surpass all over stones.

The hard counter is Thanos bitchslapping Strange, grabbing the stone, and using it to end the loop before the reset.

>lmao doubt it
It's what we have been saying was gonna happen since the trailer came out...

>If strange is smart he can solve this film in 10 minutes
Too bad Strange won't be ready and the attack will be a surprise. As Peter Parker's clip in the trailer showed us.

>Nobody should be able to take it from him in a fight
Stay mad capeshitter

If you mean that scene where Banner jumps from the ship and just lands with a thud on the bridge and transforms into the Hulk. Well that was done already in The Incredible Hulk. Banner jumps from a helicopter so he can transform into the Hulk before he hits the ground to fight the Abomination. He doesn't transform and instead he hits the ground and then transforms. The version in Thor: Ragnarok was just more comedic.

"Chaotic" magic.

Quote from user:

No, she's a human. She was affected at birth by a demon. We have no way of knowing if that origin still stands in the MCU, all we know is that she and her twin brother somehow survived a Stark missile hitting their house that miraculously didn't blow up, apparently before they were given "powers" and that the two of them were the only surviving test subjects pf contact with the Mind Stone, one of 6 cosmic objects than only the powerful can withstand, and that usually destroys people. Sound's like something's going on there.

Post-credits scene is Ant-Man and the original Wasp

Doesn't Thanos have some FTL capable ships? Why doesn't he just ram a 1000km cylinder at FTL speeds into the Earth?

>Avengers 4 starts with a Not!House of M
>it's solved in the first act, second act begins with the original universe, reverse effect of the comic book House of M, mutants are now a thing
>Reed Richards and his team were in space doing some experiment when Thanos did his universe bending and it fucked with them, giving them their abilities

Doesn't everyone die in the infinity wars and get resurrected afterwards? There are no stakes. Disney can kill anyone just for shock value

this movie is going to be a clusterfuck , too many characters and plots , shouldve focused only in defeating thanos and the only side plot should be thor getting the axe to chop off the glove. thats it ,no niggerkanda , no waste of time with floppians of the galaxy . loki sacrifice is on point , and hulk banner thing is ok too

If anyone could pull it off, it's the Marvel team. It really is amazing how far they have built the universe. They are miles above the shit that are Star Wars writers and directors.

>Thanos with gauntlet is LITERAL god. He can everything. You can't "use something" to defeat him.
>If they make him loose by some fucking trick it wil be so fucking stupid.

Disney refuses to have any show of competency by the bad guys in their films. They will not take the infinity gauntlet seriously (they're already joking about it in Thor Ragnorok) and it will not make Thanos a literal God. It will just make him "super strong". Do not expect any demonstration of proficiency with the gauntlet.

>Hype up a bad guy for like 3 years
>Bad guy is not even a real threat

You think this is going to work?

Do I think it's going to work? No, I think it's going to be terrible. But I absolutely believe it's what they'll do.

Everything coming out of Disney is showing that this is going to be made trivial and pointless. They hyped Luke for 2 years, and they had him throw the lightsaber for laughs. Nevermind that the trailers made it look serious as fuck.

As I said, the infinity stones are already being joked about. Thor mocks them in Ragnorok. This material isn't going to be taken seriously. It going to be quips and tension-breaking and "subverting expectations". The end result won't be satisfying. And it breaks my fucking heart because I've been stoked for this since I first heard the Infinity Stones were in the MCU.