Why is Chicago so underutilized as a location for movies?

Why is Chicago so underutilized as a location for movies?

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Because it fucking sucks and is full of niggers
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Chicago literally means "I do defecate" in spanish

Big American cities are generic. The exception is NYC. Charlotte, Denver, etc. might as well be the same fucking place. Only NYC has real, distinct culture.

Chicago may have a bit of that, but not to the same degree NYC does. It's just NYC-lite, like every other big American city.

out of control crime, probably

People are afraid of getting shot.

No. It's an Indian word that means Stinky Onion.

Something to do with tax breaks I'm sure

He's right, white boi

Didn't prevent 70s NY or 80s LA from getting a lot of movies shot there

taxes probably. i'm sure chicago makes it prohibitively expensive to film there. we did get the dark knight tho

Name 50


detroit needs a lick of paint

Anything Chicago can do, NYC can do better.

Chicago stopped being interesting after Prohibition ended. Go watch some Al Capone Docus if you have such a hard-on for such a boring city

No, Boston is. Your image proves it.

That would be "Si cago"

prolly cause the cast and crew don't want to be raped, murdered or mugged by people of color

The whole city government is crooked and corrupt. Companies can't make any money trying to do business there.

>yuropoor who's been to NYC and nowhere else

Chicago has been in alot of movies in recent memory dude. In the past it was under utilized because liberal fucks wanted giant taxes.

Recent movies in chicago
>dark knight
>all the chicago NBC shows

brainlet detected.

But nignogging didn't get really bad until the late 80s

taxes and shitty local industry. A lot of the time they'll fly in the crew from LA and just shoot a few locations/landmarks in the city, then shoot the rest elsewhere. They do a good job of making Empire look like NY though. Easy on Netflix is probably the most "Chicago" production in recent years, but it's an irritatingly mediocre show, which befits the setting, I guess.

I think the city is vaguely trying to incentivize more productions but they're losing out hard to Atlanta.

all the violence is segregated to the south, everything north of 35th street is gentrified as fuck. and even then the south side isn't that bad if you're not a pussy soyboy who's afraid of "muh brown people"

essentially it's just a boring city for arts and culture

t. native chicagoan

>has never been to Philadelphia, Boston or, Pittsburgh

Pburg is the furry capital of the US

>Has never been to the literal greatest city in the United States which is Houston, Texas

wanna join us user

I thought Houston was supposed to be a shithole.



It's fucking cold as shit and windy which doesn't make for great shooting conditions. LA is great because you can shoot practically anytime and make it look like anywhere. "on location" is overrated nonsense

>New Oreleans