Dumbing of Age

Tonight, we have a rare occurrence! A legitimate surprise. I'd stop short of calling it a 'twist' yet, but I have a feeling this is just a setup to a bigger development.

Personally, I'll hope for the best and expect the worst. I believe in Willis's ability to ruin pretty much anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

shortpacked.com/searchcomic.php?search=star wars

>That's not his name

Well whatever that means

Reminder that there is no such thing as an engineering major at IU

>That's not his name

Is that the name of his getaway driver then? Also who wants to bet Willis dangles that little tidbit in front of us for a few months?

>That's not his name.
>I'll implicitly acknowledge that he's one of our interns, but his name isn't Ryan.

What are the odds that somehow Ryan's name not actually being Ryan (or only claiming on his paperwork that his name isn't Ryan) is some kind of a twist to let Ryan get away and drag on this conflict for another seven years?
>Okay, so the warrant is out for the arrest of Ryan? Well, I'm not Ryan! I'm Bryan! You can't arrest me now, suckers!

Just want to say hi and thanks to VA user for his riveting editions of the comics and Willis's seizure explanation. The seizure thing sounded pretty much exactly like what I imagine Willis's voice to sound like.

I asked for wimpy Ryan, and it made me feel a lot better, so thanks for that.

This is GirlAnon, and I'm still having stalker issues. Now I can imagine that voice instead of the one I've worked so hard to get out of my head. Making progress on getting Facebook to keep him from messaging me with a new account.

So like... "Ryan" went out of his way to give Joyce a fake name? And if they were going to go to the police... they wouldn't have found the right person... FFS.

Also, Frieda's nose looks worse every time he draws it.

So... did he register as a fake name at his job, or did he co-ordinate with his getaway driver to use his fake raping alias. Just how far are his friends going to protect him?

Also, if Frieda knows who Robin is talking about, how much does it really matter what his name is? Just get the cops on him when he shows up at the next volunteering event.

That means Ryan is that kid that was in Sal and Marcie's flashback (I think it was their flashback). I forgot what the kid was called, though.

>Also, if Frieda knows who Robin is talking about, how much does it really matter what his name is?
My guess is that it matters because of whoever his father is. We know he's a pastor's son (I get the feeling he was telling the truth about that one), and his dad probably has some major political clout inside the GOP somehow

Also, what the fuck is Becky hoping to actually change by messing with Robin's social media account? It's not like her lies will change anything, right?

I hope she goes to jail for identity theft.

Leland, but I think Willis threw a fit when people suggested they look similar. That's a weird way to obfuscate a twist.

Watch it be he texted his getaway guy while running saying "ok, yell a fake random name when you get here to throw them off my trail"

Sorry to hear about the shit you're going through. I dunno if Facebook staff will get to you right away, though. I hate to say this, but your best bet might be to either send Mormons to your stalker's house or to fake your own death.

T'was Leland on the schooling grounds.

And? None of the characters have an engineering major.

Obviously he has crafted an entire fake identity he uses for rape related purposes.

>Hey man, I need you to be my wingman tonight. I need you in the Accord with the motor running because I'm either dragging out a girl and I don't want to deal with their bitch friends or we need to jet if shit goes south. Also, remember, I'm Ryan tonight.
unless he gives gift bags of weed every week or they get equal shares of out cold pussy, this is way too much shit to expect from your drinking buddy

Did that kid kick up and right with his left leg while standing on one leg?

>"Ryan" went out of his way to give Joyce a fake name?
He never gave Joyce a name. I think we only knew his name was Ryan thanks to the tags.

those fucking batman skate-boots
>Also, if Frieda knows who Robin is talking about, how much does it really matter what his name is?
That's exactly what I was saying. Frieda's outright confirming that he works for them by saying that "Ryan" isn't his name.

The Dumbiverse traded in the science-fiction and fantasy aspects of the Walkyverse in favor of an extremely loose interpretation of the laws of physics.

Not like "Ryan" is gonna come back to work now. He probably already suspects that they know he's a rapist and will try to arrest him

We already saw him stalking after Dorothy and company. I predict that he tries talking with Dorothy in a bid to find out where Amazi-Girl is.

And, since this is Willis who is playing God, "talking" in this scenario means "cornering in a public area and loudly making demands and intentions known".

>The Dumbiverse traded in the science-fiction and fantasy aspects of the Walkyverse in favor of an extremely loose interpretation of the laws of physics.

I'm actually going to try working in a version of Dina and Amazi-Girl into a Delta Green game if I can ever get one off the ground for that exact reason.

Calling it now: He cuts away to something else going on in the next strip.

Hm. I wonder if Ryan was actually his real name in the Walkyverse?

This conflict has been going on so long it has made attempted rape a boring plot point. Now its tied with an even more boring plot that was converging with other boring plots. It feels like this is building up to a massive resolution of most of the conflicts but I'm doubtful this will happen. See you all in 2020 when we see Ryan or Mary again.

So I'm guessing is named Ryan because it's the first actual occurrence of the name being uttered. So, I guess the tags are just a huge lie for no reason. It feels like a sort of... unsporting way to set up a twist, using metadata like that. Maybe that's just me though.

>See you all in 2020 when we see Ryan or Mary again.

Well, Mary got a new character model recently, so we should be seeing her relatively soon.

Personally, I tend not to question why Willis tags things as he does. There's a tag for "Star Wars", I'm pretty sure.

Two strips would be a crazy short scene even for his increased cutaway rate

he might edit ryans tag when we get his real name, like he did with jocelyne

>Personally, I tend not to question why Willis tags things as he does
Like this one I just noticed while I was just looking at the Ryan tag, where he tags Settlers of Catan AND Settlers of Canaan for no goddamn good reason. It's not like he tags Nintendo DS every time Amber is playing it.

i cant unsee it
its like mc escher drew his legs

Willis has changed the tags before. Before the trans reveal, all the tags read "Josh" afterwards they were all changed to "Jocelyn" even on strips prior to the reveal.

I'm guessing is correct and he's actually Leland from the flashback, which would explain why the flashback is there in the first place. Even though it'd be a plot development that makes the world seem incredibly small and revolving entirely around the protagonists.

>thats not his name
is it ciaran?

That seemed somewhat fairer, because that's what the character was known as in universe.

In this case, if the name of that strip being Ryan really does mean that it's the first utterance of his name, Willis gave an anonymous character a fake name for... 6 years?

>he's actually Leland from the flashback, which would explain why the flashback is there in the first place.
I believe the flashback occurred because of a Patreon poll. From what I recall, Willis asked who people wanted to see in a flashback, and they voted for Sal.

>Even though it'd be a plot development that makes the world seem incredibly small and revolving entirely around the protagonists.
Oh, no, that's already a definite thing. This is a campus with several thousand students, and yet everything we see seems to happen to this specific set of twelve to fifteen students.

That would fit with if we're really watching him do yet another Walkyverse retread with a twist

See . Ryan was already a character from the Walkyverse, being transplanted over to the Dumbiverse because Willis has done that with every character it seems.

He claimed that it's only been recently that he's managed to finally create new characters.

Yes there is

That'd be one hell of a villainous plan.

>And now for my masterstroke; I will move to America, create a fake identity so thorough I will easily be accepted to public university in the Midwest and gain employment as an unpaid intern for a Congressional campaign, from there I will be able to carry out my rape spree unopposed!

more than once i've been tempted to read this shit because of these threads, but a single panel of this alone can be so infuriating and contain so much shit writing by itself it scares me what would happen if i were to expose myself to more than the odd panel ITT.it's like going from being near the microwave to bathing in chernobil while hugging a nuke.

should i?

Godspeed. If you need any help, we will always be here for you, unless we aren't at home. In that case, try /adv/.

>I guess he signed up for the GOP stuff with a fake name. Or Ryan is his middle name, or something equally pedantic.
I do indeed wonder how Willis plans to justify why Ryan would have given Robin's campaign party a false identity to work under, especially if he didn't appear to be under stress or paranoia of being caught for roofing a girl once.

I had compiled these for the next time Ryan came up, so I'm posting them.

I kinda like the "not his real name" twist, but the way he went about it is obnoxious as hell.

It means he gave a fake name at the party?

How did he even find that party in the first place if he wasn't anyone's friend?

Willis has apparently listed Carla's major as engineering and Comp Sci at different times.

Weirdly enough I didn't use Ryan in the file names at the time.

And that's that.

What it really means is that this dumb plot is going to be dragged out for another unacceptable length of time

Nice choice for a background color. Fits naturally with Willy's palette

I didn't know Ryan's attempt at rape was so physical.

"Nipple" has a tag on the Shortpacked! site, for equally uncertain reasons.


Star Wars also warranted a tag on SP!'s site.

shortpacked.com/searchcomic.php?search=star wars

He's done it at least once, but I don't remember what it was.

>Willis has changed the tags before. Before the trans reveal, all the tags read "Josh" afterwards they were all changed to "Jocelyn" even on strips prior to the reveal.
Which makes it a spoiler for anyone reading the comic for the first time and happens to check the tags.

>Willis gave an anonymous character a fake name for... 6 years?
That is exactly as petty as I can imagine Willis being. He's going to claim it was a grand set-up for anyone dedicated enough to check the tags all this time.

Does rage make you happy? Do you want to shed tears of sadness every time a good opportunity is wasted?

Run while you can.

Thank you so much! Your support (as a group) has been amazing, and it stuns me that I used to be afraid of Sup Forums. I honestly feel a little blessed to have found all of you. I mean, part of that is because of fun literary discourse and analysis, mixed with the fun parts of gossiping. But still. Lots of love to all of you.

Still love the punchline of the second strip and the interesting complexity of Sarah and Billie's relationship in the third strip.

I got the colour by checking his site on archive.org, so that's how it would've actually looked.

Why am I supposed to not want bad things to happen to Joyce again?

I'm starting to wonder if he included Ryan's name in the tags so we'd all be screaming every time someone tried to find out his name. That's referred to as "dramatic irony," which is when the audience knows something the characters don't, which creates tension among audience members.

I agree. It did make me notice that Sarah's hair basically merges in those two panels in the last strip, but that's not the color's faults. It's Willis's for bad line work.

The best thing is that Joyce doesn't remember it.

Willis had a really terrible reason for making it so obvious. Looking it up right now.

>That's referred to as "dramatic irony," which is when the audience knows something the characters don't, which creates tension among audience members.

Reminds me of the Skyler incident. It's gonna take years of abuse before he's brought forward.

That is indeed what dramatic irony is, but our knowledge of what Ryan's name was is not an application of dramatic irony. If we had learned in the comic what Ryan's name was, that would be an application of dramatic irony as it would only require the context and presentation of information from the actual comic, rather than any external sources.

A proper application of dramatic irony would be, say, if Dorothy and Walky began talking about Ryan while Ryan himself was visible in the background following the pair.

You're actually supposed to want both good and bad things to happen to Joyce. It's a very basic storytelling trick to hook audiences. Take one character, make them cute and endearing to the audience, then put them in danger. The audience becomes enthralled by the tension of her (it's almost always a woman) being in danger and experiences a subsequent catharsis and relief when she's saved. That creates a reward response in your audience's heads, they begin to associate the character being in danger as part of an emotionally fulfilling story.

I believe user meant that he thought Joyce was obnoxious and wished her ill.

Well now it kind of reminds me of Richard III when the two characters referred only to as "First Murderer" and "Second Murderer" go to kill Clarence as a hired hit. You sort of assume they will be ruthless killers, but one ends up having a conscience and refuses to do the deed.

That's still not really dramatic irony. It would be dramatic irony if Clarence were talking about how blessed he was to be alive within earshot of the two murderers, both of whom had been identified to the audience as murderers.

My superpower is knowing things about literature! I could literally write hundreds of pages just about Dumbing of Age and literary analysis/interpretations. It is an endless well of utter crap, but the varieties of crap are diverse enough.

I'm gonna say that's because Willis has a very poor grasp of storytelling. Willis heavily relies on external sources. You have to keep up with the comments, both of his Tumblrs, Slipshine, and every other comic he's written in order to completely understand everything happening in the comic. He uses outside sources as a crutch but says we don't need them. This example of using the tags to name Ryan is the closest he'll ever get to using something resembling a good literary technique.

Also a cheap literary technique. A false sense of danger can be good when applied well (like when you hear noises in a horror movie and it turns out to be a cat, which is cliche now, but whatever), but doing it too often cheapens it. Joyce's danger is spread out too much, rather than being too close together, so there's that.

>those fucking batman skate-boots
When did Batman ever have skates?

The "Batman and Robin" film. Granted, the movie had ice skates instead of roller skates, but the same bending of physics continues to apply.

Facts about Ryan based on Willis's Tumblr:

Posted 5 years ago:
>Q: I'm just curious--I really liked today's strip, but I feel like Ryan should've at least shoved her into the bathroom or something before the glass smash, because him screaming about how he's going to rape Joyce in a very public place strikes me as a bit rash even for someone as irritated as him. Was it trying to move the plot along faster, or is him yelling going to be noted upon, or is there something I'm missing?

>A: I really didn’t want to end a strip on Joyce being shoved into a bathroom. That’s not the sort of cliffhanger I want to do. It was a very important goal of mine throughout this storyline to not leave Joyce in a state of imminent, impending rapey danger for the 24 hours between strips. So if Ryan makes his move in a strip, he has to be subdued by the end of it. If some subtlety is lost in that, then that was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

Posted 4 years ago:
>Q: So in your personal opinion, what did you do to change the execution of Ryan and Ruth as opposed to Ryan and Joyce in Dumbing of Age (or at least I think it was him who drugged her?)

1 year ago:
>Q: Ryan's never getting caught, is he?

>A: A huge reason I had Joyce put a gaping gash on his face is that at the time I wasn’t sure if we were going to see him again and I wanted him to suffer.
>(I’m still not sure.)

>Does rage make you happy?

i mean i guess i do browse Sup Forums regularly.

5 years ago:
>I don’t think the scene works unless Ryan reveals exactly what he is, no moderation. Joyce has to understand instantly. It can’t be something that could be mistaken for sarcasm. Joyce has been giving him the benefit of the doubt all night. Ryan’s true self has to get her attention right here, right now. Minimizing his anger doesn’t create that catalyst for her snap back into reality.

Dumbest reason ever.

Also, here's another fun fact for you:
There's a reason why most people only do one space between sentences, unlike Willis. The convention of two spaces invented because of typewriters. All the letters were the same size, so two spaces made it easier to see when a sentence was starting and ending. Using two spaces is archaic because that's no longer an issue. Letters look different enough from each other (when you don't use typewriters) that it's completely unnecessary and just makes you look old-fashioned.

thank you

Updates and reminders for all!

1. Mary
2. Rapin’ "Ryan"
3. One of the Rachels (there are two)
4. Agatha (blonde Mormon)
5. Dorothy
6. Walky
7. Joyce
8. Amber/Amazi-Girl
9. Sarah
10. Sal
11. Jocelyne/Josh (likes guys) (Joyce’s sibling)
12. Roz
13. Joe
14. Jacob
15. Lucy (Malaya’s roomie)
16. Ken (pointless, works at Galasso’s)
17. Raidah (horrible person, hates Sarah, dating Jacob)
18. Jason (blonde math guy)
19. Penny (redhead Brit)

1. Ruth
2. Marcie (mute, not deaf)
3. Billie
4. Danny
5. Mike (whichever preference spites you the most)
6. Sierra (footloose and fancy free)
7. Grace (dating Mandy, lives with her)
8. Mandy (looks like Willis)

1. Becky
2. Leslie (Gender Studies prof)
3. Newspaper editor-in-chief (Daisy)
4. Ethan
5. Kaitlin (Becky’s old roomie)

1. Carla
2. Galasso? (pizza man)

Generally undefinably not straight:
1. Robin
2. Malaya
3. Dina
4. Bryan (Tales of Sinterest)
5. Sayid (Tales of Sinterest)
6. Alice (Billie’s old friend)

---“Joyce and Walky” Dump---

---Patreon-Only Bonus Strips---

---VA user’s generous voice-over work---

Free Pinups

ACO Smut collection:

NEW Doc:

Don't screw this up. Please. The newest pics will need to be posted on here or e-mailed to me at [email protected].

Also, DoA site shows that there's a new Ethan pinup or something involving him.

>That's exactly what I was saying. Frieda's outright confirming that he works for them by saying that "Ryan" isn't his name.
And they're going to try some sort of loophole around that, I bet. I mean, it's not like there's someone else with that giant scar, but his name's not Ryan, so what do I know?

I'm actually really surprised he didn't give Joyce a name to work with. He should know that girls like her will totally imagine what her name would sound like if she had his last name. You're right that Willis has gone a loooonnnnng way to avoid directly stating his name, and if that's literally only because of whatever twist this next strip will bring, I will be very annoyed.

Also annoying is that he still doesn't know if Ryan will be caught or not??? I know this is a "long haul" comic for Willis, but seriously? That seems especially wishy-washy, even for him.

>oh no that was a fake name? that means we only have where he worked, what he looks like, and where he goes to college!

>there are people in tis thread who legitimately enjoy this shitty comic
How do you live with yourselves?

Becky does know that that's identity theft, right?

Wot if they reveal Rapin' Ryan has become a transexual, thereby making him unassailable and they get arrested for deadnaming her? He can become Raping Ry-Anne!

>That’s not the sort of cliffhanger I want to do. It was a very important goal of mine throughout this storyline to not leave Joyce in a state of imminent, impending rapey danger for the 24 hours between strips

It always baffles me how Willis has chosen a format and a schedule that actively works against his artistic goals at all times.


of all DOA characters you wish Joyce ill?

In this case it's not a false sense of danger in the classic sense, but rather one due to the unwillingness of the writer actually following through.

Now that I think about it, the books don't have tags, right? So if you gave someone a volume with this strip in it, they'd have no fucking clue about what's happening.

I'm still going to suggest Mixtape for uploading stuff until you start using it.

This. Ryan has the scar, so what does it matter that his name isn't actually Ryan?

Also, I'm sure I'm wrong since I've forgotten everything that wasn't stupid, but did Leslie and Robin even talk about Ryan at any point?

Hell, Sinfest can manage an oversized Sunday strip while doing daily comics.
I think the problem isn't so much that Willis writes for the trade, but he writes for the trade format. If he released an oversized Sunday strip, he wouldn't be able to fit it in the Kickstarter book.

>that joke about becky's pubes

You know, when we jokingly suggested that Ryan was a supervillain in these threads, I don't think any of us actually thought that that was the direction Willis was going with this. Ryan's already got the team of identical minions, who'll rush to his defence without any questions asked, his dedication to to rape that is approaching old-DC Dr. Light's and now, he's such a master planner that he had foreknowledge to have his friends/minions shout fake names when they come to his rescue. Is he going to have a villainous lair, too? The Rapecave? Will he have a supervillain team-up with his ally, the Rohypnotizer?

That's the thing I've learned about Sup Forums: we're a collection of assholes who'll bust each others' chops at the drop of a hat or the the possibility of some lulz, but we try to do good for each other too and I'm glad we can help out a little. Also, I hope your stalker gets bitten by squirrels.

>You have to keep up with the comments, both of his Tumblrs, Slipshine, and every other comic he's written in order to completely understand everything happening in the comic.

And that grinds my gears so much. In my writing, I always include extra materials, background information, short stories and in-depth explanations of minor events for readers, but I always make sure that none of it is necessary to understand the plot. If your readers have to wade through tons of author's comments just to know what the hell is going on (i.e. Sal's parents are racist, Carla is trans) then your ability to tell a story is shit.

>Also, I'm sure I'm wrong since I've forgotten everything that wasn't stupid, but did Leslie and Robin even talk about Ryan at any point?
Yeah, it was pretty much the first thing Leslie talked to her about when they met at the bar.

>I really didn’t want to end a strip on Joyce being shoved into a bathroom. That’s not the sort of cliffhanger I want to do. It was a very important goal of mine throughout this storyline to not leave Joyce in a state of imminent, impending rapey danger for the 24 hours between strips.

This is the same stupid shit that got us a teleporting Ruth or that fucking kitten strip. Willis has little to no respect for his audience and only the barest ability to tell a story. ESPECIALLY since he writes for the trades, where all you have to do is turn a page to see what happens. Your audience are not - or at least should not be - so fragile that a character left in peril or hearing BAD WORDS for a day causes mass hysteria. He's said outright that no one will ever die in DoA, and I've said that that also means no one can be severely injured. Willis destroyed all drama from the very beginning of his strip and with situations like these, he acts like his audience are one unhappy feeling away from a bottle of pills. It's insulting to other writers, its patronizing and belittling to the audience and it shows abject refusal to do anything other than be bland and generic and write on autopilot.

Sorry for all the salt. It just grinds my gears.

>Also annoying is that he still doesn't know if Ryan will be caught or not???
Well, you see, user - if Ryan is caught that will be cathartic for the readers, but Willis's pace means that we would never see a trial. Those can take months/years to finally conclude. Hell, Ryan could get out on bail and be walking around for months comic-time, years in real time.
If Ryan is never caught, Willis A) won't have to learn how police procedures actually work and B) can make a "something something privilege something authorities are useless" point

Ha! No. It's just more wacky antics! Just like the time she destroyed the dress Joyce's mom gave her. Becky tends to turn on anyone she doesn't like to cause as much damage to them as possible, even if they're being nice/attempting to be nice to her. Becky is a terrible person.

Wow. This make Walky look like an even MORE reprehensible character if he capitulates to anyone with even the faintest hint of charisma without question.

He has trouble with bigger guys.

Willis' intended audience is all those things you say it shouldn't be.

I know, and that's terrible for so many different reasons.

I think the problem with Willis and his audience is that Willis thinks his audience is ten years older than they actually are.

That is, I'm pretty sure his audience is all in high school, save perhaps for some outliers. They're the kind of people who think that everybody's stories about college are true, just as they believed everybody's stories about high school were true.


Who exactly enjoys this comic?

What we enjoy is shitting on this comic. We love shitting on it's shitlord of a creator. We love it when both prove us right.

>How do you live with yourselves?

I think the real question is why does it matter so much to you what we do?

I mean this with the utmost seriousness. In less time than and effort it took you to click on this thread, type your message, do the catchpa and click "POST, you could have just hidden the thread.

We're not the ones with the problem. You are.

Seriously though how can you get so worked up over such a shitty comic?

The whole Toe-Dad/orphan Becky plot proves that Willis has no clue how the real world works. From basic physics to police procedures it's all a black box of terrifying mystery to him

Because, user, the dark, shameful secret of the majority of Sup Forums's DoA posters is... we used to be fans. We read the Martian horror of It's Walky, the amusing antics of early to mid-Shortpacked and then watched as Willis started to give less and less of a shit about his art, writing or general storytelling and more about sticking it to everyone he didn't like. Dumbing Age is just the continuation of that, only it gets dressed up as 'realistic', when it's really not. It's an ongoing dumpster fire where good storytelling is actively suppressed and pushed away by the author himself.

Most of us, I also assume, don't really get worked up. We use hyperbole and exaggeration freely, because it helps show off our disappointment and befuddlement at what's going on this comic.

You had to remind me. That was just an absolute casserole of nonsense from beginning to end.

Willis fans will argue that we hate Becky because we hate Lesbians. And not that we hate Becky because everything surrounding her story arc is completely stupid.

Willis's fans also apparently can't handle 24 hours of genuine suspense without the risk of mass suicide, so I'm not terribly moved by their opinions. Besides, there is a substantial difference between hating a character who IS a lesbian and hating her BECAUSE she's a lesbian. Of course, the distinction is sadly out of reach of far too many people.

For myself, I dislike Becky because she is literally the recipient of author fiat, she is poorly-written, insulting, glib ("AGAIN!"), abrasive and destructive towards people who are trying to get along with her. None of that is in any way influenced by who she wants to fuck.

Now if you'll excuse me, I apparently have to go burn a rainbow cross outside the home of an interracial gay couple. Because that's the kind of thing someone who hates Becky would do.

But a big part of why I hate Becky is how she goes about being a lesbian, which is kind of a finer point. Of course, if there was a character who went around shrieking that they were an atheist the second that they met anyone, I would hate them just as much.

It is, but as you said, you're not hating her BECAUSE she's gay. It's how she expresses that which grates.

And in fairness to Willis, a lot of people who first come out do act like Becky for a while as they're just so excited not have to hide who they are and it can be grating for those around them, but they grow out of it. ALSO in fairness, though, this is another problem with the hyper-decompressed writing. Becky has been in this phase for years, rather than the few weeks/months it would normally be, so she has to continually, always, forever, mention how much of a lesbian she is. Almost every conversation has to have that be mentioned.

To tie this back in to your other example, a few years one of my friends decided he was an athiest - and he acted just like Becky. He had to work his newfound atheism into every. Single. Conversation. Whenever we went to the bookstore, he had to make the same joke about putting Bibles in the fiction section. But he grew out of after a few months.

Becky... will never grow out it, not with the timescales DoA operates on.

tl;dr: be at peace. You're not hating her for being a lesbian, you're hating her because Willis has given her a realistic reaction and then stretched it across years.

The way Becky is continually pushing at an open door always reminds me of the "only gay in the village" scetches
Except Matt Lucas is funny

And if Ryan is never caught, then that means Joyce will always have to worry about the guy who nearly raped her. Joyce doesn't get a happy ending, guaranteed. I can't imagine dying and leaving my characters in limbo like that.

I know she has a terrible family and she's temporarily homeless, but Becky doesn't get sympathy just because she's in a bad spot. She's rude and inconsiderate. She could choose to be kind but chooses not to.

Thanks! I'll check it out when I can. How does it work?

Thank you! Maybe I need to put acorns on his doorstep to help that process along. I appreciate that this is the kind of group that fosters actual discussion and a strange form of friendship.

It's fun, okay? We all have our hobbies. I like comics, and I like literary discussions. I used to enjoy Willis's work, and when I went to the comment section, I got torn a new butthole. I'm here because I have a sense of morbid curiosity about the story, to talk about it without the sycophants.

Plus this:
>Because, user, the dark, shameful secret of the majority of Sup Forums's DoA posters is... we used to be fans. We read the Martian horror of It's Walky, the amusing antics of early to mid-Shortpacked and then watched as Willis started to give less and less of a shit about his art, writing or general storytelling and more about sticking it to everyone he didn't like. Dumbing Age is just the continuation of that, only it gets dressed up as 'realistic', when it's really not. It's an ongoing dumpster fire where good storytelling is actively suppressed and pushed away by the author himself.
>Most of us, I also assume, don't really get worked up. We use hyperbole and exaggeration freely, because it helps show off our disappointment and befuddlement at what's going on this comic.

I actually know a lot of atheists who do stuff like that. I was stuck living with one for a while.

>How does it work?
It works like any other uploading website. Just drag, drop, and link. Mixtape is notorious for being difficult to file DMCA claims for, so whatever porn we upload there will have a harder time of coming down.