Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

>lightspeed torpedos your plot

>without women a bunch of anarchists would never start causing trouble for the galaxy's peace and prosperity

But a fantasy story has no relevance in the real world



what is so bad about the dark side anyway? rebel terrorists keep getting planets blown up with their indolent transgressions.

And so would Alderaan...

>Without men you wouldn't have spaceships sweetie

Now this is bravery

>Without the fictional representation of a woman created by a man an inanimate object which poses no threat to the real world would still be around today

It's just a sign.

It's a funny little sign, why do you need to be triggered?

What do you mean? Don't the people holding these signs take them seriously? Or are they always trolls making fun of whatever protest they are infiltrated into?

me liek de stah wahs pew pew drump is liek voldermot frum hary pottre

I think that's kinda cute desu

>tfw totally forgot what the pussyhat shit was even about
I love fad politics


Even the part where it's past tense but it's supposed to be in the future

2017 was a mistake

Natalie caused the downfall of the republic because she couldn't keep her legs closed

>Rogue One is a foundational part of Star Wars lore because it takes place before A New Hope
Orwell was right about women

Without women Troy would never have fallen.

Without women we'd still be in the garden of eden


What's up with those hats?

Seems like the problem really was western patriarchy.
In a feminist world the women wouldn't be laying around, which in this turning society they kind of don't. More and more of them are career oriented instead of family oriented

The official switch was delayed but sooner or later there'll be a female president. By that time we'll be totally set up for a matriarchy.

I think what we're seeing here is the men acting as the home maker, the house wife

This "patriarchy" isn't superior, it's imbalanced. Maybe if the women fished or hunted it would be more fair to the men. But that's the thing with being the figureheads, the chieftesses, that decision is entirely up to them.. the females. What she says goes

Wasn’t the deathstar blown up by luke, and the second one by wedge and lando?

>Trade Federation mini Death Star destroyed by Anakin
>Death Star destroyed by Luke
>Death Star II destroyed by Lando and male aliens
>Starkiller Base destroyed by Poe

The Death Star plan were acquired by bothan spies not some made up bitch