Please, tell me he got up again

Please, tell me he got up again.

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No but they can just make a new one it's fine.

He's a machine, they can just fix him.

So this is what Kino must feel like.

>wanting to live when your holowaifu is dead

Yeah, in the post-credits scene

its like pottery

From what I remember in the original Replicans are assembled from individually vat-grown body parts and organ. Fuck it's even an iconic scene in the first one, with the hand in cryo-freeze.

Do you remember that?

He died, but achieved his goal in doing so, dying with a purpose

don't feel bad for him, he's with his waifu now

>real human bean starts playing

well he drives away after like 3min

Do AI beings go to heaven, user?

if K goes to heaven he could probably recreate her

>get the fuck up and do your job

>it ain't me starts playing
it's just like drive...but NOT REALLY

>His Joi died like she wanted, as a real girl
>He died like he wanted, as a real boy with purpose

how did he know which car Deckard was in? He could've killed him in that shot.

His police car or the drone could probably scan for heartbeats or thermal signatures.

Yeah but was K a Replican?
Or a Replican't.

This is funny, why they all pronounce it like that?

who cares, goat movie