Why is a 5'7" literally who manlet with shitty bone structure playing Han Solo?

Why is a 5'7" literally who manlet with shitty bone structure playing Han Solo?

what a punchable face

inb4 Spielberg found him at a Bar Mitzvah article.

Because he's jewish


What an ugly, shifty eyed man.

>Why is a 5'7" literally who manlet with shitty bone structure playing Han Solo?

Harrison was a literally who when he got the part as Han Solo.

Yeah, but Harrison was trying for years and years, and he's actually a good-looking Alpha and a good actor. The other guy was literally discovered at a Bat Mitzvah.

>human torch playing Captain America!?

>height mattering when it comes to kino

>young han has a worse hairline than 70yo han


>he thinks actors don't get work done to hide hair loss

>he must be at least a skilled acto-

>every male on the light side is sub 5'9".
>every female on the light side is either same height or taller.
>dark side kylo is taller, but still dwarfed by Phasma.
>nuSolo is a 5'7" manlet

what do they mean by this?

Dark Side = Best Side. Light Side Cucks are useless fucks who cannot even maintain a form of Government.

what does that have to do with his point

i dont kno


holy shit, finn's arms are longer than a gorilla's

more box posting

One day we will carve homes out of the flesh vessels of lanklets when we finally rise up.


Shoulda went with Anthony Ingruber

jews don't have big faces
according to the stereotype they have little ones dominated by big noses and sloping foreheads
germans on the other hand are NOTORIOUS for big faces dominated by wide meaty chins and strong browlines
that's the ironic part of this image

name O N E movie with a protag that looks like the curly haired music producer in that photo
the closest you'll get is adrian brody and the fucker isn't even jewish and his movies are always flops
ffs you didn't even look at the OP