New synopsis for the upcoming MCU movies

Thor, BP and Infinity War

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>Preventing a coup in a foreign nation

black panther synopsis looks interesting, can't wait to see how international politics gonna play out on MCU

BP sounds likes it's based on Priest's run. This pleases me.

That Black Panther synopsis sounds like the McGregor run and Coogler is really talented which means it could be good if it's not gutted by quips.

Literally only care about Thor for Hela. BP is gonna be cool af. I re-watched Civil War a few weeks back, and the actor nails it as T'Challa.

Can I just say that the rest of Phase 3 (outside Homecoming) seems legit interesting? GOTG 2 onwards seems like they're trying to make their films look and feel different. Like, Black Panther has my attention because I have no fucking clue what to expect.

Reading that synopsis for infinity war is so cool
Who would have thought when iron man 1 first came out, we'd eventually end up with thanos/infinity gauntlet on the big screen
How neat

Hell, Black Panther in Civil War was awesome because he was the only character who didn't quip.

Indeed. It's pretty wild that this film is now tangible and not just a far off dream. We'll probably get clips at SDCC about it.

Also this cutie

>quip is bad
when will this meme end?

The problem here is, if Hela were to go "On your knees, mortals!" she'd have the same effect on the male half of the population Loki had on the female.

Like I said before. She warned us.

Thing is, it's not just the Marvel movies, it's almost all of Disney. Yes, some banter can be fun, but it gets tedious when every character is dropping one liners. Black Panther stuck out in Civil War because he was almost entirely serious the whole film. That's the state of Marvel right now.

I remember that there was a LOTR strategy game, where if the villains get the ring on the map, they get Sauron, but if the heroes have it she would appear super charged.

Hyped for these

I fail to see how that's a problem. The MCU has always been lacking in waifu material and has only recently begun catching up to their beefcake.

This started as a legitimate complaint, but people ran too far with it. Joss Whedon's writing and the double-digit average IQ around here are to blame in equal measure.

Some characters absolutely should quip. They do it in different ways when done right. Tony is bitter and sarcastic, using humor to take down any ego that challenges his own. It's rooted in insecurity and egotism, and it fits his character. It pays off when he STOPS quipping and gets serious. It's characterizing.

These kind of "quips" are essential to making movies about those characters work, and no one complained about this before Avengers in 2012. McGuire Spidey quipped plenty because it's in-character, Wolverine was a sarcastic dick all the time. This is why complaints about Star-Lord quipping or calling him "meme-lord" are bullshit, because it's in-character for him. If you complain that they're bad jokes, fine, but that's not what people complain about, they complain about the mere presence of jokes.

Complaints about quips deflating tension for the audience are also bullshit, because good movies can retain and re-establish that tension while using "quips" under pressure well. People use humor in tense situations in real life. Spend some time with soldiers, every one I know did it sometimes or knew someone who did.

The quip meme comes from legitimate complaints about there being too many jokes in Avengers. It's a bit too dense, poorly timed dialogue, and some come from the wrong characters.

Newfags and idiots ran it into the ground by interpreting this as "jokes are bad in muh serious capeshit".

>Threat of a world war in the MCU

Will never happen as it's too serious for the movies and we know nothing major is going to happen to the status quo because Infinity War is the next movie ans they need to make sure normies who only watch the Avengers movies are able to follow the story from AoU and/or Civil War.

Bit of a pointless threat really.

I will say T'Challa shouldn't quip much, but for a different reason than the one given by people who complain about quips in general. If anything being self-serious is a character trait. Everett Ross jokes about this, it's the reason they play off each other well. Ross very obviously uses "nervous-laughter" type humor when he's in over his head.

T'Challa plays the straight man to Ross in the Priest run and it works well. If they want to replicate that dynamic here, T'Challa has to play the straight man.

By that logic every single cape flick's threat is pointless

>African nation
>technologically advanced

Well, considering they're showing the CIA trying to avoid a war, I wouldn't have much hopes for any real politics. It's gonna be the usual preachy Hollywood bullshit about freedom, democracy and how we should respect each other but always remembering America is still the best.

Yeah, if they wanted to be realistic it should have the CIA trying to kill Black Panther because his isolationist regime prevents Wakanda from being exploited by international capital, and the whole thing is bankrolled by a mining company that wants to privatize the Vibranium mines.

The fact that for some reason the MCU is considered "progressive" just goes to show that nerds has no real understanding of politics and power.

Well, it is progressive. The fact that right wing progressiveness is mistaken by left wing ideology just goes to show that Americans can't into politics.

so this is a comedy right?

where is this from?

You do realize that Africa has better cell phone signal than America does, right? Because their cities are being built with all the current tech in mind, they are very advanced right now.