Dad,am I evil?

>Dad,am I evil?
>Worse,you're smart.


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I hate this show. Is it dead yet?

>M-Morty I love watching Morty! I-I-I think all white women should b-be plowed by the bull!

What did he mean by this?

>Dad am I evil?
>Wurze, ure smurt

another mediocre show run into the ground by women, *clap*

can academics explain this to me?

high iq correlates with sociopathy

>You hear that, white males? Women are just as smart as men! We're not going to prove it in anyway, just fucking accept it you misogynists

I read this in Rick's voice talking to the audience.

So how much of the garbage writing in the show is Dan or Justin fault.


Academics tend to live the world of literature and rhetoric, they tend to exclude the real world out of reach of possible consequences. Even when such consequences exist in real life, they igorne it.
Look at how many academics are Marxists, many of them. Almost all of them don't give a shit about the repercussions it's had on human life.

Before this "plotline" or whatever Beth had literally zero indication of being intelligent. The joke was her failing marriage, high-functioning alcoholism, and complete subservience to her father. This is like getting to season three on any generic sitcom and picking out the family mom and being like "all your problems are because you're a genius! you're literally too smart to function!" wtf where did this come from

People still watch this shit?

He meant smart people are more dangerous than evil people. As if you couldn't be smart and evil at the same time

>Look at how many academics are Marxists, many of them
Marxism has been out of favor in academia for decades

I have a little cousin who watches it.
She loves Pickle Rick.
I'm not even joking.


>t. Marxist

How did the writers get away with rick mansplaining??

Lol yeah bro there’s no such thing as Evergreen state or Wilfred Laurier University or Berkeley, social Marxism is a total conspiracy theory!!

I don't like watching a show and being able to predict exactly what political opinion the writer will have on any given issue.

I mean, it's character development. And she was always at least somewhat smart, she is a surgeon.

>dad, am I good?
>better, you're dumb

I feel like shows like this and Big Bang theory are to toe people along with big words and "concepts" that are "hard" to understand. It's the same reason people watch geopardy or something and masturbate to getting maybe 2 $100 questions in the entire show correct. If you actually have high iq it's like watching a cringy self-righteous documentary.

gotta be smart to understand rick and morty desu imo

She is a surgeon and she went through school with Summer as an obstacle.

>toe people along

sorry I'm drunk asshat

Why is interdimensional television so terrible?



As a Uni student I can honestly say you have no idea what you’re talking about. I can count the number of humanities professors I’ve had that weren’t obvious Marxists on one hand. It’s honestly depressing how retarded smart people can be in reality. Noam Chomsky is one of the most talented linguists in human history but the dude is a full blown Marxist. Thomas Sowell’s book on Intellectuals goes into the whole issue rather effectively.

reeeeeee fuck you

The joke was that she was too dumb to be a human surgeon though.

>Am I Evil?
>Yes I am

Is not that she is dumb, she probably didn’t get accepted. She is a pregnant teen. You kind of have to have a good reputation. They probably just looked at her, saw a pregnant teen with no dad and decided she was white trash. Or she decided to take whatever comes her way to make money faster because of Summer. Or maybe she initially liked being a vet and then some people decided to make fun of her by calling her a fake doctor and it stayed with her.
I mean I though it was implied that she had a chance and when she got pregnant with Summer her chances were ruined but I could be wrong.

jesus christ i hate this show

Harmon see’s himself as smart and had a literal meltdown over DRUMPF on stage.

Truly an emulation of life on film.

He's right though. Postmodern theories of power and ideology succeeded Marxism years ago. They were certainly inspired by socialists and shared values of liberty and equality, but their methods were very, very different. If anything, the soul or spirit of contemporary academia is closer to anarchism than socialism.

And that's not even necessarily true, that was just the case for my humanities undergrad. Third-wave/ intersectional feminism (the current wave) is based on a Foucauldian model of power and governmentality as opposed to a Marxist one.

Chomsky's closer to anarchism than socialism, since he's against state power.

>t. uneducated high school dropout