Why was he so strong?

Why was he so strong?

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Why shouldn't he be?

best PT character along with Sheev


>owned by dooku twice
>lost, like, three times against a robot who isn't even a force user
>owned by darth vader
>defeated darth maul, but let qui gon gin be killed in the process

i only remember him barely winning 2 fights. he was a fucking noob

he literally cut darth vader to pieces

>high ground

Luke, did I ever tell you about Soresu, also known as the Way of the Mynock? It was the third form of lightsaber combat, and was a form I mastered after I saw my master Qui-Gon Jin, a practitioner of Makashi, the fourth form of lightsaber combat, defeated by a more aggressive form because Makashi did not offer enough protection. Soresu focuses on redirecting the blows of the enemy by using the momentum of the wielder's blade to conserve energy, so that you can wait until your opponent begins to fatigue before you strike at him. Other masters of Soresu included Meetra Surik and Darth Bane(?).

It was a good form.

More like why was he wrong?

Very high IQ. Master strategist and very in tune with the force.

Also one of the best Form III users of all time. It's why he was able to take down people much stronger than him. He was basically like Muhammad Ali.

Related kino:



He's a Jedi Master unlike a certain somebody

Luke, did I ever tell you about Sperm? It was a biological substance involved in the reproduction of certain species, during which it was often paired with ova. In several species, sperm was produced by males and inserted into females. For instance, male sarlaccs attached to females as parasites and fed their sperm into their mates. Females of the ghest species of the planet Rodia could even access the sperm of a dead male and self-inseminate, leading to the laying of fertilized eggs. Among the gra species, genetic engineering by sentient beings was so extensive that gra sperm and ova were sold with instruction manuals. In other species, the same individual produced both sperm and eggs. For instance, the silicon-based shadow barnacle of the planet Coruscant released both egg seeds and sperm pollen into the atmosphere to reproduce.



Luke, did I ever tell you about r/the_Donald? It was a subsection of a website designed for those who had neither the patience for traditional forums or the understanding of image boards. Eventually, after falling for a joke they were never in on, they grew curious as to the source of their "original ideas" and located the homeworld of the content creators. In doing so, they effectively lowered the quality and output of the content they had thrived on since their inception. They were never good friends.

>iced Maul
>iced Grievous
>iced Vader
>killed dozens of robbutts and normies and never got shot dead by one like all the noobs in the arena
Name ONE (1) Jedi who has a better record in these movies.

Rey is now officially a Jedi, soooo

Luke, did I ever tell you about Soap? Soap was a substance used to wash bodies and clothes. Many kinds of soap existed in the galaxy, including Ewok soap, Trillium soap, Shadowroot soap, and Sludir soap. I knew a soap maker once. He was a good friend.

She's only beaten 1 (one) named character, himself a noobie who was already half-dead. He had been slashed with a lightsaber, shot in the gut with a railgun, and dropped a considerable distance, before punching his own bullet wound for emo points, all while receiving the mental beating of his killing his own dad. It's a miracle he could even stand at that point.

Meetra is the true canon exile.

why is /goodfriendposting/ so kino?

Wasn't he a master of the most defensive way of fighting? I wonder what would happen if Windu and him fight each other.

>Fourth Form

Makashi is second form, which is what Dooku uses.
Qui-Gon used form four (correct), Ataru.

is soresu weak against Makashi? is that why dooku fucked him up so easily twice?