So British cops don't carry handguns? How does that work?

So British cops don't carry handguns? How does that work?

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It works by giving us plenty of hilarious webms of british cops getting bullied by random niggers or rioting crowds and literally having the shit beat out of them, and generally being ineffective against violent criminals.

Brit here.

I fucking love how we invented the modern day police force, and yet we only arm them when we are at our terrorist alert level is at critical.

And even when they are armed, our police force is too small to have any major effect.

French don't either

these guys are so fucking clueless jesus

Britian is filled with cucks who want Muhammad to take their women kek. Britian isn't even white at this point.


I'm guessing if they were to be issued handguns, they would use them with a vengeance.

Elba's hair really annoys me in this show, is part of his character that he cuts his own hair and keeps missing bits?

>How does that work?

They do policework instead

I heard that crazy sexy redhead is only in the first episode. Too bad because I dropped Luther after that.



your casual cop on the beat doesn't but there are armed varieties

They don't need to because its unlikely they will go into situations in which they will have to deal with random dudes with assault rifles like american police fear about every day

I'm French, nice try

>How does that work?
it doesn't

>they don't need
>50 people stabbed in the london bridge attack
>police officers were present but they couldn't do shit

We know muhommed.

Nobody got killed, I say it worked perfectly

Relax, Muhmood.

>thank god this nutjob trying to stab police officers didn't get killed
absolute state of britbongs

They do now.

Anyone have that /gif/ of that Brit cop chick who tried to hit a guy with her nightstick and then got raped?

Thank God he didn't have a gun

we have a specialist branch of the police called SO19 that responds to firearms calls. gun-crime in the uk is almost non-existent, so there's no need to arm every officer.

it works well tbf. there are rarely any instances of cops being killed/shot in the uk despite their lack of guns.

I get people wanting to ban civvies with guns. But cops? You have hundreds of videos proving it doesn't work. You don't have a legitimate opinion.

>muh anecdotal evidence

Good, pleb.

>So British cops don't carry handguns? How does that work?

Not on the street bobby but if you report firearms it's a different story. Someone thought it would be a good laugh shooting their air rifle at people. It hit my leg so I called the cops. In 2 minutes there was a helicopter and the most armed collection of coppers I've ever seen.

In short we do have them but most people in the country don't have guns with famers being the majority owners. No real need for them generally.

Wait what? How in the world does anyone think that is a good idea?

>You have hundreds of videos proving it doesn't work.
show me 5 videos where uk officers get injured

Has this picture ever been more relevant?

They aren't pussys so don't need to shoot everyone who looks threatening.

She's a recurring deux ex machina throughout every season except the most recent

Despite the memes, Euros don't mix as much as Americans do.
Most immigrants are first generation, so people are still very separate.

>Not pussies

We don't need to carry guns to think we're tough you corn syrup retard.


>Making syrup out of vegetables


oh no no no no

>putting it in water
>putting it in bread
>putting it in fresh air
Yeah REEEEEE instead kiddo.

Yeah, what a tragic loss that would be for society.

As an american I'd say it's better. In the end no one is hurt/killed and the criminal can be apprehended and go to prison and potential reform instead of losing his life over making a stupid in the moment mistake and resisting arrest.

nah dude dont they didnt go pew pew and the cool cops didnt get to play judge, jury and executioner, clearly this is terrible policework

S E E T H I N G. Is it prayer time yet?

Wait, there was a fucking forth series? FUCK. Accidentally spoiled myself.

Nice soypost

>fascist cops shooting someone trying to stab them

yes I know this is difficult to understand for americans but in other countries, every offense is not immediately punished with death and the sentences are typically not caried out by policemen on the spot without a fair trial

Is she hot or not? I am debating that.

You don't hear police shooting little kids every day and there isn't a rampant gung ho "shoot first, plant guns later" culture in the police force.

>what is self defense
>what is a shot to the leg

what is giving me a reason this wasn't the best course of action that isn't "b-b-but it looks a bit silly"

kek probably

i do that myself, not that imascool as idris

yeah it's much better to be killed by a cop because you don't have your hands on the steering wheel, or have to cough, or tell them you have a permit for concealed carry, or hold your gun in your own fucking house when they kick down the wrong door. Got to love the delusional murilards. Any sane person would have woke the fuck up when they started ass fisting your wives at the roadside and stealing all your shit because they smelled smth but not you lot, cavity searches and civil asset forfeiture is just where it's at I guess.

Just stop being black, lol. Fucking plebs thinking the police don't have a right to protect themselves.