Stranger Thangz

Will she be back for season 3?


Most likely not at least not prominently. The episode was not well received and the Duffers are well aware of it.

I love this shot

*blocks your nationalist bootlicking path*

who cares?

Ya, but they'll definitely approach it less retarded. You can't introduce such a major plot point like that then not bring it back or mention it.

Lads I'm slipping into unholy thoughts. Help me...

I hope she and the rest of those mystery machine faggots gets retconned

The episode was really about 11, her learning her powers and learning more about her past.

Anyone get this? Have it next to my bed


>learning her powers
how did she not already know that being angry makes her more powerful. when she disintegrated the demagorgon she was screaming and had a clear angry/vengeful look on her face



It was more coming to terms with herself

I.e. not killing the guy when she killed indiscriminately before

Just jerk it to tegan and sara butt shots.

The other girl seemed more experience and teaches her how to better control it.

simply a classic

a lobotomy should fix those degenerate pedophiliac thoughts

how would that even work with her powers? just make people experience her illusions even more intently?


I'm a simple man, I see feet, I jack off


I wouldn't mind a few X-Men episodes as long as they're relegated to a few episodes or a season and don't become the main point of the show.

It's possible that they'll bring in more test subjects and 11 and the gang will defeat the final monster in the last season.

will she be the one to solve the millenia old sectarian conflicts that are currently bleeding the middle east to death?

Why was the demigorgan in S1 able to open up gates whenever it wanted, but the dogs can't in S2? Why can't the Mind Flayer just open it's own gate? What happened to the tear El opened at the end of S1/S2?

there's nothing she can't do