You up Sup Forums? I need someone to talk to

You up Sup Forums? I need someone to talk to.

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What's the matter?

Hey sport, what's going on?

no, it doesn't get better

What's up?

hey bb

I still love her. Even after all these months I still think about her daily. It's been so long since I've felt such a connection that I've just been wallowing in a deep pool of pornography. Luckily my gains are getting bigger and I'm doing well academically, but even at my moments of triumph I miss her. It's like whenever I fall in love it's never meant to be. Either it's long distance or I never see her again. Why does this keep happening?

Because you haven't found a new gf

lmoa ever thought about that being beta? don't be a soft boi.

Rip Grape-kun. Just lost my pet rabbit Stumpy, too.

because you're trying to have a woman complete you. You can't have that mentallity. They need you to complete them.
Honestly user, they arent that great. Find a purpose. Fall in love with your work. You'll get better pussy, and wont be a hostage to women

So you're saying women are a meme? I've been coming to that conclusion lately but I still believe love exists because I've felt it.

I know exactly what you mean. Only its 3 years and counting for me. I have not even the slightest clue how to make it stop because I feel like I've tried everything. Lately, Ive had some success just dulling my mind with meaningless entertainment and, like you said, an unhealthy amount of pornography. Best of luck, user.

Loves not a meme, but you aren't owed true love. Some people never find it. Some people find it, then she gets hit by a bus. It isn't a guarantee, but you've been brainwashed into thinking it is. It's for a very lucky few.

oh for fucks sakes
cut your balls off already you fucking nancy

love is real but it's also a meme.

like the other user said you need something all your own that can give you a sense of fulfillment. a hobby, a job or an artistic pursuit, whatever you can find

let the past die. kill it, if you have to. It's the only way to become what you were meant to be.

What a day, no?

The problem with women is that they love the hunt, and feeling like They have to catch YOU. If they get the vibe that you're chasing them, it's game over (a lot of times, some enjoy being chased, but only by alphas with a massive array of pussy available to them: it makes them feel better than other women)

Can't say anything else except that I know that feel and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Hope you feel better tomorrow user.

I was expecting yelling. P disappointed.

Why do you pronounce user like that?

I was you and now I've completely moved on. It took me three years, every day filled with pain, obsessing over her missing her like crazy. Unfortunately i kept it for me and never talked about it to to anyone . You're already doing better than I ever did during those years by talking about it, even on the internet.
I met a girl in 2013, and at first, it was only to keep my mind off of my ex, and lessen the pain. Fast forward four years and we love each other and are planning to start a family next year.
Just talk about it ( a lot if necessary; the first person I spoke to to about this was a shrink, and it helped enormously), keep going to the gym, and give it time. I was heartshatterred (not just heartbreaken) and today I am finally over her. You will do it too.

lol just fuck a family member she doesn't get along with, that's what i did and now i couldn't care less about either of them


it never is meant to be. It seeming like it is is an illusion unless you have extreme luck. just take it for what it is and enjoy