
just watche it, great flick

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Sheesh! I didn't know this was supposed to be a documentary!! But now that Glumpf's president...

this. fuck white people too.

Tru brah!

>it's Sup Forums hijacks my thread episode

This is really, really thought-provoking. I hope Trump pays attention!

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary...

>white people

um, about that sweetie...

After watching this movie, I understand how someone could vote for trump

They are simply that stupid

most people on the streets were mexicans or something

French Movies review channel

It seems to be a constant that that intelligence of politicians is always questioned. The reality is though that they are very smart people. When will you people realise you’ve literally never thought of any politician as competent? It’s not them that’s the issue but you and your mindset.

They are power hungry freaks with sociopathic tendencies. They are deceitful and undeserving of our trust or admiration. You're an idiot for thinking highly of them.

If Mike Judge never made “The Goode Family” he would have an untarnished track record. Or is he “reddit” now

Watched the film before, the election really reenforce the message with Hillary received the most vote of people with below average income by a huge margin.

Is The Goode Family bad? I've heard conflicting opinions on it

The only people who voted for Trump are rural, suburban retards and racist low lifes that barely contribute to society.

City people (you know the educated ones) all voted for Hillary.

Let that sink in

>tfw they predicted obamas america
fuckin spooky

The Goode Family was pretty damn good. The problem is most of the liberals that typically like Mike Judge have a problem with it is they take themselves far too seriously.

No trolling, it was actually one of my favorite things he's ever did. And all we got was half of a season. He's made a couple other cinematic bombs, but I can't think of their names.

Idiocracy is good, but paradoxically, not that funny. At least to me. I got only a couple of laughs during it.... but it's true and it's tragic, and obviously wer're heading that way. It is a very good movie though.

We're already living in it since November 2016

The Goode Family is great.... but apparently it is not if you're a liberal. The reason it's scorned so heavily is because liberals absolutely cannot laugh at themselves. The overwhelming majority of pro-reviewers and lefty-leaning publications will say it's dogshit, but it's actually pretty great.

There's actually no greater example in tv/film that I can think of than the Goode Family where the pro-reviewers got it all wrong.

It's sort of like King in the Hill but it follows an ultra liberal vegan/anti-war/culturally marxist family. The dad is some type of college professor, their adopted son came from africa (they were hoping for a black) but they got a white South African, they named him Ubuntu.

I think it's pretty damn funny.

why this movie triggered so many Sup Forumstards?


Does it? I visit Sup Forums from time to time and even voted for trump and I think the movie is fucking hilarious

lmaoing @ your life
what are these 'educated' people contributing to society?

>dumb drones with a nigger president
people have it reverse so why any "Sup Forumstard" would get triggered makes no sense.

>City people (you know the educated ones) all voted for Hillary.
>This is what people who pay $2500 to live in a piss smelling, studio apartment with 4 other people in Manhattan think of themselves
What is your degree in may I ask?

Let me preface this by saying they're both turds. But Hillary was obviously more of the same and Trump *at least had a chance of being something different*. Our presidents have failed this nation since 2000, yes, all of them. And believe whatever bipartisan you wish but virtually ALL OF THEM legislated identically with regards to more war, more taxes, more surveillance, and trimming back our constitutional rights.

Trump made himself out to be the more libertarian of the two. He was the only one of the presidential contenders to have sane ideas with regards to immigration (it's not safe just to let ANYONE in).

Then obviously Trump shat the bed. He gave up nearly everything he campaigned on even before taking office. He had a list of campaign promises on his website and literally half of them were gone a week after he was elected. Then two weeks after he elected his Campaign Promises link on his website directed you to 404 page not found. The first dire warning.

With regards to immigration, he's still sticking to his guns. But literally every other idea he had. From working to legalize medicinal/recreational cannibis, to limiting the wars, to curtailing entitlements, to not antagonizing other nations, has fallen by the wayside.

I think he's such a chimp that his handlers literally give him stupid distractions to work on so he doesn't fuck anything else up. Like the football kneelers and half his supporters (the genuine republicans) go along with it cheering. It's like giving a kid an easy bake oven in the kitchen so they can "help" and don't mess with anything important when you're cooking.

Trump made himself seem like the most libertarian option since fucking Thomas Jefferson, but he shat all over that key demographic that supported him. We wound up with a less tactful George W.

Pretty much this. I can’t say for sure because I’m only 25 but I really don’t recall ever having a “good” President my entire life

I'm a libertarian, but honestly Bill was good. He didn't fuck anything huge up. Didn't pick any huge unwinnable fights with other nations. He did deploy troops to help in places like Rwanda and Serbia, but those were WINNABLE conflicts with a game plan and only lasted a few months. He didn't make huge restrictions on our constitutional rights like every other president since him.

And likewise the 3 other presidents when I was growing up Reagon, George Bush Senior, and Bill; all were competent men.

They didn't want to pick fights with every nation on earth (so the military industrial complex and banks could make money hand over fist from the tax payer at the cost of human lives) and scale back our constitutional rights every damn day.

Were Reagan, George Senior, and Bill actually good presidents? Probably not, I don't think they made any decisions that majorly helped our nation but they didn't make a sport of critically wounding our nation in every conceivable way like the post-2000 guys.

I'm the same age. I never voted for the man and wouldn't have given the options around back then but after everything was said and done, I can objectively say Obama wasn't that bad.

Got through the recession, economy breaking records now
Wind down on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't care what other faggots say, that's a waste of resources quagmire with no end in sight.
First step toward universal healthcare
Deported more illegals than any other president while also putting humanitarian policies in place for children and what not
Better relations with the world

Didn't really take steps to curb the spy state like he said he would have.
Didn't manage to do much infrastructure investment
Syria conflict was a mess in hindsight
Fast and Furious scandal

FYI: that 10 trillion debt is mostly due to policies enacted before Obama became president.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

that's every thread. they're confined to their mum's basements so they never leave