Samurai Jack Ending


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Oh shit, Samurai Jack = Tree.

Good last image at least. This bittersweet ending was OK imo.

what did he meant by this?

You can tell Genndy was influenced by his time with Lucas working on Clone Wars. They have the same sense of poetry.

Why'd his nose go tumblr?

rip off. totally needed to be 1 hour long, it felt rushed. I enjoyed the season overall though.

probably so he doesn't look too much like jack

You gonna keep spamming this arent you?

If it means Sup Forums isn't 50% Samurai Jack threads, I couldn't care less what it was.

What will it take for you to realize that time travel in Samurai Jack isn't predestined. It doesn't create alternate timelines. It's not DBZ, it's not Bill and Ted. It's more like Back to the Future

I was thinking it looked like that tree but wasn't sure, thanks for the confirmation

>Being this optimistic
It still will be for at least another couple weeks

lol you have mental problems

will be "addressed" just like the Guardian


Unless Jack is in a completely different universe from his own. He literally just destroyed the universe because Jack can't go back in time because he is in a completely different future that is Aku-free. And since Aku is apparently defeated he has no reason to go back.

Fucking time travel.

not to mention
>the ladybug is the very thing sets Ashi to the right path
>the black spikes are Aku and Aku's deeds

Aku's death brought them back to what they shoudlve been

Stop posting this image everywhere, they were living in terrible conditions at the time.

Compare how the main character of the movie Castaway looked before and after he got off the island.

Either the wedding takes place immediately after they return to the past, in which case it makes no sense since Jack's father was emaciated and grey haired and Jack's mother was hiding in a mountaintop cave and grey haired, or it takes place a few weeks/months after they return to the past which raises the question of why Ashi survived for that long after Aku is defeated other than "lol plot".
You really don't have to go so far as to defend blatantly shit writing.

What happened to the whole King Jack thing and the Guardian?


maybe when the comic series tried to finish the show after four season?
King Jack appears on the last volume and the series ended with Jack and his allies start the final showdown with Aku

the other Jack sent into the Akuless future does that

That'd be actually pretty interesting.

The Jack that got sent to the Akuless future is living a peaceful life... presumably. I found it funny how our Jack replaced his life though.

Never ever.


This is still funny, I will admit.


I'm not quite sure you're right, so let's examine it out real quick:

>Aku sends Jack forward
>Jack arrives in the future and wanders for 50 years
>Ashi sends herself and Jack back in time
>Jack slays Aku

Now, lay those out chronologically instead.
>Aku sends Jack forward
>Jack slays Aku
>Jack arrives in the future and wanders for 50 years
>Ashi sends herself and Jack back in time

Okay so, the problem that stops it from looping is what, that Aku dies in the past? That's a pretty good point to make. However, consider the following:

>Ashi doesn't vanish immediately.

Changing the timeline seems to not happen instantly. What if this is a stable time loop, because slaying Aku in the past doesn't catch up to him in the future until after Ashi sends herself and Jack back to kill him?
What if there's a time loop happening on repeat, and only the people living in the Aku-slain version of the past get to move forward? The whole thing becomes self-contained and has an "out," a direction in which progress is made forward.


>Actually the bad guy's daughter
>Saves the main character from depression
>Falls in love with main character but gets brainwashed
what did they mean by this
>Ceases from existing during marriage

Is it the network's fault Genndy couldn't get 20, or 30 more minutes for the final episode? I'm glad he went back into the past, you can't keep him in the future after keeping people on the hook for 10 years.

But seriously too many points they should of addressed

>No guardian explanation, not even a cutaway
This was probably the worse, if he was there for thousands of years unnoticed by Aku is it really crazy to think he could of lasted 50 more?

>Ashi can use Aku's power to the same strength as he does

I get the reason why she can posses those powers, but being able to send them back in time after 30 seconds of using them is a bit ridiculous.

>Pic related never made it into the show
Pretty sure its referencing to the scene with the wolf, but he didn't have his sword. Was hoping that it would be some small twist.

>Ashi's death scene

Pretty dumb when a death scene is funny instead of emotional. "Oh shit jack I forgot I can't exist, bye". Based on the fact that the town was rebuilt I'm sure this is taking place months into the future, why disappear then?

With all the shit such as teen titans GO cartoon network airs im sure Genndy could of easily gotten 13 or 14 episodes for the season. I don't understand why he would try to rush Jack and Ashi thus rushing all the other plot points as well.


>No guardian explanation
This is the worst, and it feels like a last minute change. Not only was KMR signed on for the series, but Lamarr did an AMA and hinted at the guardian coming back in a future episode.

I think I liked it on the whole but yeah it was insanely rushed. It needed an hour. This didn't feel like a proper finale.


>the world is saved
>aku is gone
>jack is in his own time
Ya, ok

I'm expecting there will be shit tons of Youtube videos with this exact 'theory'.

IMDB doesn't count.


They just needed more time to flesh it out you fucking autist.

>not wanting a happy ending

The final scene needs Aku laughing in the background

Aku is gone before he could destroy the portal or kill the Guardian. Jack, now in the past again, will become King jack in the slightly later past, and use the time portal for some reason.

Bittersweet endings feel cliche anymore nowadays. Everyone is trying to one up each other.


Everything ends bittersweet now. It's fucking dull.





>Sup Forums for the next few weeks
>"let me tell you how time travel actually works"




But what was supposed to mean?
Was it just a coincidence that this particular tree survived Aku's reign for thousands of years and when Jack got back to the past he found it specifically just to sit under it and have sad thoughts about Ashi?
Or was this somehow a hint of him getting into the future after all?

>everyone hates ashi and wants her out of the show
>jack makes her not exist in the first place

We're willing to do "it's just a show, I should really just relax" for things that don't tease a happy ending then snatch it away at the last moment in a dick movie.

If you wanna stab us in the back with your "sorry, time travel says she never existed!" logic, then we'll point out how broken the whole time travel thing is.

Yes, as opposed to real life time travel. Genndy is such a fucking hack.
>literally not knowing about the concept of time paradox
Do you consider Terminator 2 a shitty movie for that, too?

And then the Sengoku period happened.

Samurai Jack is based on samurai/martial arts movies you know. That kind of bait-and-switch bittersweet ending is 100% consistent with the genre. The fleeting illusory nature of existence and love being most beautiful and when it blooms and then dies like a cherry blossom and all that such and such.

source user plox
I wanna know from where genndy stole the ending

>real life time travel
Are you confused?

>That kind of bait-and-switch bittersweet ending is 100% consistent with the genre

Something a hardcore samurai weeb like Genndy would have known.

"Gurren Lagann".

Saw it coming from a mile

>You don't understand time paradoxes!

Yeah, I do.

Terminator 2 didn't give us a (bad) romance ending in a wedding that looked like it was going to be happy then suddenly went for the jugular.

I mean the time travel in Terminator is a mess, but "Ashi managed to not be paradoxical long enough to get three steps away from the altar, but then she remembered she shouldn't exist"? C'mon, that's some seriously contrived bullshit and in your heart of hearts you know it.

Genndy fucked up.


Erro sir!
U wan bai bowl of RAmen?!

Im glad we got a bittersweet ending. A perfect good end with Jack marrying Ashi would have seemed like a huge asspull just to get them together.
The entire team leading up to her death I kept asking myself "how the fuck is she still here? she shouldn't exist since Akus future doesn't"

Genndy said that the ending was going to be bittersweet.

Time takes... time, to settle in the new timeline of events.

Yeah, but I was talking the specific type of bittersweet that we saw, where it seems super happy but it turns to ash in the heroes mouth. Like, watch any 10 martial arts action movies of the old-timey sort and at least 7 of them will have an ending of this exact type.

fucking new faggot

Why was it so unemotional? Why couldn't they have shared a tearful one last farewell and kiss? Instead her last words are about her existence ceasing and vanishing. At least the TTGL moment was actually bittersweet.

I would have preferred she started to fade away from existence right after Aku's death. Having her wait until shes walking down the isle was a real kick too Jacks blueballs.

There is no other Jack. It's one Jack, it's not even a loop. From Aku's perspective he sends Jack forward and then a moment later Jack returns. Are you people really this fucking dumb?

>Word of God says Simon and Nia had sex before the end of the series
Do you think Genndy stole that too? I sure hope so.

Sure, but the GOOD ones don't make their bittersweet endings THAT contrived.

I could even handle Ashi fading away right after Aku was destroyed, but... her lasting just long enough for the day of their wedding?

Shenanigans. Full scale weapons grade shenanigans.

They had to explain it for dummies.

this, it feels rushed because ashi's character starts and ends with 'plot device'

That's exactly what I was thinking the second ashi said "I felt him leave" but couldn't really believe it would do it so blatantly. Guess I was wrong.

>what is sarcasm
The rule of dramatic. There's lots of great looking stuff in SJ that wasn't explained in great detail. Perhaps Ashi managed to hold herself from dying just for so long.

So does Aku's, why don't I see you complaining about it?

I knew her vanishing was coming but the way Genndy send her off was bullshit. But he really should've at least cared and put effort into their final moment.

Imagine the deepthroats she could give
Sup Forumsmplaining because of a bad ending
Sup Forumsomplaining because it was a good ending
Sup Forumsntrarians in a nutshell

Aku's death was anticlimactic. Genndy really did just give up and only bothered to show the emotional in the final scene.

what? Aku is a character that Jack has been fighting for five seasons with pages full of dialogue

Do you know what 'plot device' even means?
Aku is a challenge for Jack to overcome. That's why his character starts and begins with 'plot device'. But I don't see you complaining about it. Maybe because it's not automatically bad, huh?

It is happy you tard. It's just not little kid happy like you wanted where everyone gets laid, rich, and immortal and nothing is hard or grey ever.

He saved the world and it's people from thousands of years of suffering, at the cost of hypothetical lives.

>they literally emphasized the moment the last part of Aku gets defeated
what did you want you madman?

>The rule of the dramatic

It's possible to be dramatic without going full on maudlin and widening the plotholes just to make the main character's life suck more.

There's no excuse for not only having Ashi get wiped out from the timeline but having her hang on for long enough to start a fucking WEDDING. There comes a point where you're not going "this needs to be bittersweet and dramatic" but going "how can I make this as shitty as possible for my protagonist?"

anyone got the updated reactionguys?

who the fuck was that anyway?

I agree with many that these last few episodes have suffered from pacing problems, but whether that's the result of lazy or last-minute writing.. I don't know. I'd like to think that it's the latter.

I was surprised that they ended up having Jack return to the past. Ever since I was a kid, I always thought that the eventual conclusion would be Jack defeating Aku, and coming to realise that the future needed him afterwards to help pick up the pieces. Either that, or in defeating Aku, Jack would eliminate his last chance to return to the past, what with Aku having time powers himself. I assumed this even before watching the Guardian episode.

When Ashi was introduced and then made a love interest, I doubled-down on that because I assumed that Jack would need to choose between one or the other with her as the centre-piece.

One other thing I thought was really telegraphed and I'm disappointed that we never got to see - Aku returning to full power and becoming passionate again. I thought his whole 'arc' was going to be him realising that Jack is the only thing that keeps him going - a rival, the only thing in the universe which is a threat to him. The final battle could have been a cool way to have him explode and shout in happiness, finally finding some fun in evil once again, before being vanquished.


anyone got a stitch of that outfit?

>aku's hand on C hasn't been fixed

Who the fuck is that?

Cat People from Ultra Robots.

You'd know if you watched the original series.

Watch Jack and the Ultrabots

>I was surprised that they ended up having Jack return to the past. Ever since I was a kid, I always thought that the eventual conclusion would be Jack defeating Aku, and coming to realise that the future needed him afterwards to help pick up the pieces. Either that, or in defeating Aku, Jack would eliminate his last chance to return to the past, what with Aku having time powers himself. I assumed this even before watching the Guardian episode.

i am disappointed, 63 episodes of implying the above and then in the last one they kill off a large portion of the friends he made in the future just so it doesn't feel too weird when he undoes the future

wheres rick and morty part in this